Up and down on the roller coster of ovarian cancer - My Ovacome

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Up and down on the roller coster of ovarian cancer

ScardyCat40 profile image
38 Replies

Well since my gall bladder surgery I have been feeling great. I've been cutting back on what I eat and I'm starting to lose weight, I have been doing a lot of walking as I invested in a pedometer and it has really motivated me to get moving again. I've also entered a 10k race in July which I did last year and I'm hoping to improve on that time so I've started training for that using a run/walk strategy. I've also been out on my bike a couple of times as well and I even cycled to The Christie for my appointment. I must admit I got some odd looks with my blood form in one hand and my cycling helmet in the other.

I last went to the The Christie about 4 weeks ago, which was only a week after my surgery. Looking back I should have probably rearranged the appointment but to be honest with the distraction of surgery I forgot all about it. Of course my CA125 had risen from 34 to 67 but I was only a little bit worried and I had convinced myself that in 4 weeks time when I went back for a repeat test that it would have come back down as I have been feeling good.

I was very disappointed this morning when I found out that its gone up to 77. I'm waiting for someone to get back to me this afternoon but I expect it will mean another scan or going back in 6 weeks. This is the bit I hate the uncertainty, waiting for results and decisions to be made so I'm feeling a bit sad and a little bit nauseous.

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ScardyCat40 profile image
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38 Replies
hil65wil profile image

Glad you feeling so fit and recovered from your op. Sorry about ca125 though.

Take care thinking and praying for you

Love Hilary xx

What a shame your balloon of general good health is being a bit punctured by the ca125 - but isn't it possible that it's elevated because of your recent surgery still?

I do hope so! Enjoy all that exercise (when the weather permits!) It's so good for you.

Very best wishes,

Isadora x

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to

Yes it is possible

Hi ScardyCat,

Still thinking of you and sending my best ishes and love x G x :-)

Whippit profile image

Hi Lorraine

I'm sending my best wishes and a hug as you're on a roller coaster at the moment. It's so good to hear you're training for the 10k and working on a fitness regime. Wish I had your self-discipline to lose weight.

It's horrible to go back to the hospital and find the CA125 is rising. I'm in the same situation. I don't have to go back till May but I'm rather dreading the test results.

Is that little cat still keeping you company? I'm just hoping it stops raining soon so I can take my dog out. He doesn't seem to notice or mind whatever weather we have.

Love, Annie xxx

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to Whippit

Mia the minx is currently asleep on the sofa behind me. Whenever I go out for a walk or a run she tries to follow me so I have to make sure that she is indoors when I go out either that or put her on a lead and take her with me!!!!!

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to ScardyCat40

My cat Mincer is not just on the duvet - she's under it with her head on my pillow. She was flat out when I last went to look at her and I didn't have the heart to shoo her off to a more cat-appropriate place to sleep. lol xxx

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to Whippit

I'm afraid I spoil my cat and she sleeps with me and gets me up every morning for her feed. She went out this morning but as soon as it started to snow she was back in.

I can understand your disappointment and worry, Lorraine. I do hope things turn out ok for you.

Thinking of you and sending a big hug.

Linda xx

citrine profile image

Hi Lorraine

Sorry your CA125 is disappointing.

Well done for concentrating on your exercise regime.

Will be thinking of you. Sending hugs to you and Mia.

Love & best wishes

Mary xx

charlie12 profile image

Hi Lorraine

Good to hear from you but sorry to hear about the raised ca125, I so hope that it is related o the surgery you had. I seem to remember your pathology was borderline plus some invasive ? Perhaps you could have it done a bit sooner .

Good that you are back running , so funny to hear that your little puddy cat wants to go with you !

I am hoping to do the race for life again , am nowhere near your standard of 10 k.

Take care

Charlie xxx

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to charlie12

I had some borderline but mostly low grade with some high grade areas. Although when I went for my second opinion that is one of the areas that they disagree with so its hard to know who to believe. I believe there is a lot of subjectivity in differentiating as its just based on someones observations and personal opinions.

sue1212 profile image

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say we all hate the uncertainty and waiting around associated with OvCa. So sorry to hear that your numbers are increasing.

You have embarked on a new exercise regime...could this along with the surgery be contributing to your increased CA125.... I remember reading somewhere that someone's CA125 was elevated following a marathon run but levelled out in the weeks after.

In the meantime, take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

All the best

Sue xx

ScardyCat40 profile image

Errrrrm I don't think I'm quite up to marathon distance just about 30 mins three times a week

Jan76 profile image

Hi there Lorriane,

Really good to hear from you again ......

Sending very positive thoughts re the CA125 xx lets just hope its down to the gall bladder op .

Well done with the walking and exercising , it does take time to build your self up again and it will help much more when spring arrives !!!

Mia has the right idea of staying in the warm ..

Take good care now .

Love Jan xxxx

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to Jan76

Thanks Jan Mia is out at the moment on urgent cat business. I decided to go for a walk round the block at 6 pm because I was fed up of waiting in and thought the hospital isn't going to call now but 11 mins after I went out they called and left a message saying they will call back Monday. I wish they would have just said what they are going to do.

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to ScardyCat40

So frustrating when that happens Lorriane .....trouble is they never leave messages !

Hope you and Mia are cozy warm together xxx

Love Jan xxxx

The only way to deal with this is to think positive. Listen to your body which is saying: I feel OK. Even if the CA 125 is on the rise, it may be due to the op as above, if not then you sound to be in good shape to face what comes. Despite being scaredy -- and that's something we all understand...

