Well saw my new oncologist today and will be starting carbo and gem in just over a week. New oncologist very nice really felt he listened. Much happier well as happy as you can be facing another round of chemo. Unfortunately he does not think avistan will help long term and would not give me long term benefits.
Here we go again: Well saw my new oncologist... - My Ovacome
Here we go again

Hi Sharon, I've just read a couple of your old posts. It's a #u##er that you need treatment again so soon. We all hope for a long remission ( I have yet to have yet to have one). My surgeon wasn't too impressed with Avastin, he feels it's being hailed as a wonder drug and that's not the case allegedly. I'm glad your new onc seems better than the last one. It's always better if you have a decent relationship with your team. I do hope that this next round will be more successful and you will have longer remission
love Chris xx
Hi Sharon,
Sorry you have to start chemotherapy again but glad you are happier with new oncologist-it makes such a difference when you feel they are listening to you.
When I was first diagnosed I had read about Avastin and was very upset when I was told I wasn't eligible for it -now I am not so sure it's best for everyone .
I really hope you have a longer remission next time.
Anne x
Hi Sharon,
Thinking of you, sorry that the chemo starts all over again, best wishes love x G x
Dear Sharon
I'm sending very best wishes and hugs and hoping that this new recipe works for you. I went to a talk by one of the leading researchers into Ovarian Cancer and he claimed Avastin doesn't really give us any appreciable length of remission over and above chemotherapy.
I'm pleased to see you're more comfortable with your oncologist. It's so important to feel they're listening to you and are on your wave length. You can also always ask for a second opinion. I've said I'll do that for my second line which I've been told is going to happen at some time as my tumour markers are on the up.
What will the pattern be? Is it 3 weekly like you had with carbo-platin? At least we're heading into Spring and the days are lengthening. All we want now is some good weather.
Love Annie xxx
Hi Annie
Thanks for your good wishes. Before I met my new oncologist had decided was going for second opinion but as he has come from a different hospital I decided to see how things go over first couple of chemo. I am going to give Ruth a ring and just get a little mor info o second line. Have done a bit of research on different combinations and the one I'm going on seems as good as any .
Week one is the combination a half day intravenous. Week 2 is injection of germo then week off and then start again with three weekly cycle
Hello Sharon
I had dose 9 out of 12 of gem/carbo yesterday. If you're like me you will have gem/carbo one week, gem only week 2 and then nothing week 3. I can report no significant side effects and you get to keep your hair - a bit of thinning but only I would notice. They warned me that I might have to have a blood transfusion part way through but my blood results have held up remarkably well. I hope the same goes for you. I went out for a night out a couple of weeks ago and even hit the dance floor. I never thought I would do that again at almost 50, let alone during treatment. Never say never!
Just in case I am making it sound too good to be true, I cried solidly for an hour yesterday morning and found it difficult to get out of bed. That has nothing to do with the treatment just the relentlessness of battling the disease for over 5 years now, worrying about elderly parents, children and money worries! Bounced back fairly quickly!!
I really hope you find it all OK.
Love Sarah
Thanks for that sarah, its really encouraging. I lost my hair last time and actually found life easier without it, except cold. Its grown back curly and I have not grown it kept it shorter everyone says how nice it is, the only problem is my best friend cant find me when we go shopping as she keeps looking for my old hair in the crowds.
I am having the same regime as you so lets hope Im as well. I had carbo and taxol last time but reacted to taxol so just carbo after that. I suffered with tiredness and gastric broblems last time. I had had the hytorectomy last time and had alot of sleeping problems which I think is more due to menopause brought on be op.
Im determined to do more this time as i kept away from crowds and stopped going to my rugby and ice hockey, Determined to do better this time as this is my life now and need to make most of it.
Great to here you have been battling for five years (well you know what I mean) it gives inspiration to us all
Good luck with the last few treatments
All the best
Hi Sharon
Good luck with your next round. Like you I was originally diagnosed in December 2011 and will be starting 2nd line soon. Not sure what but my oncologist did say will probably be weekly taxol. Had ca125 and scan last week just waiting for appointment with oncologist to find out what happens next.
Glad you have a better oncologist now.
Keep fighting and keep us posted.
Love Linda xxx
Hi Linda
Thanks for your good wishes. I will keep blogging I unfortunately only found this site near end of my first lot of chemo, but have found it hugely helpful.
Good luck with your appointment and I hope it goes well.
I have seen some questions on weekly taxol on the web site. I unfortunately cant have taxol as I reacted to it in my first line chemo.
Keep us posted how you get on
All the best
Sharon x
Hi Sharon
I didn't find this site until the end of my chemo either. What a godsend it has been! I spent so many days feeling lonely and very scared, and didn't know where to turn. I'm sure I will be able to approach my next lot of chemo with a much better frame of mind.
I must admit I do wonder how they decide which chemo to use after your first line. I will make sure I have a list of questions for my oncologist.
All the best
Linda xx