Another poem. : 🤪😃🙃 - My Ovacome
Another poem.

Thanks for making me smile😀. You are a talented lady. Jo 🌸🌼🌺🌹🌻
You do the best xx
Thank you Zena.
How are you? How is everything? Xxxx hugs. Xxx
All is really well Suzanne, thanks. I'll be getting my BRCA results next Friday. They rang and brought my appointment forward to discuss it. I'm expecting the result to come back positive as they said they'd send a letter, which would be easier if it's negative. Can't say I'm worried for myself but a bit concerned for my kids and sisters. I've never met 2 of my sisters so don't know if I should let them know or not. I'm jumping the gun here anyway, I may not even be carrying the gene and even if I am it doesn't mean they are. It could have been through my fathers side and only 1 of my sisters has the same father as me. I've never met him and have no idea where any of his family are in Poland so I won't be able to do anything about that anyway.
Sorry I'm rambling about something that may not even happen at all but it's been on my mind and I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it. I wish I could have gone to see my consultant yesterday as she wanted me to but I had already committed myself to look after my grandson. I didn't want to let my daughter down as she is pregnant and really depressed (not because she's pregnant) because she's come off her medication.
Well that's my family history. Hope I didn't bore you to death.
Hope you're feeling good today. xxxx
Hi Zena.
It’s totally understandable that it’s on your mind. I’m BRCA2 positive. They told me over the phone. I was ok with it. It kind of gave a reason as to why I got this disease. My sister and son are going to be tested. I hope they’re negative. They could well be.
If you are positive then take your time to think about how and when you will tell anyone else you might need to tell. There is no urgency. Do what you feel is best. Don’t bog yourself down with it though.
Get your head around it all. Look after yourself first.
I’m feeling fine today. Had a bad morning. Son brought home in an ambulance. Too much alcohol. Was asleep on a pavement for three hours before someone phoned ambulance. Thank god they did. I’m trying to find who called ambulance as if he’d been there much longer it could have been real bad.
He’s in bed now , confused but warm and ok. Last time he went out he broke his leg.
Let me know how you get on and please don’t worry. Being BRCA positive can have its plus points. More treatment options.
Just don’t worry. Xxxxx big hugs. Xxxxx
I agree, it will be good news for me. It's not me I'm worrying about. Still if it wasn't this it would be something else.
Sons eh? I had a phone call in the middle of the night once that my son had tried to kill himself. He was in a London hospital. When I got there (had to wait for the first train out) I said, your eyes look odd. He'd taken something. I don't know what. I was just so grateful that someone had called the police and they got him to a hospital. All is well now and has been for years. I think all teenagers try something. We're just lucky if we get away with it.
Which part of the country do you live Suzanne? It would be interesting to meet up.
Give your son plenty of water and he'll be okay.
Hugs, Zena , xxx
Thanks for your encouragement. xx
Hi Zena. Sons hey? Nothing but a worry. I’ve spent all day thinking how bad it could have ended. My son is ok now. Up and eating. He’s very remorseful.
It would be lovely to meet up. I’m in essex.
Where are you?
I'm in Essex, also. I go to Southend Hospital for my appointments. xx
Where in Essex? I live inBraintree. I work in chelmsford. Xxx
Canvey Island. I go to Chelmsford shopping sometimes. Where do you work in Chelmsford? To think I may have seen you there and not known. xx
Fantastic...I've tried to copy and paste it to pin onto my wall, along with the others shared on here....will keep trying.
Warm wishes and thanks - from 'geriatric technophobe' - Lesley
Ah - sorted! Now printed off. L x
Fantastic 😂😁 thanks for sharing 🤗 xxx
Good girl, you’ve really expressed yourself well with this and hit the nail on the head. Keep well lovely ❤️Xx Jane
Nice one, says it all!! Xx
Oh that's superb! I'm not normally a poetry person but I'm going to put a copy of that in my hospital file for (hopefully unneeded) future inspiration!
