I recently saw my gyn-oncologist for routine follow up, and she has released me back into the wild. She says my chance of recurrence is very small, and I can continue yearly checkups with my regular gynecologist. I feel very lucky, and I appreciate the support and wisdom of all the ladies on this forum. I know that many of you have had a much more difficult experience with treatments and side effects, and I admire your strength and courage. Blessings, Lani💖
Good news to share: I recently saw my gyn... - My Ovacome
Good news to share

Brilliant news xx.
Many congratulations 🥳
Great news. Wonderful. Thank you.
congratulations that’s great news.
amazing news. Enojy the freedom 😊 glad to hear your news 💕
Congratulations and best of luck X
Glad to know it. Thank you for sharing
Fantastic news. I'm so pleased for you. xx
Fantastic news - it is nice to hear about the good news. Best of Luck x
Amazing news!! May i ask what was your initial diagnose and stage type? This gives us hope
As I said, I was very lucky. I had a kidney stone, and my doctor ordered a CT scan, which revealed large (12 cm) masses on both ovaries. One of the tumors was still benign, and the other one had borderline cells. All the abnormal cells were inside the ovary, so my official diagnosis was borderline stage 1A. The surgeon removed my uterus, ovaries, tubes and omentum, plus took a lot of biopsies. It was a big surgery to recover from, but I did not have to have chemotherapy. I know that most of the ladies here have had to endure much more arduous treatments. --Lani
Yay, you! I celebrate your good news! 💜
So so happy for you!
Wonderful news - enjoy every minute of the wild!
Happy for you too. Just wondering about your stage and diagnosis. My Dr. wants to see me twice a year now.
oh thanks so good to hear, gives us all hope, thank you x
Brilliant news congratulations 🥳
Great news . Go and live !
Amazing. You must feel so relieved. Good to hear great news like this xx