Think theres another on called rooper, i deleted it, seem to be getting one a day !
Another one 'rooper': Think theres another on... - My Ovacome
Another one 'rooper'

Hi Bosue,
So sorry about this. I don't see a rooper in our membership list. Can I ask you to cut and paste the message in a pm to me please?
L x
Same old same old! Just got him banned! Watch out for reincarnations and report him! My daughter is 'in the biz' as they say! I shall seek advice!
Do not risk it Louise! It is the way these b****** ds spread their poison! My daughter is 'in the biz' as they say (she works for Symantec - aka Norton) and her advice is not to pass these things on! That way they get established! I was stupid enough to respond to the b*****d before I realised he was a twat! (I know! Respectable old ladies do not use that language!) They do not get drunk either! LOL! I do both! Fun fun fun to the end! I was never respectable so why start now? LOL!
I have had one from rooper too. Whats going on??? Arnt we going through enough with out all this???
So agree with you Suzanne ..its what I was saying in a message to Gwyn the other day , we have enough problems with out these idiots
love Jan xx
Yup, me too.i was looking for the report tab but could only find the report to health unlocked- is that who I should report it to?
Hi Sue,
Yes that's the one to report to...when you click on there is a drop down on that and "problem" will drop down and click that too ...and then write a message in the box love x G x
He is sending them to me I am just ignoring him in the hope he will get bored and go away.
Love Babs x x
I also had the same just deleted as not sure who to report it to. What is wrong with these people x
Me too but having trouble deleting it, don't see what he hopes to gain from all this, suppose he just wants to make some very poorly people even more unhappy, sick person!
George x
I've had one too. Deleted it 'cos I didn't recognise the name. Is there never going to be an end to this. Wouldn't like to print what I'd do to him/her if I got hold of them.
Chris x x