Silly things we say.: Sitting here thinking about... - My Ovacome

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Silly things we say.

doreenharwood profile image
62 Replies

Sitting here thinking about the silly things we sometimes say. Maybe other ladies out there can add to my blog as its always nice to read something that makes us chuckle.

This is my Chuckle.

When I was wheeled back to the ward after my operation last Monday I still felt a bit drowsy. I had the sudden urge I wanted to pass water. I said to the nurse " I need to go a wee" and she turned to me and said " You have a catheter in place " I said " But I don`t know how to use it" The next day when I realised what I had said I thought how silly I must have seemed. To anyone who has not experienced a catheter You don't have to do anything . x

Love to you all Babs x x

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doreenharwood profile image
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62 Replies

Haha Babs welcome back...when I came out of the operation (still not with it) and being wheeled back to the ward with Tony (my husband) and daughter waiting and I said "hello Dawn" to the specialist nurse I had only met her once...of course she was thrilled thay I knew her....and I didn't know my husband or my daughter how weird is that? they were so put out ...but I don't remember daughter made sure she told me the next day haha (when I was with it) daft thing is when I met "Dawn" again I had no idea who she was...( burst her bubble LOL cheers love x G x :-)

in reply to

Sorry about typo's corrections that not thay :-( :-/ ;-)

citrine profile image

Hi Babs, hope you are feeling ok.

I'm sure I came out with similar lines, I just can't remember them. However, I did receive a few from other people, usually hair related when I was bald. Several friends alerted me when a glossy magazine was giving away free hair care products. Then one weekend when we were away from home, husband realised he'd forgotten to bring a comb with him and looked at me with the expression men use when they wait for you to produce the required article from your handbag. Had to remind him I had no particular use for one at that time.

Just been told today that I'll have a catheter in for five weeks following my fistual op on Friday. So any more catheter related funny stories will be welcome.

Love Mary x

jan50 profile image

Like Mary, most of my funny moments have been about my bald head! The other day my youngest son, who is a fussy eater and always looking for ways to avoid eating anything which resembles healthy food said ' I'm not eating this you have dropped a hair in it'. I said ' no, I don't think so'. He replied ' it must be yours it's a long blonde one' ( I did have long blonde hair previously)'. I just looked at him and the penny dropped, we both fell about in hysterics, It's so good to laugh.


Lily-Anne profile image

I told the nurse not to make me laugh in case she burst my stitches ... I hope they were tougher than that, do hope she is there on Wednesday

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Lily-Anne

Dear Lily-Anne

Stitches are amazing things. They stitch up all your bits and pieces inside and a great big hole on the outside and really as soon as you feel well enough to get out of bed those stitches will hold everything in place even though it feels as though they won't. It's good to get up and walk as soon as you can.

Meanwhile, once you're home, those stitches need to be nurtured. You can't lift anything for 6 weeks, cycle or walk too far, and you certainly can't drive or do too much. They're very strange stitches, but worth looking after 'cos they are clever little things if you do.

xxxx Annie

MargaretJ profile image
MargaretJ in reply to Whippit

I had superglue! For the first time in my life it stuck what it was supposed to! Usually it sticks me to me and not what I am trying to stick! Then I spoiled it all by getting abscesses that ruptured the scar! Ah well! all I need now is a tattooed zip fastener to complete the additions to my abdomen! LOL!

Love M


Whippit profile image

What a lovely blog idea Babs. How is your tummy today? Hope you've had some advice to put your mind at rest.

Yours and Gwyn's recovery stories prompted me to think back to a previous op. Do you always get a slaking thirst after an op and can't wait to drink something? It's better these days because they'll give you some ice to put on your lips but years ago they wouldn't let you have anything to drink for hours and hours.

Some years ago I was taken back into the ward after an op unaware of where I was. Apparently I was making a fuss about being thirsty and the nurse came several times to my bedside to calm me down and reassure me I could not be given anything to drink because it would make me sick.

When I came round the other patients were cracking up with laughter. Apparently after thrashing round for a bit I'd sat bolt upright in bed, eyes wide open, opened up my bedside cabinet, and before anyone could stop me I swigged mouthfuls of neat Orange Squash straight out of the bottle.

