I’m here again , operation 8th March , I know the symptoms tummy pain, wind and heartburn , but this week they have suddenly got worse , how can I just keep going for this last week , I’m sure sone of it is anxiety as well
heartburn : I’m here again , operation 8th March... - My Ovacome

I used to take rennies and found they worked. However it continued when I had chemo ,so mention it to your team if this happens as i was prescribed Omeprazole, but i did say to the Oncologist will i have to take these permanently, he said no,so i came off them once chemo had finished. Good luck with your op.x
Hello, yes I get heartburn, very annoying and a bit miserable! I agree that a prescription for one of the ‘zole’ s would help. Ask your GP. You can get a heartburn wedge pillow which ensures that your stomach is downhill of your throat. Make sure it is recommended for hb.
I find that liquid gaviscon is really good x
Hi Cazy, I have suffered with very bad reflux, heartburn & indigestion both when on chemo & more recently when I started on Niraparib. It made me miserable & even though my oncologist changed my anti sickness & gastro tablets a couple of times neither worked well & caused other problems like constipation so I stopped taking them altogether & started drinking a glass of cold milk when it happens. This has really eased the heartburn so maybe if you are someone like me who wouldn't normally drink milk you could try it & see how it goes. You have nothing to lose & its so much better for you. Good luck ☘️
Hello Cazy, I am having surgery next week too. The waiting has been so tough. I have no diagnosis yet. Is that the case for you too? I hope your procedure goes well and you are feeling much better by the end of the week.
In addition to being prescribed Omeprazole, I've been eating cold, bland, nutritious foods like avocado. Cottage cheese is good, and drinking milk with ice cubes. Kefir is brilliant. Also jars of baby food, the ones that are fruit and yogurt
Best of luck to you for your operation 🌼
Hello, I have been having problems for a couple weeks now with trapped gas. I have just about eliminated all sugar, carbohydrates, and dairy from my diet and have seen a marked improvement. Also, getting out and walking more. Thinking mine might be a form of Candida as I had been on antibiotics in February. Best of luck to you!!