The ..... is back : Ct revealed that yes it’s... - My Ovacome

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The ..... is back

Coxsar profile image
29 Replies

Ct revealed that yes it’s back !

I’m not 100% I totally understand . I have acites & peritoneal strands around my liver .

I’m due to meet consultant next week . I previously had 1A serous full hysterectomy 5 carboplatin , no evidence of any microscopic cells in pathology report now 14 months later I have this !!! WHY 😢

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Coxsar profile image
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29 Replies
Petrolhead profile image

Absolute bummer. What we all dread. Keep us updated after your appt with the consultant.

Best Wishes fay

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to Petrolhead

Thanks 🙏

Jen85 profile image

Ah I am sorry. The whole C journey is confusing and throws us curve balls. How big was your original 1a tumour if you don't mind me asking? I'm currently 1a and having staging surgery next week. Eek.

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to Jen85

Hi it was around a cantaloupe size . High grade serous ☹️

Jen85 profile image
Jen85 in reply to Coxsar

Finger crossed that your treatment options go well. Keep us all posted. Lots of great advice on this site x

Lyndy profile image

Oh love....I am so sorry. ... this cancer just doesn’t play by the rules xx

Lizz49 profile image

Ohh I’m so sorry to hear your news, you must be feeling gutted. I’m sure your consultant will have a strong plan in mind for you and you’ll achieve remission again.

I know it’s easier said than done but stay positive, if it’s more chemo for you you’ll get through it and soon be out the other side. I’m 5 cycles in of frontline and have my last session mid july, feel so tired with it now but know it’s needed to blast any pesky cells away.You can beat this crappy disease and I’m sending you positive vibes for a healthy outcome, big hugs,

Liz Xx 💖

Seasun36-uk profile image

Hi Coxsar,

So sorry it’s back, and perhaps unexpectedly?

I agree with you - how can it be there when no microscopic cells are seen?! Are they sub-microscopic then? I wish someone could explain how it can come back (so often)? Especially when yours was, I presume, confined to the ovary? (Mine was Stage 4 HGS). Where did the cells come from? Just to say I totally sympathise with you not understanding....I wish you all the very best with your treatment. Keep strong. Linda xx 🌸🌺

Coldethyl profile image
Coldethyl in reply to Seasun36-uk

I assume it’s because microscopic cells can be anywhere and it’s not possible to biopsy every bit of us - also it seems that many high grade tumours originate in Fallopian tubes enabling them to disseminate easily into pelvis and abdominal cavities - so really those staged at stage 1 are already stage 2 at least as it’s spread from original site - whatever it sucks - I was stage 1 according to scans big post surgery upgraded to stage 3a although my tumour type is not serous or high grade - I do hope you get some answers at your consultation Coxsar - I’m assuming more chemo will be offered and as you’ve gone past 6 months it’ll probably be Carboplatin again plus taxol - I had this frontline and it was doable so hoping things go ok for you x

chatt2 profile image
chatt2 in reply to Seasun36-uk

Hi Seasun36-uk can I ask if you are in remission and if so how long have you been in remission,I have been reading these comments and I get confused all the time I am grade4 HGS too and I have been in remission for 12 months I have just had a scan and bloods done as i have been on Avastin for 15 treatments and they are checking my bowel for damage .I see on here that it doesn't seem to matter about the stage you are it's about each individuals reaction to the chemo there on wish you all the best with any treatment you maybe on

Seasun36-uk profile image
Seasun36-uk in reply to chatt2

Hi chatt2, I am almost the same as you! In remission 9 months & had my 16th (out of 18) Avastin infusions yesterday! In fact 1year ago today was my major debulking Op.🤕 I am grateful for all the treatment, hoping to keep well, suffering with Avastin (but I know it is a good drug, 2 to go!).

