Hi lovelies, I was hospitalised for severe infection last week, which with antibiotics is now better. But my white blood cell count has plummeted to the point hospital has put me under lockdown, and went even lower after 3 filgrastim injections although haematology say sometimes their effect is delayed. Plus,my platelets are low and have been told to return to hospital at any odd symptoms. So, no olaparib for me and back to hospital tomorrow to see how the bloods are. Anyone had this. What action was taken? I am keen to get back on Olaparib ASAP and have cruise booked for 24Nov! Best laid plans of mice and women.....
bloods walloped by severe gastrointestinal infe... - My Ovacome
bloods walloped by severe gastrointestinal infection, anyone?

You must be exhausted with all that’s been going on, the doctors will have a plan once they know how bloods are today. Everything crossed that you make your cruise. Wishing you well and sending you a hug 🤗
I’m afraid I have never been in your position regarding infection and low blood counts. But I am 71 and can certainly understand how important your upcoming trip is to you. I do hope things will settle down and that you are able to have a wonderful holiday.
Best wishes from New Orleans, Louisiana
fingers crossed! Thank you, x
Bless you hope you soon get sorted 🙏 and that you get on your cruise your in my prayersLove & hugs SheilaFxxx
what will be, will be! Thanks for good wishes, Emma x
Can you take a supplement to help like vit D high strength and some iron, maybe eat flax, broccoli, walnuts, spinach and if meat eater get a steak in tonight! I'm sure you'll be fine and get a lovely holiday 😊 xx
yup, on Vit D always. Have to treat tummy with tlc as just recovering from ghastly gastrointestinal infection but gradually adding different foods. Thanks for kind wishes, Emma x
Hi Trickysite
My red blood cells crashed and and I had to have a blood transfusion. Then last Monday I had a bone marrow biopsy. The results for the fluid they took come back clear now I’m waiting for the bone marrow results. I had a CT scan yesterday. There not sure if it’s the Olaparib that caused it or a virus/ infection. My GP said I had a bacterial infection but that turned out to be shingles. They have given me a break from Olaparib but I’m anxious now and want to go back in it as well ASAP. I hope you are feeling better and I’m sending you lots of hugs to you.
I have recently had to stop Niraparib for a couple of weeks and had two courses of antibiotics following infection and neutropaenia. Filigrastim did not seem to make much difference but in time things improved...in time for my daughter's wedding, just! Keep cheerful and active and I hope all is well by the time you need to travel. After antibiotics it can help to take probiotics like Yakult just to get your gut back to normal but I would check medical advice before doing so.
I was hospitalized w pneumonia and my bloods went crazy. Back to normal after infection cleared. Hope you can get away!
I do hope your bloods straighten out in time for your trip. I just had to cancel a mini break in New York because I got pneumonia after Covid. I’ve been off Olaparib for two weeks and anxious to start it again. Xx
All my bloods tested normal after being at rock bottom last Friday! I hope this gives encouragement to anyone in similar position. They can bounce back in 48 hours. I am very surprised and delighted and would like to thank everybody for their thoughtful and encouraging words, my dear teal sisters xxxxx
Hi I have auto immune neutropenia which causes my blood cells to be compromised I have suffer before cancer I had several times had my chemo cancelled because of it I also have cfgc injections for time to time which help but give you pain from time to time because they attack you bone marrow xx just recently I did not have the injections and have suffered chest infection but they said that having the injections at the moment they want see if my immune system builds up I too was on Olaparib but had to come off as it affected my white cells let's hope your blood comes back alright and get on that cruise they may wait till you come back to sort things out for youxx