On the way up again....: What a horrid few weeks... - My Ovacome

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On the way up again....

17 Replies

What a horrid few weeks again, but not as bad as some... Started back on a new treatment, and had a stomach full of fuid that had to be drained, (7 litres) then picked up a chest infection that is still hanging on. I agree with Spanish Anna's sentiments I read recently, sorry if you missed me, but I had enough of my own problems, and didn't have the strength to ake on any one else's. Hopefully things will carry on improving again and this chemo will work for a little while.

Love n hugs


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17 Replies

Dear Viv

Glad to hear you on your way back up. It is such a big haul at times and takes all the strength we have at the time to fight, mentally and physically.And I know chemo takes more out of ME these days,

Rest assured you are never far from the minds of your sisters, we if any can understand, love and support you whether we speak or not.


Sue x

kitjules profile image

Big Hug! Welcome back!

Hope you feel better soon.

I've had a pretty tiring time these last few months with the Cancer deciding to have a little explore around my body.. now on weekly chemo and the added addition of a stoma, what joy!. I do wonder why am I doing this to myself! I would love to be upbeat and positive like some ladies on here, but sometimes I just want to hide away and wallow in self pity before I can pick myself up again... I have to remind myself that it could be a lot worse ..

I get great encouragement from all the ladies on here, and I am glad you are back :)

Jules xxx

in reply to kitjules

Hi Jules,

You have every reason to feel the way you do..If anything you are an inspiration too.. You see people like myself who are a lot older than you feel guilty at getting too distressed as at least I have had a life... you are so young I don't blame you for wallowing in self pity..and I really do feel for you..besides it is only human for us to feel down now and again...have a good cry if you want to ther is no shame in that..

I am thinking and praying for you love x G x :-)

doreenharwood profile image
doreenharwood in reply to kitjules

Hi Jules, I just read your profile as you live quite near me and it bought tears to my eyes. You are so young and I feel your sadness. I hope you find the strength to cope and remember we are all here to support you. Love and Hugs Babs x x x

in reply to kitjules

Hi Jules

Don't beat yourself up for the way you're feeling it's only natural. You are so young to be dealing with this awful disease it breaks my heart. Just want to give you a big hug and make it all go away. I was not very positive when I was first diagnosed but every day I tried to think of something positive until eventually it became the natural thing to do. However, I do have lapses especially in this awful weather but at least the flowers are looking good!! Take care.

Love Chris x x

Hi Viv,

Sorry you are having such a hard time..we understand when you are just to tired to come on here ...but thinking of you and sending you best wishes love x G x :-)

Sorry you've had such troubles, Viv

May you rise and rise!

I . xx

SandyL profile image


So sorry your having to go through all of this. When I was diagnosed with OC I had so much ascites I looked 10 months pregnant (and I do know what I'm talking about as my first baby was almost 10 pounds). Fortunately baggy, maternity-looking dresses were in vogue at the time (1999), so that's what I had to wear. I still have them in a box somewhere, along with my wigs. Anyway Viv, just sympathizing with your plight because ascites all by itself is enough to deal with (without the rest of the crap) - and it's so darned uncomfortable. I can remember my hubby having to tie my shoes and socks for me.

I hope that the new treatment does its job and gets rid of all the ascites as well. After such a rotten week, treat yourself to something really nice because you deserve it.

Take care and try to keep your chin up (I know it's hard).


in reply to SandyL

Hi Sandy

You encourage us all.. you were diagnosed so long ago.. thank you.. for posting your comments love x G x :-)

Good to see you back. Sorry you've been having such a rough time, love and hugs coming your way.

Chris x

bosue profile image

Viv, seems a bad time for a lot of us,pleased you are feeling better, 7 litres hells bells you must have felt awful, thinking of you and cyber hugs Love Sue x

wendydee profile image

Hi Viv. Welcome back. I' m sorry you have been having such a rough time. Just wanted to send you gig hugs and all the best wishes for your next treatment. I will be keeping everything crossed for you

Love Wendy xx

Hugs... (((((xxxxx)))))

julie93 profile image

Hi Viv,

Glad to hear things are getting a bit better.

Love Juliex

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Viv,

Missed you! Welcome back! Glad to hear things are looking up a bit!

Hugs! Margaret

Solange profile image

Viv, so sorry to hear you've been so poorly. I can't begin to imagine how awful it must have felt with seven litres of fluid in you !!!! Fingers crossed that the chemo will help.

Sending positive thoughts and very best wishes, Solange

TinaWright profile image

Hello everyone,

Sometimes we need each other, sometimes we want to share, sometimes it makes us feel as though we have a lot to be thankful for compared to others, Sometimes we just need to be left alone to our quiet moments, other times we just need to forget cancer for a while and pretend its not there and if we are very lucky we all may need to enjoy the good days without being reminded about the disease we share.

Its ok to go away for a while, its not always easy to deal with the many others who are effected by cancer, sometimes while we share our own experiences it prevents us from moving on. Sometimes its healthier to move forward, forget about yesterday and take today as today and tomorrow as it comes. Not easy when we are always on here reading and supporting and sharring.

Then there are times when it feels so wonderful to help ease another friends worry`s if at all possible. It combatts isolation and the lonliness can drag us down as much as the disease itself. While sharring we feel less alone and the inspirations we either give or recieve is one of the best medicines of all. Who needs councelling when we have one another.

So, its ok to be quiet for a while and its ok to always be here, just do what you need to do, no apologies needed as long as you drop in sometimes just to let us know you are still around.

But don`t be alone if you feel that need to share, whatever you need is fine by us all.

Love and God Bless from Tina Wright sending her love xx

sarah1963 profile image

Dear Viv (and Jules)

We all know exactly how you feel. It is such a long journey and you have certainly had it tough recently. It is often difficult to take on other people's problems because its taking every ounce of energy we have to deal with our own. That's were we can help each other. When some of us are struggling others can take the strain. And yes when I am feeling down and others seem upbeat it makes you feel alone and out of step. But we have a lot more common ground.

Tina puts it v well too about enjoying those days when you can forget about cancer and enjoy life.

Love Sarah

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