I had a Mirena fitted in July 2011 as I had been experiencing heavy periods and had a grapefruit sized fibroid [I am 55 and still having periods]. This has helped with my periods and this far wasn't aware of any problems with it. However, for a couple of weeks I experienced gripey like period pains in my lower abdomen & lower back. I went to my GP who examined me whereby I winced a bit when she put pressure on my right side (have had my appendix removed). She said that she could feel something on my left side but suggested that was the fibroid; she also asked me if I'd had any bloating which I had but I'd put that down to fluid retention. She's referred me for another ultrasound (which I'd had before they discovered my fibroid). The results of the ultrasound indicate that my fibroid has got larger (I had a Mirena coil fitted in order to not only help with my heavy periods but also to shrink the fibroid!). They also discovered an ovarian cyst. I am due to have another ultrasound at the end of May. May be I'm being overly concerned but due to my age, having no children and a late menopause...wonder when that's going to happen! These indicate that I might be prone to OC. Also, I've read that an ultrasound cannot really indicate whether the cyst is cancerous or not. Just really like some advice. I've always found this a really helpful forum. Thank you, Betsy 2
Fibroid Size increased & cyst on ovary... - My Ovacome
Fibroid Size increased & cyst on ovary...
Mine was found following an investigation for fibroids, I was 52 at the time. Have no children, unexplained infertility, heavy periods etc etc. I had two ultrasounds, then a trans-vaginal ulatrasound, then a CA125 blood test, an appointment with a consultant gynaecologist. i had an op and I wasn't diagnosed until they had opened me up and taken away all they could see. (look at my profile for all the story) The key is early diagnosis and treatment, so press your GP for an early referral (even if it's not OC you will have put your mind at rest). Have a look at the symptom tracker on the left of the Ovacome home page: BEAT ovarian cancer ... scroll down to "track your symptoms with the BEAT symptom tracker here". It will give you empirical evidence of your symptoms and GPs and gynae specialists will probably take more notice if they think you know something about the symptoms. Wish it had been around when I was struggling to understand what was going on!
Good luck
Love Wendy xx
Interesting as I had a polyp removed 5 years ago and they wanted to fit the mirena coil but I declined. I am sure all is fine and they are rightly just monitoring you. If your symptoms worsen I would go back to your doctor and pester for more investigations. I have just recently had u/s and discovered fluid to one of my tubes, a cyst in my uterus and several cysts to an ovary. Been referred to gynae and just had a blood test done by my g.p to ensure gynae has as much info as poss for when I see them. Awaiting gynae appoint. Feeling bit better today but after probing about with u/s 2 weeks ago and now on my 3rd day of period I was having awful nagging right sided pelvic pain. I am worried as like you I am in my mid years, no children and history of gynae related problems. I am anticipating inevitable surgery of some sort but know until then, and some pathology tests, it is really difficult for anyone to be sure what these things are. Just trying to take one day at a time and not think about it too much. I put bladder urge and bloating down to water retention but know now that it is something I will certainly alert gynae to. My bloated tummy is the worse thing at present, cos I feel 6 mths preg! Try not to read or think too much and divert your attentions to something more positive. Best wishes
Dear Betsy2
I am one of the support line nurses at Ovacome. Do feel free to give us a ring if you would like to discuss this further 08453710554. Although a scan can't always tell what type of cyst you have, it can often give some indication of whether it is a simple cyst or if it is something to worry about. Certainly if it is over 5 cm they would want to find out exactly what it is. My guess is they are probably rescanning you to see if it has got any bigger in which case it would indicate they need to sort it out sooner. As others have said I wonder if you have had a CA125 blood test. This is not always raised in ovarian cancer but if it was raised it would mean that they cetainly need to get it seen to as a matter of urgency and certainly by a specialist who deals with people who MAY possibly have ovarian cancer.
Again do get back to us if we can help further
Best Wishes
Thank you Wendy, Bloomin and Ruth - it's helpful to have others' experiences. My GP did say that if I wanted, she would refer me straight to a gynae. but at the time I thought I'd wait the outcome of my scan at the end of this month. However, I have made an appt. with her tomorrow as I have a period that's gone off and on over the past 21 days - although light, it still worries me a bit. I think I will ask to have a CA125 blood test which, as you say Ruth, might give some indication as to whether there's a cause for concern.
Thank you all again and Ruth I'll certainly take up your offer if I feel I need to discuss things any further - it's great to know there's someone I can speak to about my concerns.
With best wishes