Hey i'm 21 years old and just before my 21st birthday i started getting pain in my back at the time i thought nothing of it and decided to carry on as normal doing the things i loved doing e.g Cycling, Walking,Running,Swimming playing football and basket ball. I woke up on a friday with little pains in back during the day it got worse by the night time i couldnt walk i was screaming in pain. It has been going on for 8 months i cant do all my favourite things i just want to know what it is and if there is a chance of my back getting better without being told that an operation is more likley please help me!!!!!
Rachel: Hey i'm 21 years old and just before my... - Pain Concern

Hi Rachel. Before you take advice from other people online don't you think you should seek advice from your doctor and possibly ask for a referal to whoever the doctor thinks appropriate. Otherwise you will get advice based on various conditions of people's postings online.This is not only likely to misleading,and adverse to whatever is your problem might be, but could also be very confusing. Best of luck.
Hey Sargrith. I have been back and forth to the GP and he has said him self that nothing is working to help me be my normal self again when I was last there I asked him to be honest with me and say how long I was going to go through this agonising pain for so he told me I'm in this for the long run after trying everything we possibly could even got higher medication nothing working the only thing the doctor had left is an operation wich is a chance in working
This girl is a young women that has many years in her life. to be offered an operation,that could effect her life for the next seventy years before telling her what is wrong and giving support is very wrong, operations on the spine can cause untold misery, not only to her but also to future family members.
She really needs to take someone with her to see her GP, No doctor or specialist will operate on a young person without good cause, the spine has not really developed yet, until late twenties, There must be something serious here. What about the cost and problems associated here
Hi the operation has been offered to me. The doctor doesn't yeat know what's wrong with me and is now struggling to find out with me being only 21 I'm 2 young to have this back problem which is constant and is very irratating to me as most nights I can't sleep with the pain being so bad!
Hello Rachel
What is this operation, have you seem specialists, operations on the spine can, prove a problem on one so young.
Dear Rachel,
Before you let anyone near your back thats including injections especailly make shaw your have been given a full diagnoses and then get a second opinion.
DO NOT undergo any opperation or injections including dye or depo medrone ie steriod without fully understanding what it could do to you !!!! even if they tell you whats wrong go and see if there is a non-invasive treatment please, do not get taken in but have this done and you will be right as rain in three days, you could be disabled for life and It's something surgeons do not explain or warn you about. Good luck and God bless
Hi Rachel,
yes, please get a second opinion, or even a 3rd opinion. Ask your GP to be referred to another consultant/surgeon for another opinion. Research who are the best in your area so you know who you want to be referred to. I think neuro-surgeons are best, especially if there might be a problem with a nerve, but I know other people prefer orthopedic surgeons. However the surgeon who messed up my back was an orthopedic so I am slightly biased! Write down a list of questions you want to ask before you go, and ideally, take someone with you. If they are not sure what is wrong with you, then you need some more scans and tests. Have you had MRIs and nerve conduction tests? If they can't see anything, maybe you need another MRI – some scan places inject dye so they can see things better.
I hope you find out what is wrong! Best of luck, Kat
I am assuming you have had x-rays and scans ?
It seems that the doctor needs to talk with you, take someone like your Mum, they are best friends, discuss your condition with him make a list of your questions and ask him what he has found. None of understand the condition you have, as mentioned befor you are young.
Young will need to know the ramifications of your complaint as happens to all of us.
Remember we are always here to talk, although it is always difficult to live in another patients shoes
Good luck
Hi Rachel I have never posted on here before but felt the need to add my voice to those who are telling you to be cautious about surgery. I am full time carer for my husband who was disabled following surgery on his back to cure a problem with his discs. He used to run marathons and now some days he can hardly walk. He had scarring in his spine after his surgery which left him suffering with Epidural Fibrosis, he has constant pain now. It took some years for the post operative condition to begin and he thought the original problem was cured. I think I read somewhere that ten percent of surgeries on backs can result in increased pain. Your doctor should by now have sent you for x rays, mri scans or something of that type, non invasive but good to show what is going on inside your body. I think everyones advice to take someone with you to talk to your doctor is very good. Do they have a pain clinic at your local hospital or clinic? They are very good at starting out with things like physio and aquarobics to see if they can help that way. Best wishes for you sorting this out and please let us know how you get on
Hi Rachel
Have you seen a chiropractor yet. A deep seated muscle spasm around a nerve can cause shear agony. Muscle spasms will not show up on x-rays, CT scans, or MRI's.
Question where have you done your cycling, walking and running? Some people have said that Lyme disease can cause severe back pain. So if you have been exercising in areas where ticks carrying lyme disease are present it would be worth while getting checked for lyme disease.
I do everything I'm at the doctors at 10 30 am so hopefully I find out what the cause is they have done mri and x ray but arnt to sure about giving me a ct scan the doctor was on about admitting me into hospital for further tests so hopefully I'll find out very soon thanks everyone for ur comments I'll let you know how the doctors go.
I do everything I'm at the doctors at 10 30 am so hopefully I find out what the cause is they have done mri and x ray but arnt to sure about giving me a ct scan the doctor was on about admitting me into hospital for further tests so hopefully I'll find out very soon thanks everyone for ur comments I'll let you know how the doctors go.
Please do let us know. Sometimes we reply to sufferers who are in a bad way but then we don't hear back and I for one wonder what happened to that person. Are they better ? Hopefully!
Good luck with your tests,let us know how yougot on
hey everyone well i went to see the doctor tuesday and she wasnt my normal gp so she wouldnt help me she decided to reffer me to a muscle clinic ive had an mri but my gp wants another 1 done and he might be refering me into hospital to have a course of tests done as i have not long found out that what ever is wrong with me goes through my family its 5.21 am now and its the 3rd night without sleep because of my back its getting harder and harder to settle at night time tbh right now i want to give up and say whats the point in all these tests if they cant find out whats wrong i used to work and everything exercise all the time and now i cant even walk 5 miles to a shop on my own i used to walk 20 to 30 miles a day everyday. ive been going on trips since 14 and started doing things like mountin walking gorge walking gyle scrambling different things from the age of 14 then the trips finished as i got to old for them but i still done all the things i loved all i want to know is whats wrong with my back and why has it happened so quick my gp thinks its the discs and that an operation is needed im stuck i really dont know what to do i just want to cry.
Hello rachel
It all seems very fluffy, they must have some ideas what the problem is, it sounds like you may feel it may be genetic???
This Forum is interested in you and if you need support we are here.
Thank my GP is going to send me for a CT scan he thinks the dicks are herniatet or I might have something that runs in the family it ends in spyondiloses I think so it looks like after 8 months I'm eventually finding out what it is thanks everyone for all your comments yous have been a fantastic help x
Thank my GP is going to send me for a CT scan he thinks the dicks are herniatet or I might have something that runs in the family it ends in spyondiloses I think so it looks like after 8 months I'm eventually finding out what it is thanks everyone for all your comments yous have been a fantastic help x
You could have a trapped nerve in your back think back when the pain first started were you doing something strenuous like sports or lifting some thing moving furniture will do it . If this is the case you should go see your Doctor and ask him to get you seen by a Physio or some one who deals with the problem. Rachel it may mean you have to attend an hospital for X Rays and manipulation of you back try the doctor first also heat is good for back pain you can buy these pads you put on that have a great effect on pain, Take Care and good luck