Hi I was diagnosed Jan 2018 with HG serous ovarian CA had ultra radical debulking and carbo taxol chemo. Re-occurrence 4 years later had carbo taxol again then went on to Rubraca for 10 months CA125 increased so it was stopped and I'm now awaiting 6th chemo with carbo caelyx. My chemo is again postponed due to low neutrophil count until next week but on checking my CA125 it's now increased from 16 to 28. I see this as not good news and question if the chemo is working as before I started chemo CA125 was 38. Has anyone experienced this and what was the outcome. Just can't face having to go straight onto different chemo. Thankyou for any advice xxx
Increasing CA125 on carbo caelyx chemo - My Ovacome
Increasing CA125 on carbo caelyx chemo

I'm no expert but I think if CA125 is at least lower than when you started, it's not too bad. How high was it when you were first diagnosed?
Noticed that 'Related posts' coming up alongside your posts are all from people worried about the same thing so could be useful to read these but I don't know whether they show when you look at your post.
I've not had Caelyx myself but I do know that many ladies report increasing CA125 on Caelyx. One theory is that the CA125 protein is released in greater quantities as the cancer cells break up. And 28 is still within normal limits and not double your last reading. So try not to worry, but have a word with your nurse about how things are going. Sending hugs!
Hi when I was on this chemo regiment, my oncologist told me that caelyx can make CA125 rise for the first few Infusions before starting to drop. What has your oncologist said?
I was put on carbo/caelyx after my first recurrence August 22. After 6 rounds my CA125 fell to 6: a good result. Since February 23 I have been on Niraparib, sadly my CA125 has risen slowly and now stands at 39. Only small rises but consistent. It seems to me that we are all affected differently by these medications and our response to them varies too. Hang in there. Best wishes Katy
I completed 6 carbo/Caelyx in August (2nd recurrence, diagnosed March 2019 3C). CA125 started to creep like yours. My CT scan showed no new growths (nodes had calcified that were present) but my onc said that since any CA125 increase in my history has proven to show progression he thinks the scan just isn’t able to pick up the growths yet. He has me on just Caelyx and Avastin (I maxed out my Carbo at 18 infusions). Not great news today as CA125 almost doubled. I asked lots of questions today but he reassures me there are more tools in his tool box. I was tested to see if I am able to take the new drug Elahere (I am in the states) and the result was positive. So I am educating myself. I have been on Avastin before and on Olaparib. I have come to the realization that this might be my new normal; chemo. But I normally handle chemo very well and will keep up the fight until I can’t.
Please don’t give up. Hopefully your onc keeps positive options for you. Sending best wishes.