You made me smile Suzanne. 😀xx Netti
That's great Suzanne! LOVE what you call "it" and you are so right! Congratulations to the end of this treatment and may you be NED forever (how is your ca125?)
P.S. I had my eyebrows tattooed on!!!! oxox
Ahh thank you so much. I don’t know what my CA125 is. I’ve never asked or wanted to know so they don’t tell me. Doctor said today before chemo that bloods and everything is fine. When I was in first line, I was obsessed with the CA125 bit now I’m the opposite.
Did it hurt having your eyebrows done? I might get mine done. I look funny without them. I look like a fish 🐟 😂
I hope you are doing ok.
Hugs. Xxxxxx
I just love it I had to smile,
It did "pinch" a little and its VERY dark right after they do it, but the pinch is short lived and the darkness goes away after about a week. I have mine since Frontline so they have lasted well over a year and a half! Here its called microblading NOT tattooing--my mistake.
The difference between an eyebrow tattoo and microblading? “That’s the number one question I always get,” Bray tells Us. She explains that an eyebrow tattoo is a permanent procedure, which uses a machine to penetrate pigment deep into the skin. Microblading involves using a hand tool with nine or more tiny needles to create shallower cuts on the skin and then letting pigment seep in. Microblading lasts only one to three years depending on your skin’s pigment retention — and for someone who’s a bit squeamish about making a permanent change, that just may be the ideal amount of commitment!
Beautifully put and well written to you my friend make sure this cancer never sees the light again! Xxx
Fabulous poem Suzanne. Love it. It's just how I'm feeling right now. Well done. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww thank you Kryssy. I’m feeling like it too.
My mind was taken off it this morning though. My son collapsed or fell asleep in the road on the way home from a night out. Apparently he’d been there three hours before an ambulance was called. Any longer and it could have been a lot worse. He has mild hypothermia. Temp was 32. They brought it up to 36. He’s in bed now with a hot water bottle. He’s 21. I’m not letting him out again. Last time he went out he broke his leg.
I think he will send me to a bloody grave before this disease does. 😂
I hope you are ok. Try and keep strong. I always tell myself that cancer thrives on. Negativity and stress. It hates laughter. Probably not true but I just try and keep going.
Sending you a big hug. Do something nice for yourself this weekend. Xxxxxxxx
OMG! What these children put us through. He's a lucky boy not to have frozen to death in the night. I guess he'd had a few lemonades to end up sleeping in the road.
When mine were young they were always in scrapes, especially at uni. Number 2 ended up in the weirdest of places after a night out. One morning he woke up in a rowing boat. Not that unusual except the boat was wedged half way up a tree. Another night he went down an alley for a pee while he was waiting for taxi with his mates to get back home and emerged the following morning, still thinking he'd only been there for a few minutes. The daft thing was that all his mates bundled into the taxi, not noticing there was one missing..... My eldest fell in the River Avon one night while he was at uni. He said he sobered up very quickly. Another night he couldn't function properly and he couldn't get his door key into the lock so he climbed into a first floor window via a lean-to. The next morning he woke up hearing strange voices and realised he was in a strange bed. He crept downstairs and there were two rather worried young ladies in the kitchen wondering who the hell he was. He just said, good morning, and walked out and went two doors down to the right house. I could go on. They are now in their 30s and 40s and are they any better? Nah. Not a jot. Be prepared my dear for several years of nail biting and clock watching not to mention listening to horror stories. We've got to go on living just to make sure they get to old age themselves methinks.
Kryssy xxxxxxxx
Very good poem, love it.
Made me smile Suzanne, you really hit the nail on the head in a way many of us can identify with! Brilliant!
Great poem Suzanne, glad you have finished your chemo now. Like your poem says let's hope it stays away now and you can get on with enjoying your life again. Take care, Jo xx
Aww thank you. I’m glad you liked it.
Yes I’m hoping the gremlin keeps away. Bloody thing. Becomes a nuisance.
I hope you are doing ok.
Hugs. Xxxx
Hello Suzanne
Another great poem, thanks. You certainly know how to cheer us all up.