I know this has been written about before but my circumstances are different. I have been having pain in my (I think left ovary) lower abdominal/pelvic region on the left side of and on the last 2 weeks. I happened to have an appt with my gyno and asked about it. She set me up for an ultrasound in office within 30min. Through a transvaginal ultrasound they couldnt see my left ovary due to my bowel obstructing it. She (then she had me) pushed on that area to see if it would move and it caused more pain. My right ovary looks fine. She did an ultrasound on my belly and then said my ovary looked fine. Aren't transvaginal ultrasounds more accurate? Can I have a cyst that ruptured? Or a cyst that isnt seen by normal ultrasound? They didnt set me up to recheck. I have had issues with constipation for about 5 years (never diagnosed with anything). However, recently with the humidity, I've been going more often often diarrhea (this has happened for 15 years now). So I know it's not because I can't go because I have. Should I request another ultrasound? A colonoscopy? A 2nd opinion?
Bowel obstructing ovary: I know this has been... - My Ovacome
Bowel obstructing ovary

Hi , think you need to ask for a ca 125 blood test . That’s what alerted my gp to send me for ultrasound and ct scan . Hope this helps x
Hi I would definitely ask for an ultrasound and a second opinion. I had a transvaginal followed by an ultrasound. I hope you get an answer to the issues you are experiencing. Kathy xx
I certainly agree that you should return and ask for a CA125 blood test and also a CT scan. Even if its just for peace of mind. I was original diagnosed with bowel blocaage or possible diverticulitis by my doctor, when i had exact same left hand lower pain, instead it is OC. so go back and insist on further test. Good luck
So I called my bariatric dr I had weight loss surgery 4yrs ago) who is also a general surgeon. He needs a referral from my gyno saying I should have a colonoscopy to see what's going on (insurance). I called the gyno and she refuses because she doesnt think there is anything wrong GI or otherwise. This is because the ultrasound tech didbt note in my chart that my bowel obstructed my ovary. She didnt even note how my pain increased when she pushed on that area. So frustrated and dont know what to do.
I agree with Lyn1987 and the above. Probably means you need to switch gynecologist.
I had several different “tests” that were not gyno related. A colonoscopy is not going to detect ovarian cancer.
CT scan and Ca125