Cuddle Mia lots whenever she deigns to show her whiskers / grant you the privilege. My Minx is currently tormenting Bob, one of my oldest cats, who is taking it rather well all things considering. Minx is a total ball of madness in tortoiseshell tabby shape. I so wish I had drawing skills to capture some of the insanity like Simons Cat does!


Sue xxx

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to

Yes I have to admit she makes me smile. last night the shower curtain fell down in the bathroom in the wee hours. We both got up to investigate and she made me laugh by climbing into the bath and giving it a proper investigation that included pouncing on the curtain. How cute is that?

in reply to ScardyCat40

Cuter than Minx who I strongly suspect of being the guilty party responsible for a poo found in the bath this morning! Bloody snow, and they take it as license for anything!


francescahannah profile image

Hi Lorraine

I'm fairly new to this site although had ovarian cancer for nearly 9 years now. On my 4th line chemo at the christie now and been struggling. Anyway I do really understand the stress of waiting for blood results and never knowing really whats going on inside. I too run and do my best to stay fit when well and managed the manchester 10k last year for Beechwood which felt good but took it out of me too. I thin its great that you're running and i do believe exercise helps both physically and emotionally to keep us as healthy as poss. i wish I could run with you but I think the most I'll manage this year is walking the race for life. Good luck with it and take good care,

Francesca x

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to francescahannah

Walking is good exercise I do a lot of walking and when I try to run I take regular walk breaks as I'm not fit enough yet to run for more than a few minutes. I did the Manchester 10k last year as well for target Ovarian.

francescahannah profile image

I think its amazing that you can even run that much so soon after surgery. I live in heaton chapel if you ever fancy meeting up for a walk or little run (in a couple of months !)that would be good.


ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to francescahannah

Just to meet up would be great I live in Whalley Range

francescahannah profile image
francescahannah in reply to ScardyCat40

OK if you want to email me direct its francesca.hannah@gmail.com and lets see if we can meet up. I only had chemo on monday so not up to much at the moment but hope I will be next week. I do usually go to Unicorn in chorlton every week when well and could meet up in chorlton at battery park or somewhere.



ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to francescahannah

The unicorn is great and I was in Battery Park today

mummybear59 profile image

Hi Lorraine,

Sorry you are going through this worry and uncertainty so soon after your gall bladder op but glad you are feeling well. You WILL worry until you know what's happening but try not to worry too much and instead focus on all the good stuff that's going on with your body. Running is good for the body and the mind and as long as you don't overdo it you will be giving yourself lots of ammunition to fight any of the bad stuff that MIGHT come along!! Hopefully the raised CA125 is only temporary and linked with your op. It is hard though i know. I think sometimes its the uncertainty that is the worst thing with OC. But we can't do anything about that so just try and focus on the things you CAN do. So.....Eat healthily, exercise gently and do all the things that make you happy.

Love and hugs


ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to mummybear59

Thanks MB I'm guessing we are no longer in Kansas. I've just done some 'gentle' exercise with Rosemary Conley.

mummybear59 profile image
mummybear59 in reply to ScardyCat40

Hee hee, nope, definitely in Oz. Well done you! Rosemary Conley must be about 90?!


ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to mummybear59

Do you know you first started her diet because she developed gall stones and needed to lose weight? I know but i can only just keep up with her

Hi Lorraine

I sometimes wonder what is more worrying the flipping increase in the CA125.or the cancer.

It is a especially annoying when you feel well. I hate the scans as well as it is the reality of what is happening inside of us.We could do with little cameras so we could spot what is going on in our bodies (we wish)Sometimes I wish I had the cancer on the outside at least we could spot things quicker.Still we could have a worst disability. Although sometimes it doesnt help. Anyway Easter is approaching and hopefully the excuse for chocolate.Good luck with the running I will go and look at my treadmill (Ha Ha)

Regards Barbara.

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to

That made me laugh

in reply to ScardyCat40


I am very pleased keep smiling.

Regards BarbaraX

drdu profile image

Good luck.


Eileen xx

HumbleD profile image

Hi Lorraine,

Sorry to hear that CA125 is rising, but in total admiration of your health regime. I know how hard it is for me between tests and results and also waiting on decisions surrounding what next. In total empathy with you on that. I suppose my own experience is unless symptoms they generally leave a CT scan. I hope you hear soon about what your specialist decides and good luck with the 10k.

Love from Wendy over in Leeds xx

ScardyCat40 profile image
ScardyCat40 in reply to HumbleD

Hi Wendy,

I have a CT scan booked for next Friday afternoon. I've not actually been feeling well over the last couple of days. I have been suffering with constipation, tummy aches and nausea

HumbleD profile image
HumbleD in reply to ScardyCat40

Really sorry to hear that you do not feel very well, very pleased to hear that they are covering all bases with a CT scan. I recently tried ginger root for nausea. Chopped up about an inch of root ginger and boiled in water for ten minutes, left to cool and combined with cool water. It gave some respite and I took about three times a day. It got me through a bad patch last year. Hope you can get an appointment soon after scan, for results.

Hang on in there, love Wendy xx

ScardyCat40 profile image

I find that exercise takes my mind off the anxiety of waiting for results. I try to practice something called chi running which helps to reduce the risk of injury and to make running more effortless by focusing on a number of techniques.


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