How are you? Why were they worried about your bowel? Linda xx

chatt2 profile image
chatt2 in reply to Seasun36-uk

They were looking at the bowel because Avastin can cause bowel perforation and I have diverticula disease as well .Ifeel well at the moment just a bit worried about the scan results ,but I can't change it so just have to get on with it,I think treatment varies from different parts of the country and they getting new treatment all the time now .I was diagnosed in December 2016,but could not start treatment until February as I was too I'll with my lungs then had 3 chemos then debunking then 3 more chemos then the Avastin I have 4 more to go my CA 125 has been 9 .I have felt so good that there were times when I was questioning if I really had anything wrong with me I suppose that is the nature of the beast ,well I hope you are doing well and feeling good. I'll let you know when I get the results on the 9th take care Sandra xx

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to chatt2

14 months NED

So sorry its back, its the recurrence is worse than diagnosis because we feel after chemo all is fine, You will get through this, stay strong and hopefully you will get a plan of treatment at the consult. all the very best

Suzanne333 profile image

So sorry to hear it’s back. You’ll zap it again. It’s a chronic disease which does have a habit of rearing it’s ugly head at any time.

Keep strong and positive xxxx

triplets profile image

Really sorry to read this, we all live in fear of recurrence but as said it’s a chronic illness which may. Not be curable but will be treatable. Good luck. x

ellseybellsey profile image

So sorry to hear this disease is back, it’s just so sneaky.

Hugs Ellsey xx

Perthgirl profile image

Not what you wanted to hear, but hopefully they will get every last nasty cell this time. Stay strong 🌻🌼

MartaCiom profile image

Hi. I am so sorry to hear that. After such a short period and 1a grade 2. If u dont mind me asking what was your grade? Its really scary... And I am sending you a bunch of hugs! Mine (diagnosed in December 2017) has mixed origin including serrous:/ just finished carbo -taxol 6 sessions. Any reason why you were not provided with Taxol as combined chemo? I hope all goes well with further treatment. Xxx

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to MartaCiom

1A serous . My oncologist said I didn’t need both so only had carboplatin . I start 2nd line in around 2 weeks Taxol / Carbo ☹️

January-2016-UK profile image

Sorry it’s back but you will feel stronger once you know the plan for treatment. You’ve done it once, you can do it again.

caf132 profile image

So sorry to hear it is back. You will probably go back on chemo. you need to be strong and optimistic that you can beat this cancer and send it back to hell where it came from. fight like a girl.

Please let us know how you are doing and what they are going to try next. what works for some may not work for others as we all know. there are a lot of new treatments just around the corner.

XX Carol

Mrs_Atko profile image

Ah hun I’m so sorry to read this :( not what anyone wants to hear. But you’ll muddle through once you’ve got your head around it. Keep us posted and in the meantime we’re thinking of you xx

Marymann profile image

So very sorry to hear your news. You have the right attitude. Being a little angry is alright too. I have serous 1A grade 2. Biopsy in April. Radical hysterectomy and staging in May.

I've just finished my second carboplatin taxol infusion. This is my third cancer and sometimes feel my luck is running out. Still I will stay strong just like you will. It's what we do.

My good news. I was given a 4 year old cockapoo named Frankie. 13 # smallest dog I've ever had.priceless.

Coxsar profile image

Thankyou ladies for your support .

I start 2nd line treatment in a couple of weeks.

I have lots of spots on right and left side of abdomen and some acites .

Going for wig fitting Monday 😬

Is this really happening 😢

Lottie44 profile image
Lottie44 in reply to Coxsar

Sorry to hear this Coxsar. Did you have a stinging pain in your side?

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to Lottie44

It was more a dull ache . Hurt to breathe in fully . Swollen tummy ☹️ x

TarbonNZ profile image

I Feel your pain, one moment feeling as though you are beating the odds, and the next the shocking news that it is back. My re-diagnosis was around the same time as yours, and started with symptoms and confirmed by a CT scan and my CA125 rising. Seems like overnight it was back to a bloated abdomen and feeling nauseous and uncomfortable every day you wake up. Nobody can understand how frightening this is unless you have been through it. I wish I had known about this support network when I went through my first round of treatment, but it is probably even more helpful now. I look forward to keeping up to date with your progress. Keep strong. And hopefully treatment works for both of us. Kind Regards Therese

Coxsar profile image
Coxsar in reply to TarbonNZ

It’s happened so quickly although I’ve had symptoms for a while. The previous CT & bloods didn’t pick anything up so 6 months later and finally scan & bloods have revealed that it’s back .

I start treatment on Friday 13th 🙈fingers crossed 🤞.

Yes the bloating is getting worse and I have a lot of pain today in my right side .

I hope your treatment goes well if you haven’t already started. X

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