I have all the symptoms of ovc I am particulary concerned about my swollen stomach. I have had an ultrasound and whilst I haven't got comprehensive results yet i.e. they havent gone through thenm with me thoroughly the main finding is bulky ovaries. Could this cause swollenstomach, dihorrea, constipation, pelvicpain, frequent urination and feeling full?? I cant helo but feeling theresmore to this then meets the eye should I ask for further investigations? I havent hada ca125 yet ?
Bulky Ovaries?: I have all the symptoms of ovc I... - My Ovacome
Bulky Ovaries?

The short answer is; yes, it could - but so could other conditions.
Insist on all the investigations, and ask for a gynae/oncologist to see all the findings.
Hoping it's something easily treated.
Very best wishes,
Hi Tina
I am sorry that you are going through all this worry, I think you have come to the right place for support, you could ring the OvaCome support helpline on Monday and speak to Ruth Payne she will be able to advice you..I think it is a good Idea to get a ca125 blood test done, you can get that done through your GP sorry I am not much help, but sen you my best wishes x Gwyneth x
Dear Tina
I'm really sorry you've got so many uncomfortable and worrying symptoms. Did your GP go through any possible reasons before he/she referred you for the ultrasound? If the gynaecologist found enlarged ovaries I should imagine it would be a good idea to have a CA125 test which is a protein test that can in some cases indicate the presence of ovarian cancer.
I don't quite understand why there was no feedback when you had the ultrasound because it must leave you feeling at a loss and very worried. I think if I were you I'd be on the phone to my GP first thing in the morning to find out where you're at with this. Meanwhile if you're worried just post a question here on this site and I know you'll get lots of friendly responses and reassurance from the members here.
I'm hoping there's some very easy remedy for your problems but you're quite right to pursue all avenues.
Keep us posted and let us know how you get on.
best wishes. Annie
Thanks guys I was told to call back urgently which worried the hell out of me, they then said nothing to worry about and advised the above. Mydoctor that referred me(and has a specilism in gyneacology) wasnt available yday so I m going to arrange to see her next week.
I have been getting increased pelvic pain sincey scan particularly on the right side radiating down my leg which has concerned me. It hurts when I sit down at my desk and when Im lying down especially on that side. I also dont really fit the profile for PCOS I'm not overweight but my periods are non existent/infrequent and i do have excess facial hair....just mega confused lol! your thoughts are appreciated i definitely will ask for teh ca125.
what is ca125. i have the same problem as you but the difference being im over weight . i have been through so much and been told i have bulky ovaries. doctors dont explain anything and now left worrying. i do hope you get better tina soon x