Hello Lovelies,
Last week we had a lot of discussion on friends and how hard some of our friends have found it to support us. I wanted to post this poem but was away with no access to my poetry books, so here it is a little late. For me this reflects the friends and family who have been able to stick with me on the journey - they are ' cast in iron and set in gold' and my husband is right there at the top. I'm in the process of knitting each of them a blanket which I will give them with a copy of this poem. I hope you all have at least one person in your life like this .
I have really turned to poetry - it helps me find word for my emotions.
Sending love and peace to you all.
Sara xxxxxxxx
Temporary and Permanent :Nikita Gill
Most people in your life Were only meant for dreams, and summer laughter.
They stay till the wind changes, the tides turn or disappear, With the first snow .
And then there are some, that are forged to weather blizzards and pain with you.
They were cast in iron, set in gold and never ever leave you to face anything alone.
Know who those people are. And love them the way they deserve. Not everyone in your life is temporary. A few are as permanent as love is old.