I have never been like this !!! I’m strong , looked after my husband until he passed and now a blubbering idiot with chemo and so weak xx 3 rd chemo next week dreading it as was poorly with 2 nd x
emotional : I have never been like this !!! I’m... - My Ovacome

So sorry you’re feeling so low, it is tough no doubt about it and you have been through so much already, I’m really sorry for your loss.
But you sound like a strong woman, and I’m sure once this low period is over you’ll find an inner strength to get through these next few tough months. You’ll know that the first week after chemo is usually the most tiring with your energy levels picking up over week 2 and 3, in that first week try and rest as much as you can and have plenty of support from family and friends to help with shopping, dropping off some tasty food and generally keeping an eye on you. You’re in the middle of the treatment right now but this will soon pass and this time next year you’ll look back on this period feeling stronger and out the other side.
Sending you tons of hugs 💜🦋
Liz Xx
I am a strong person too but lost it a couple of times during chemo. Please believe me it’s worth this to get better. I was diagnosed stage 3c in pallative care for the end of days. Now I’m in total remission! It is so worth it. Do not feel guilty either for how you are feeling..I’m sure we have all been there a time or two or many! Stay strong, You can Do this..
Oh Cazy, there’s so much to deal with, and when you’re feeling rough, it’s harder to cope, I know. You’re in “boot camp” right now with chemo, and it’s bloody hard work, and you’re grieving for your husband, and probably feeling it’s very unfair that you’re having to battle cancer too. It IS unfair, but your inner strength is seeing you through it, even when you’re feeling so low and tearful, because you’re here, fighting !
Let the emotions come , whether it’s crying or laughing, it’s all part of the healing process. You’re going to look back and be so proud of yourself. We have your back, keep on keeping on ! Xx
Bless you, sounds like your having a hard time & have been though alot things will get better with the chemo. But l know its not easy so terribly sorry about your husband. Sending ❤ love & hugs and hope your soon feeling better.Love & big hugs SheilaFxxx
Hi. What can you do to help yourself? I get massages see a phys therapist have a diet w good protein fish eggs milk products lots of Berries and escape telly and fiction. If I need to self medicate w dark chocolate I do it. Do you have a pet you can take care of? Reiki sessions and a acupuncture. Take care. This is a long distance marathon. Hugs from paris
Hey, you are a superwoman to get where you are now!! You have survived losing your husband, and receiving this hideous diagnosis! I know I have struggled with feeling like I'm letting people down if I don't appear capable but F it! Sometimes we need to cry, scream, punch a pillow and feel damn sorry for ourselves. Go for it!
Martine xx
Just hang on in there I can imagine things are tough at the moment with you lost and first lot of chemo but it will get better as time goes on as I have experience chemo for 9 years now but be strong as you canxx
Hi there please be kind to yourself as it sounds like you have been having a really stressful time not only with loosing your loved one but having to cope with chemo as well , it really is a a hard thing to cope with but as you see your results are getting better you will see it’s all been worth it .so keep positive that will help you get through this stressful time
Sending you a hug cazy
Hi Cazy1010.
Always remember there is always someone on here to give you support and advice. You are not alone. I went through 7 rounds starting this time last year. I had ups and downs. But now I feel like all that happened to someone else but not me.
Soon your treatment will be a distant memory.
Sending hugs xx
what a lot you’re going through. I’m so sorry. But never underestimate his deep you can dig when you need to.
I found taking someone with me to appointments and chemo helped. Is there anyone you can ask?
I also found bizarrely that I was hooked into watching dark comedy series as a semi distraction , accompanied by peppermint chocolate. That was one flavour that still tasted ok to me. My favourite Netflix series was “The Good Place”!
Grief takes a long time to go through and there’s sadness in so many places so funny silliness really appealed to me.
Take care and be kind to yourself but don’t be afraid to ask for some help too. People can surprise you with their kindness.
Wishing you the very best
I think we have all been there, I know I have. It can be tough but having a good cryI found helps. You have been through so much. Don’t beat yourself up, you are stronger than you think. Big hug xx
Hello Cazy1010. The first thing I noticed was that you said "I'm strong" not "I used to be strong" so you still have some fight in you even if you're not feeling it at the moment. We all dread the next chemo round but there's no way of knowing if it will be better, worse or same as the last until you're in it so there's always hope.
You're still grieving & probably always will be but you looked after your husband & now you have to look after you. I obviously didn't know him but if he was still with you I'm sure he'd want you to get through this.
I lost my dad & my brother during my treatments & I know they are both with me in spirit, helping me. I also have a wonderful support team of family & friends so I hope you do as well, if not, you have all of us to lift you whenever you need us. Can I just leave you with one of my favourite quotes:
"Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's that little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow".
Sending loving hugs.
you could ask onc to have dose reduced or given more slowly