I must have the constitution of an ox and the manners of one too. It didn't make me sick and they did agree when I came round properly to let me have a few sips of water.

xxx Annie

doreenharwood profile image
doreenharwood in reply to Whippit

Hi Annie,

Just thinking about drinking neat orange squash. Glad things have changed nowadays and they let you sip water when you come round. Re my tummy its getting better bowels are working now. I did phone the cancer nurse at Maidstone and she said its normal to have a swollen tummy, she said it was probably my bowels settling down. They had been a bit blocked but now I am home I am eating a high fiber diet and taking good old movical.

Love and best wishes to you Babs x x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to doreenharwood

Ah yes it always comes down to the drains. I think the combination of anaethetic and trauma, and hospital food for a few days is enough to stop up anyone's bowel. Plus you didn't eat for about 2 days before the op.

I'm glad you're feeling so much better and everything seems to be getting back into working order. I found I had a lot of pain for a couple of weeks after the op as waste matter passed down the intestive/bowel. Apparently that's bruising as our pipework isn't used to being taken out and rearranged after 50 or so years.

Let's hope you're making a superb recovery. What are you doing to keep you out of mischief?

xx Annie

MargaretJ profile image
MargaretJ in reply to Whippit

To quote my gynae "what do you expect after all that rummaging around in there?" LOL! I woke up in HDU (high dependency unit) and said "who the hell are you?" to my 1 to 1 nurse! Hardly gratitude! I am ashamed of myself!


Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to MargaretJ

ha ha - that did make me laugh. I'm sure we're not entirely responsible for our words or actions when we're semi-conscious!

doreenharwood profile image

I'm doing good old fashion knitting. Nothing adventurous only squares which I am going to sew together and make blankets for my granddaughters. I have had several visitors since I have been home, which has been lovely. And of course the computer which is such a time waster but very informative. I am finding I still feeling tired so I'm not bother about sitting about at the moment, don't know if I will feel like that in a few weeks time I will probably be climbing the walls by the end of the month.

Love Babs x x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to doreenharwood

Did they tell you walk after 1 week for 5 minutes and increase it every week by five more minutes. You've just reminded me of my first walk with Martin holding my arm. We walked down to the end of the road and back and I felt very brave. Enjoy relaxing, snoozing and recuperating. xxxxx Annie

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to doreenharwood

Brilliant idea for a blog, Babs! I am sure with your creative ideas and access to us lot of willing accomplices, you can pass many happy hours at the keyboard in the coming few weeks. Did you see my suggestion about the Member's Day, further down the page? I remember you asking about it a while ago. It would be good if some of who can make it could get there and see each other in 'real life'. There are details on the Ovacome website, I think.

Now, feet up, take it easy, afternoon nap and have a glass of something more tempting than orange squash if you feel like it! :-)

Love W xx

Hi Everyone,

I have a funny story...when I was about to give birth to my youngest...we were visiting South Wales to collect my mum so she could take care of my other two children...but the baby decided to arrive...he was born in my mum's house... the doctor arrived over three hours later to give me stitches...the dr asked my mum if she had a needle and cotton, my mum asked him what colour..haha case you are wondering she gave him black ...he then proceeded to stich me up yikes! mother lived up a mountain... in the highest peek overlooking the valleys.. it happened to be Mothers day, a Sunday,and April the 1st...all the shops were closed and the neighbours took the clothes off their childrens dolls to dress him.

I had to stay there for eight days (they did in those days) and we only had the clothes we stood in (sooo inconvenient) I tried to iron my daughter's top dry and burnt a hole in it...we looked so pathetic...we had hired a car because ours was in the garage... and it cost us a keep it for the extra days LOL middle child was born in the waiting room of the hospital without them even knowing who I was (but that's another story) teehee love x G x ;-) :-/

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Gwyn, you dark horse, you never mentioned all this. What are you like giving birth in waiting rooms and all in a moment in your Mum's House!!? Who delivered the baby if the doctor wasn't there? The doctor surely never asked your Mum for a needle and cotton. I mean was this a joke or not? Stitches are usually sterilised metal things done with a specialised sort of plier!

