It is with great sadness that I report to you all that Julie was taken by this terrible disease on 10th Dec last year. She had struggled to keep up a semblance of normal life for three years since her diagnosis. She was just 60 years young. She valued the work, information and, of course, the companionship she gained from Ovacome. She was on a trial at The Christie that was going very well, until unfortunately, it didn't and she was taken into The Christie in November. She would recommend travelling to The Christie if you can because the treatment she was given was excellent. She left behind her partner, her mother, and her two children. I do wish you all the best fighting this illness and its worth remembering that the treatment is improving all the time. I also do hope you are mostly managing to continue with your treatment during this virus outbreak. Best wishes to you all and thank you for the support you gave Julie in her hours of need.
David (Julie's partner)