Will this be horrible?: Well, I know this is... - My Ovacome

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Will this be horrible?

Lily-Anne profile image
18 Replies

Well, I know this is going to be the day for panic, but I have just read on another forum about menopause, and I had forgotten all about that, I shall go straight into surgical menopause after the op? Or will it be a couple of days? What will it be like? Is it horrible? No more periods, how weird, what about all my tampons?

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Lily-Anne profile image
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18 Replies
Whippit profile image

Dear Lily-Anne - you're such a mix of the practical and philosophical I don't quite know where to start to answer your question.

I think for a start you won't be worried about the menopause right after your op. You'll be intent on recovering and dealing with getting up and about, walking and getting back to some sense of normality.

I think you might well ask your doctor if you can have HRT to avoid rushing straight into post-op menopause. Once this sets in you will probably wake up in a bit of a sweat at night. Some women seem to find it more worrying than others. Generally it was my husband who used to wake me up to tell me I was in a sweat. I'd sleep blithely through it all because I sleep well - though I would wake some while later freezing cold having thrown off all the covers.

As to what it's like, well it's like saving a whole load of money on tampons for a start. I don't think I noticed any other major effects but I'm sure you'll get a host of answers to your question.

I really do hope the week goes well for you. I know you're feeling very worried and scared about the whole thing. This is the worst part and I think once you're in hospital looking forward to dealing with all the problems with the op you'll feel a whole load better.

Keep posting and we'll do our best to keep reassuring you you'll be FINE!!

with loads of love xxx Annie

Hi lilyAnne,

Just one day at a time love x G x

Lily-Anne profile image

Thank you, I think the post op thing worries me as my consultant told me I'd have to wait for the biopsy before I can have HRT incase the cancer is hormone led. I do appreciate you answering my panic, hubby just came in from work and said oh dear more research, now is the time to leave it be and just get tomorrows CT scan and pre-op out of the way.

LA xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Lily-Anne

I agree with your hubby. You get to be philosophical about this so enjoy the good days. My mantra is why spoil today worrying about tomorrow. Seems to me that if my time is limited - and let's face it, we were all born with a time-limit - I'm going to make the most of what I've got. I think that's a good lifetime philosophy. Xxxx

ChrisH profile image

Hi Lily-Anne

I had hysterectomy last year, and went into menopause (I'm only 43). I found that at first it was exhausting, the hot flushes really took it out of me! However, I take evening primrose oil every day which helps a lot! I have also noticed that the more tired I am, the more flushes I get! They pretty much went back to nothing after a while, only to come Back with my reoccurance, it's probably the chemo taking it out of me! I tend to put a small towel over my pillow at night as this stops me waking up as much.


I agree that the effects of the menopause are not too bad -the difficulty is distinguishing what is what. I have found a good GP invaluable and HRT is not something I would have accepted anyway, but my doctors advised strongly against it as the hormonal drivers in my cancer 'are not fully understood'. My menopause started straight away - I had what felt like a panic attack in hospital, then realised that it was a hot flush.

The symptoms get better with your own good health (tiredness and alcohol bring them on for me- both bad for the immune system), so chemo and menopause seem to exacerbate each other!

Get yourself a lady-care magnet especially for nights - I still miss mine if I don't have it 3 years on.

It's all perfectly do-able, and you'll be fine!


in reply to

Hi Isadora's and Lily-Anne

I looked up the ladycare magnet and found this discussion on Mumsnet - mumsnet.com/Talk/menopause/...

From the tone of it, I think it may have brought on a few hot flushes all on its own! But it's a very interesting discussion and I think I will try the magnet.


in reply to

Sorry, blame the iPad's auto text for the possessive form of your name, Isadora.

in reply to

Not a problem!

I lost my magnet a week ago and didn't have it at night for the first time in a couple of years. I wasn't aware of it's loss as it lives in the bed, and I don't think about it. I couldn't understand why I was having hot flushes and couldn't sleep. I was really 'strung out' and worried. The next day I found the magnet on the floor under the bed and replaced it - slept well with no flushes again since!

I don't care what others think - and I certainly do not care for 'scientific' research as I know how unscientifically it is conducted. This works for me and others, and might work for you too.


wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to

Me too! I wear mine always, except in bed, and swear by it! Lily-Anne, if you have HRT, it will make you feel really well. If not, it's cope-able! There is loads of advice on old posts on here for when you need it. For now, just think of getting through the next week or so, and a good luck hug from me

Love Wendy xx

charlie12 profile image

Hi Lily Anne

I also had symptoms after the operation and was put on HRT as the post op check up wasnt't till 9 weeks after the operation. I would suggest that you ask the consultant if he could let you know as soon as he gets the pathology report back, as you may well be able to have it . In my case I found that the pathologist had done her analysis and report within 48 hours, so it can be very quick.

