So about 6 of us were sitting on the reclining chairs with various chemotherapy IV infusions going in. Nurses and WRVS volunteers were keeping us all well plied with tea/coffee etc. A youngish (well young by my standards) man opposite me got a phone call. I presume the person to ringing asked him what it was like because his reply was "Well, it's like a coffee morning with drips." We all cracked up! Great to have a "communal laugh" in the midst of chemotherapy!
Made me laugh at chemo today: So about 6 of us... - My Ovacome
Made me laugh at chemo today
Was there a chorus of "How very dare you call us drips"???!!!!!
Seems a large room , there were only three people maximum in the cubicles in my chemo unit! It was good though to meet and chat to others and I met some inspirational people.
Glad it went well.
Clare xx
Love it!!😂😂😂😂
There were always around 10 people in my chemo unit at a time, but we didn't really chat to each other. I would have loved a bit of banter like that!
Made me chuckle. Very funny x
I am laughing here too, I hope he was referring to the chemo drips not the rest of ye haha. I think we need a laugh to keep us going dont we?
Made me chuckle! good laugh is the best medicine x
Awesome, just goes to show we can still laugh even when on chemo. My chemo was at Christies and we were able to wander around with our drips and have a natter with lots of people which made the whole experience much more bearable and I made some lasting friends.
Thank you for sharing this it made me chuckle ❤️Xx
ha, ha, love it, made me chuckle this morning. Xx
What a brilliant way to describe chemo!
Sometimes I think it may depend on how big the chemo unit is. I have had some of my chemo at a big unit at Addenbrookes where it's difficult to have conversation with many people, though sometimes I've talked a bit to the person in the next chair, &, of course, some of the nurses if they have time. I've also had some chemo at one of their 'outreach centres' a health centre which has a chemo room staffed by some of the chemo nurses from the hospital. There they have a maximum of 4 patients at a time, & there was a lot more general conversation, & sometimes banter. I remember when I was having weekly Taxol, saying I was losing some of my hair, & had lost more from one side than the other. Someone suggested it was because I had a brain on one side & not the other! Di PS Apparently the side with more hair had brain.
Brilliant! I never had a chat with anyone on my chemo ward-everyone had individual cubicles.
Chatty lot in Winchester which was lovely as it was my first time. Six of us having chemo in the room and all of us with November birthdays, 4 of us on consecutive days! Spooky 😆
Brilliant 😂