You're going to tell us you put your baby in your Mum's chest of drawer for a cot!

I'm speechless with amazement and admiration. xxxx Annie

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Whippit

Now don't tell me you and Tony have been at the cheese and crackers again.

in reply to Whippit

Hi Annie... all true I did have the local midwife and she was arranging for me to go into hospital but Alister arrived before she had chance.. she couldn't do the stitches...don't know why..but the doctor I had was jack of all that time Tony had toothache so the doctor took his tooth out as well.. haha.. honest ! the midwife thought the doctor was barbaric... because hours later I had stitches without anaesthetic but Tony did have an injection first before he removed his tooth LOL

(he's a fella) his words not mine haha. I was only half an hour in labour with my first but Tony kept me up all night with labour pains (his) even now I have to remind him that he hasn't got ovaries...(neither have I come to think of it) I can't have anything... without Tony gets it (or at least the symptoms)

No crackers tonight we went for a meal...we went shopping and on the way home called into the Harvester to have a salad, simply chicken, and an Icecream three courses for a fiver arrived home about 7:30 no washing up...great ! like you I have loads of daft stories haha x G x :-D

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to

Gwyn you amaze me.

I wish I had known you years ago. You are such a character. Life would never be boring around you would it.

Jackie xx

in reply to Jacks150

Hi Jackie,

Thank you for that compliment (I think it's a compliment)

I only finished work last year but when I was working (I don't know whether I mentioned I don't drink) they used to say in work thank goodness for that are bad enough now we couldn't cope if you did ...I used to go out with them.. but we still had a laugh even without the drink (of course the others did) love x G x :-)

in reply to

The others had a drink I mean...we all had a laugh (that didn't read right...didn't make sense)

:-/ ;-)

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Dear Gwyn, That story knocks the spots off anything I've ever heard before. You make it seem very funny now - but honestly you must've been frightened at the time - or did you just get on with it. Just shows how things were years ago. It was probably nearer to nature then and people accepted that sometimes things went wrong.

The story that Tony got the anaesthetic to pull a tooth whilst you were tacked up with a cotton and thread is fit for a tale from Afghanistan. How things have changed! The doctor does indeed sound barbaric.

My mum always said I could have been born on a bus because I arrived so quickly a month early. Fortunately for her she was friends with the midwife who'd come round to the house to play cards. There was no time to prepare. My Dad only remembered being requested to provide lots of boiling water and taking in newspapers. Seems strange now doesn't it.

I bet you've got loads of other amazing stories being brought up in The Rhondda in Wales. Did you meet Tony there?


in reply to Whippit

The best part about that was the doctor made a very good job...a much better job than the stitches I had sixteen months earlier (after I give birth to Lyndon in the waiting room in Chester) I couldn't wee straight after that but I could after Dr Spector (the Rhondda dr) stitched me up and I still can oops! too much information...haha sorry to those of you with a weak contitution ...Tony always said if I was in Wales and pregnant..he would drive to the borders (he had no wish to have a Welsh child) and I was and he didn't... so one child born in Devon, one in Chester and one in Wales (by accident) my first born my daughter (born in Plymouth) I was half an hour in labour (that's all) my waters had broke and we were sitting up in bed (I thought I had wet myself) reading a book to try to establish whether or not I was in labour (how did I know? ) we had plans on Tony being there at the birth... but they sent him home...said ring up in a few hours but my daughter arrived straight away and Tony wasn't there awwww they didn't even have a delivery room spare.. so took all the babies out of the nursery at great speed and delivered me in there...when I eventually got into a ward after stiches of course the ladies there said we heard you screaming all night.. (it wasn't me) I got there at 8am and she was born at 8:30 am... Think the person that was screaming was still in labour yikes! .. the nurses "said aren't you lucky you must have had a good night sleep" Nope! like I said earlier Tony kept me up all night with labour pains (such a drama queen) those were the days haha love x G x

in reply to

I meant to say all the delivery rooms were taken It was a small nursing home so they used one of the delivery rooms as a nursery to give the new mums a rest ..the nurses were jubilant as she was the first baby girl after a long run of baby boys and remained the only baby girl there for days afterwards as no getting my daughter mixed up ...haha

I met Tony on holidays in Cornwall..I was on holiday from S Wales and he was on holiday from Plymouth we were both eighteen Awww

:-/ ;-) (fifty years ago last July)

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Dear Gwyn,

Your posts are so interesting - far too interesting in fact to squeeze into this ever smaller space. I'd love to hear more. 50 years last July - WOW.