Not everybody gets symptoms immediately and there is evidence that reducing caffeine and alcohol helps alot.

It honestly won't be as bad as you think and you will feel so much relief when it is over. I secretly enjoyed the quality time / duvet days curled up at home with my dggie and puddy cat. And I cannot tell you how fantastic it is not having periods.

Take care , waiting is the worst part. Try to keep as busy as you can between now and the operation.

Big hug

Charlie xxxx

Jo1967 profile image


I was in your shoes exactly 1 year ago, I am 45 now, 44 then so was plunged as my consultant put it into a surgical menopause. In hospital after my hysterectomy I was just focussed on recovering from the op whic was an ordeal in itself as the cyst was 20 cm big ! The malignancy was in the centre and was graded and staged as Grade 1 stage 1a . I decided against chemo, it was found to be an endometroid adenocarcinoma so oestrogen dependent , which has meant no HRT.

Flushes and sweats are manageable and I was offered and am taking a low dose of Citalopram as an alternative for the flushes which is actually an anti depressant but works on the same part of your brain as where you flush and sweat from !!

I remember so very clearly the panic and fear you are feeling , it is the 1st anniversary of my GP appt today.

One day and one step at a time. Try to assimilate the information and then get a little more. The internet can be your best friend and worst enemy .

I am well at the moment and my bloods which I check for CA125 are low. I am lucky that I am a nurse practitioner so I can do sneaky ones at work !

Good luck to you.


angelina profile image

Hi Lily-Anne

I was one year post menopause when I had my op in November and was shocked

to find I had hot flushes and night sweats return. The doctor reassured me it was

only temporary but advised to buy a Chillow Pillow as it's great for night sweats

during chemo and menopause - and also for headaches and many other things.

Must say it is brilliant so check it out on chillow.co.uk. This is for the original

pillow as there are many fakes out there. Priced £27.50 + £2.95 p/p. (for original)

Its also good for hot summer nights -although that hasn't been much of a problem

this year.

Best wishes for your op.

Love Angie xx

Helen1 profile image


I am over 1 year post op & post surgery started to develop menopausal symptoms within days.

I was referred to the Hospital for Integrated Medicine London & got my symptoms under control with homeopathic medicine. They also offer acupuncture for treatment of same.

My periods had stopped before surgery as a result of the chemotherapy.

Best of luck....& as some of the others said one day at a time.

Pollywollydoodle profile image

Hi Lily-anne,

I had clear cell and endometrioid cell types and was told no HRT as they were associated with oestrogen dependency-

Pollywollydoodle profile image

Sorry- pinged off without warning! I went cold turkey and it wasn't so bad- caffeine and alcohol and spicy food all aggravated my hot flushes but I have lost the PMT and bad period pains, so it balanced out OK for me!! Concentrate on getting over the surgery and everything else will fall into place when you get your results.

Polly xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Thank you everyone for your reassurance, my cancer is stage 1 grade 3 serous and clear cell. Had a rubbish day today, went to the hospital for my CT scan and had the nurse from hell, brusque is the best description really, told her I hate needles, oh well she said, my hand was very painful when she put the needle in, it was the complete contrast to the excellent experience at my last CT, as she taped the back of my hand she said, we don't want you squirting blood everywhere when you get dressed do we, or bleeding everywhere on your way out! Thanks! Then off to pre-op for a 2 hour wait, where I had bloods taken, height and weight (weigh more since last op), asthma check, the nurse form filling time, hubby happened to mention I'd had a pain in my leg for a few days and that was it, off to a&e for an ultrasound incase of clot, was there for 5 hours, ending up sitting there crying, which isn't like me at all, it just felt like everything was so out of my hands, my last day pre-op over, so feel totally exhausted tonight, and off to hospital at 6.45am.

It didn't help that I rread my notes while waiting and saw I'm down as high risk.

Hope to be posting more cheerfully post op.

LA x

suzannehadenough profile image


can i just say that i agree with Gwyn.. One day at a time!

But i had a full hysterectomy (i was 37) I didnt want to have HRT.

After the surgery i didnt have many symptoms. But after i came home i started really bad with the hot flushes and night sweats. They were really quite bad. I went to the doctor who gave me HRT I didnt feel comfortable taking this and i felt it wasnt agreeing with me. to be honest i haven had many other menapause symptoms. Any way i went back to the doctor and he gave me a tablet called clonidine. And i have to say this is great.. It hasnt cured anything but i dont have really bad flushes or sweats any more most nights i dont sweat at all. and i have very few hot flushes through the day but if i do they are very mild. Im also taking pure evening primrose oil every day. I feel this is enough for me. I know every body is different but it works well for me not taking HRT.

I hope your ok and that you recover from surgery quickly .

lots of love

suzanne. xxx

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