Chemo started today - standby worked! - My Ovacome

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Chemo started today - standby worked!

Madz profile image
13 Replies

Well I had the call yesterday afternoon to attend the day unit this morning, which I duly did. After a false start due to my delicate veins (never happened before - quite like the thought of being delicate somewhere......). Conversations were had reference PICC lines and next thing I knew I was up and running.

I went armed with book, iPad, magazine, cuddly toy, chocolate buttons (well I am delicate) and apart from snaffling the chocolote buttons probably a squeak too early in the day, as then had no buttons to look forward too, I didn't look at anything else.

I did however meet some amazing people and as I am a nurse I ended up chatting about stuff I know about and like to think that amongst all the angst and worry I helped a little bit and certainly received a lot in return.

So all in all waiting to see what side effects rear or don't rear their ugly heads, but in the grand scheme of things I am ok and today was there we are and hurrah for that. One down five to go.


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Madz profile image
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13 Replies
wendydee profile image

I'm glad you got the process under way. I hope you feel ok tomorrow. I love the idea of 'I am ok' .Long may it be so. :-) I read somewhere that if we can say, 'Right here, right now, I am OK' for most of the time, it helps to keep us balanced, even when things get rocky. It's often the 'What if....' moments which throw us off course.

All the best for the next 5

Love Wendy xx

Whippit profile image

Dear Madz

Quite right. Each chemo treatment is one less. Keeping fingers crossed you're feeling fine post chemo and the sun shines because it raises the spirits.

Take care. Let us know how you're getting on. xxx Love Annie

Just sending you best wishes love x G x :-) :-)

Madz profile image

Guess we should all be in bed but someone once told me that sleep is for wimps. However feel should go now, although in the words of a song...if your not living on the edge your taking up too much room.

LOL - nite nite xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Well done, sounds like it went quite smoothly, gives me hope for mine, appointment next wek to discuss it, but as it's only Tuesdays for chemo looks like it will be Jan 1st.

Best wishes, hope it continues smoothly, must remember to pack choc buttons, as not sure they will let me in with a litre of whisky lol.

LA xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Lily-Anne

Perhaps they'd add the whisky to the lines and you could put it straight into your veins. Could cheer up a boring chemo session. Good you're seeing the funny side of things these days Lily-Anne. xxxxx

MargaretJ profile image

Glad to hear all went well! Do be prepared for the total loss of energy around day 3! Roll with it, in this weather perfect for duvet days!

All the stuff you took to chemo and extra supplies of choccie buttons, kettle in the bedroom or at least a thermos of your fave hot drink, so you don't feel guilty about calling for attention, and, above all, the hot water bottle in furry cover!

For me each time I had one week feeling like a 2 week old lettuce left in the veg rack and two weeks like a teenager on speed! (I am 72 remember)!

Welcome to the journey to remission!

Love xxxx M!

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to MargaretJ

Oh yes I'd forgotten the effect of steroid after chemotherapy. It was just as I imagine it must be like on speed mixed with a bit of dope to make you laugh. Very strange stuff chemotherapy! xxx

citrine profile image

Glad you were able to crack on with the chemo Madz.. Take it easy this week and go with the flow. Remember, if you have too much trouble with nausea, they can give you stronger anti-sickness tablets.

Wishing you all the best

Love Mary xxx

doreenharwood profile image

Hi Madz,

I know what you mean about taking things to chemo. I always take a book, magazines and my knitting but never end needed any of them I always find someone to talk to. The nurse did say all the talking was due to the steroids I am on. My husband says " My wife does not need steroids to talk she talks for England normally".

Re the chemo its not as bad as you think I was fine with the first three and carried on working as normal it was not until I got to number four that I felt unwell for about three days at a time. I have had six now so I'm on a break for a while.

Anyway good luck with the treatment keep positive .

Love Babs x x

Madz, that's great -- you're on your way, it'll have some downers but its all sending you in the right direction!

I was delighted when described as sensitive -- am more normally described as a bull in a china shop so I know exactly how it feels



PS No way a packet of buttons is enough. Take a big bag of snackie selections along each time - you never know what you will feel like and need to treat yourself!

pixinafix profile image

Glad you're feeling OK. It doesn't always hit you immediately, so take it easy- and don't go anywhere without the anti-quease tablets. The nausea can get you quite suddenly, and it's better to deal with it rather than thinking it might go away.


sarem profile image


I have had 3 lots of chemo which went well. I reckon on feeling fine for about 2 days then very tired over the next week. I had a brilliant social life during the following 2 weeks. Signed off from work but was determined not to shut myself away. I have kept a positive attitude throughout which really helps. Just go with the flow rest when you are tired and dont feel guilty for sitting and watching rubbish day time tv. I caught the start of many a programme and then woke up and it had finished. listen to what your body tells you!!

I have been lucky as I didnt get any sickness, dont try and be brave take all the pills they give you. Dont be afraid to ring the number they have given you if you feel any symptons you are worried about. My hospital has been great and very supportive. I have also got a specialst nurse who I have phoned for less worrying problems.

I have had a break from chemo as I had to have more surgery but am about to have my 4th lot this week. I just want to get it started as i am due 3 more lots the sooner i start the sooner I will finish.

you will be amazed how quickly your chemo sessions will happen my first 3 seemed to fly by so I am hoping the next 3 will too.

Good luck with it all.



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