Now funny you should mention children born in Wales. I'm not bothered either way as I'm a Londoner and I think we don't have any roots. My first daughter was born in Hereford due to complications. When she was in primary school the teacher was rude enough to tell her she wasn't Welsh as she was born in England. Do you know what she said?

'Sir, if I were a cat and born in a kennel does that make me a dog?'.

I could chat to you for hours!

xxx Annie

in reply to Whippit

That is so funny...I wonder who she gets it off.. haha.. don't children say great things

I am only teasing about the Welsh as Tony wouldn't be married to me if he disliked them...his mother was a bit worried though.. she had heard a lot of bad things about the Welsh..his sister married a Welsh man too (the one that lives in Tavi) I couldn't help remarking that we were taking over the mother-inlaw didn't mind too much by then (Tony's sister is younger) her husband was an officer in the navy and later became a captain and that impressed Tony's mum a great deal...Lol

thank you for the compliment... but can assure you it is mutual...cheers x G x :-)

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

lol - my own experience reflects yours entirely My mum was very po-faced about my engagement to a Welshman. In fact she turned out to be right. I'm sure it was the personality and not the nationality!

My daughter has become rather assertive and now works in a very senior position in London - but to say something like that at the age of 5? It was rather good though.

Out of the mouths of babes .....


in reply to Whippit

Not wanting to offend anyone she could have been right but then I married an English man and it is a biased comment I have something else to say about this haha but later xx

in reply to

Back to what I was going to say earlier Annie,Wendy,Jan and All.

are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin

After giving birth to Alister in Wales..Tony had to register him in Tonypandy he had no idea where the registry office was (no sat navs) so he asked people.. who then replied past Evans the milk,turn left then past Jones the bread,then you walk on further and you'll find Reece the butcher and so on...well Tony was exasperated when he got to the registry office he was very put out because they gave him a birth certificate in Welsh and English (a very fat birth certificate) Tony asked if he could have it just in English.. they were very indignant to him..anyway we got home to Chester and a nurse visited and said that I had to fill in a migration form because, he was what they call an inward migrant (all true) so there you go at the time we had an Arabic man living next door and he didn't even have to fill in a migration form we laughed many a time with Khalid as we had a migrant in our house..Alister at first thought it an advantage to have a welsh birth certificate as he could legitimately join the welsh rugby team he soon realised it wasn't much of an advantage.... but if you remember he was born on 1st of April and he was alway dubbed the class comic then he got older and realised it wasn't that funny to be born on 1st of April so stopped telling people when his birthday is haha but seriously he is still a comic very quick witted haha here endeth this paticular saga bye :-/ ;-)

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to

Wonderful must have more ....

Can we hear about your Grandparents .they must have told you some stories about family life ..

Love Jan xxxx

in reply to

I am going to post a row of smilies to mark this :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-/ :-/ :-/

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Oh Gwyn, this blog is completely bonkers. If you're quick you can find my comment about your Welsh story right at the bottom of the posts. I think you should start writing The Rhonddabury Tales. xxx

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to

When we got engaged, one of Clive's mother's friends also had a son who had got engaged recently. She said to Clive's mother 'Michael's just got engaged too, ........but to a nice Welsh girl, nothing fancy' try saying it with a real Welsh accent! Clive's mother always laughed at that when she reminded me I was the 'fancy' bit! I have to say I was welcomed with open arms and the warmest of hearts into his family. Love 'em! Xx

in reply to wendydee

Haha there's lovely for you (welsh accent)

I couldn't help but think of you and your lovely Clive (or so you say) when I was writing this.. but I thought you would know it's in jest because really I am making fun of myself as well (being welsh) but you are right I remember my mother saying that my dad's mother said she was plain

(about my mum) my mother never forgot it, she never liked her mother inlaw (my gran) but I loved mine she was such a laugh and I miss her still..she has always made me feel part of the family (well I am)

but then she wasn't welsh haha ( here I go again) we are a funny lot LoL love x G


wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to

My great grandfather was Welsh, a real character by all accounts! A journalist who liked his beer a bit too much! I went to college in Newport and that's where I met Clive. He always says I'm Welsh by injection! Ooooh Er! :-B

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to wendydee

I am going to have to re-visit the smiley face blog :-(

Another CRAFT moment ;-)

in reply to wendydee

Hi Wendy,

I take it you are living in England now..but I bet your Clive didn't have to fill in a migration form ( inward migrant above) haha Tony went to college in Newport (small world) I had to laugh Welsh by injection a bit like Tony saying I was vaccinated with a gramophone needle LoL x G x :-D :-P

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to

Wow! What a small world! Was Tony at Caerleon? That's where we were......such good times:-) We live in England but we inherited the bungalow that his grandfather built, then his father inherited. His parents (and he from '64 to '68) lived there till his mother died in 2010. We are renovating it and will probably live there eventually. I love it there, but we are lucky to be able to choose where we want to be at the moment. He is still working on his immigrant status.........especially on Rugby International days, when he hangs a Welsh flag out of our window xx

in reply to wendydee

Hi Wendy,

Tony was at Altryne he thinks that is how it was spelt but it was a long time ago haha from about '66 -'71 but travelled from Plymouth and then for a short while from Chester...agh! those were the days my friend..I tho ..oops! (broke into song then sorry!) oh yes I have at last posted the poem on Annie's dog (she used to have) love x G x :-)

in reply to wendydee

Hi Wendy the rest of my welsh birth saga above haha :-/ ;-)

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to

That all sounds absolutely amazing, Gwyn! I have the utmost admiration for anyone giving birth, but wow! :-D you did it some style! :-)

Love W xx

in reply to wendydee

Never one to make a fuss me...just get on with it haha

x G x :-)

Jan76 profile image

Well done to Babs for starting this wonderful thread ..... Good to hear you are making good progress Babs ... Gwyn ... who would want some one famous round a dinner table to talk to when you could keep us entertained for hours with your wonderful stories ...

Think there is the makings of a book there you know ....

Love Jan xx

in reply to Jan76

Haha Jan we would have some fun wouldn't we? If only we could all meet up...perhaps a girlie couple of days away ? that would be I'm dreaming haha I have just got in (haven't had tea yet) my son is away in barcelona (working) I've been around his house to try and fix his sofa not very successful though he has a red leather sofa... and when he was hanging a picture on his wall... he tried to suck up the dust while drilling his wall and put his hoover on the sofa.. with the brushes running Doink ....anyway the result was he has took the colour out of the leather and he bought some leather colour restorer.. and asked me if I could do it ...I tried really hard but it's not working ...don't know if anyone has got any ideas...trouble is I"m like a dog with a bone ...and won't give up...I think I might have made it worse...I'll have another go tomorrow off to have some tea love x G x :-)

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to

How about the Ovacome member's day in London? It's always good and we could meet up and stay somewhere the night before....or after.....what do you think? It's May 18th I think, with a free lunch. I always enjoy going. It would be great to meet up with you in 'real life' ;-)

Love W xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to wendydee

That would be such a wonderful idea Wendy. Shall we start a blog to work out who would like to stay up in London and get together the evening before. We could perhaps organise a discounted group booking for those who need hotel accommodation.

Such a good idea for us all to get together informally beforehand. What do you think? I'm definitely up for an evening get-together and the Members' Day the next day.

Would give Gwyn a chance to practice that rap song she was thinking of performing for us !! lol xxx


in reply to wendydee

This is a definitely a good idea and will give it some serious thought love x G x :-O

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

What the rap song? I thought you said you couldn't sing? Or are you up for it? xxxx

in reply to Whippit

No Annie not the rap song I can't even remember what this comment is eluding to I think London ( not sure) the trouble is when you reply to something further up it comes out a long way down (not in the right place Doh! )

By the way the comment I wanted you to read I have added a row of smilies... and then Jan's comment is above that ...and the one to read is above Jan's ooh now my head is in a spin love x G x :-)

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

Oh dear - vacuum brushes on a leather sofa .... they've probably scored the hide so there's not a lot you can do to repair that. Could you turn over the cushions or add a throw to disguise the mark?

Your son must be an octopus if he can drill a hole in the wall AND operate a vacuum cleaner at the same time.

However, it's no matter for a joke if he's just ruined an expensive piece of furniture. He must be very fed up with himself.


in reply to Whippit

Haha Annie,

Not a do it yourself man (my son) he had someone in to drill the wall he just hit on the idea of vacuuming the stone dust up at the same time he paid someone to drill the hole but... what happened the colour has rubbed off... it isn't gouged out just scuffed...but the red stuff he bought especially for leather is too light a still shows and the seats are fixed and it is in a conspicuous place...he is away a lot with work so his sofas are like new (they were).

When he had a new kitchen he paid someone to choose, get and fit his kitchen with no idea what he was having...he had his kitchen about eight months and rung up the chap who fitted it and said "I have just tried to turn my cooker on are you sure you've fitted it right?"... the chap said "have you plugged it in?" Doh! he thought it was gas haha but it was electric LOL ..x G x (this should have gone on your kitchen blog) :-/ ;-)

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

oh dear - seriously not practical then! I hope you can get the sofa sorted out as it's an expensive mistake.

The kitchen arrangements are simply beyond my imagination. Parvinc and I have been absorbed by our kitchen planning - in fact I think we should compare notes when they're both finished. I can't imagine not knowing what appliances I've got - or not using a cooker for 8 months!

I ordered the last few items for our kitchen today. It's just a matter of waiting now till the builders have finished the walls and floor - then the cupboards will go in and we'll see if all our planning has been successful.

Today I don't even have a sink. All the washing up had to be done in the bath!


in reply to Whippit

Well your kitchen is coming together isn't it ? I don't know how you do it but it will be nice when it is done.

Alister just got a person he knew and trusted to fit his kitchen as he is too busy I suppose he gave him a spec on what he wanted... he is hardly ever home he is in Barcelona at the moment working...he rung me this morning Tony was at his house puting an arial in ..and then he said I can't ring him I don't have my number (his own number) haha he didn't really want to ring Tony's mobile as he was on Skype it's cheaper (I didn't know his home number either) anyway I think he did ring Tony's mobile after all....mad!!

I will have another go tomorrow with his sofa bye G xx


Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to

Well now .... we would have some fun and need a nice round table for it .... So from thinking about it to planing it ..... Wendy might have the answer there for a meeting .....

Hope you got to eat after trying to restore your sons sofa .... Good ole mum ....

Love Jan xxx

in reply to Jan76

Yep! we only had a baked spud with Tuna nice and easy ...I didn't succeed will try again tomorrow it's best to do it while he's away as the red polish type stuff needs to dry out for twenty four hours so can't be sat on..

Something to aim for though isn't it? pipe dream or not I am not sure

you have met a few people on here already though haven't you? I'd better go on a diet haha no chance of that I'm the way less of the "ole" how is your hair growing now? I still hate x G x :-/ ;-)

Jan76 profile image
Jan76 in reply to

Hi ya Gwyn ....

Nowt wrong with a baked spud ..young lady ..... notice I said young as you thought I meant you were old by saying 'good ole Mum ' No D on that is there ..... Ha Ha Ha ..perhaps its a Norfolk saying .... How the did the work on the sofa go today then ???

I think we should try and make our dream come true meeting up next year ... It would be amazing to get us all together .No need for a diet at all ..... Jackie and often meet up at our Big C for coffee ..its at our hospital ..

Hair is growing well thanks need to update my pic on here as its getting whispy now ..B says I should cut it but if I did it would never get to a decent lenght ..

I read your posts this afternoon when I should have been changing the bed ...... Laughing so much that I had to stop reading as was not going get anything done and I wanted to sit down and watch the channel Four prog which was on Monday re the Big C .... the choir who were all cancer patients .. they rehearsed in a church hall in Cardiff ...If you have not seen it do so it was just fansastic ..when they got to sing in the Royal Albert Hall they were given a standing ovation !

Four weeks after they had started the choir mistress got in Russel watson to come and see them all .... Now there is a nice young man ..and all he has been through too bless him ...

Right had better go and do something with the fish .....

Love Jan xxx

in reply to Jan76

Hi Jubilant Jan,

Must be a Norfolk saying the only Norfolk accent I know is Bernard Mathews cluck! cluck! LoL I wasn't very successeful I'm afraid I gave up and went to sleep,Tony was up in Alister's loft working (he lives in a bungalow) I think I mentioned either in this or another blog.. about him hearing his neighbour scream in the middle of the night... so he rung the police and.. she was having a bad woke up startled when the police broke in a bungalow his neighbours are elderly.

My hair is still like a birds nest but like you said if you get it cut it will never grow...I am glad you had a good laugh this afternoon beats making beds haha... in the mornings if Tony gets out of bed before me..he starts to make the bed with me in it Doink !! whether I am asleep or not then he says "right I've made my side" Doh!

I tried to post Annie's amorous dog poem earlier on but after pressing the post button it I will try again later... I hate it when that happens I might have to put a warning up as it's a bit saucy haha

I did watch a bit of the choir on Monday it is very appropriate to have Russel Watson on he is good but didn't see them at the Royal Albert Hall...I do like the choir programmes they have with Gareth I think he is lovely....oh well this is becoming another epic love x G x


in reply to Jan76

Hi Jan... if you go up you'll find the rest of the saga haha

Whippit profile image

Gwyn, I think you could start a blog all of your own, 'Tales of the Welsh Valleys'. Your story of Tony looking for the registry office is soooo true - even now. They say there's a little village in West Wales where there are two men called Dai (David). One is a bus driver and the other is an undertaker.

The two are known affectionately by the locals as Dai There and Back, and Dai One Way.

If Welsh could be bottled it would be intoxicating .... but then you don't need any of that as you don't drink yourself.

xxxxx Annie

in reply to Whippit

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! That is soooooo funny all true even my sisters are like that and they think it's normal !!!! Hello don't think so!!!! My family (children) think ...I am the only sane one in my family hahaha..

And I haven't even touched on when I was courting we had an outdoor toilet (no indoor toilet) which was very mother had a washing line and a tin bath hanging on the wall...when Tony came to visit and used the loo he always banged his head on the tin bath as there was no light..once he went out in the middle of the night to find eight eyes shining in the torchlight he was terrified and suddenly four sheep sheltering from the rain came darting towards him bowled him over and ran out...poor Tony came in with his trousers around his ankles looking worse for wear terrified ...don't forget he was only a teenager.. never came across anything like it before.. even now I laugh about it ..he was regularly woken up in the middle of the night...with the sound of dustbins rolling around where the sheep raided the bins and a ram got his head stuck in the lid so he would be banging it against the wall to get free..and he couldn't believe his eyes in the morning the road would be littered with rubbish, ashes, food etc the council eventually invented sheep proof dustbins so the sheep couldn't get the lids off but they still managed it... this is how the rams got their horns stuck ...I had better go yet another epic love x G x :-)

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Whippit in reply to

OOhhhh ho ho ho - I do love Wales. For anyone who hasn't ventured into the Interior I can vouch that all Gwyn says is true - well I can't vouch for her husband Tony running into their kitchen with his trousers down - but I can vouch for Gwyn's description of a typical Valleys house. Now I shouldn't be using the site for advertising tourist sites but if anyone wanted a taste of Gwyn's world you could try the Museum of Welsh Life at St Fagans just outside Cardiff.

Sheep loom large in a region where there are 10 to every one person - but I shan't start on sheep jokes. We'd never stop!

xxx Gwyn, you just have to start a blog on this. xxx Annie

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