Hi all
I hope you are well during this strange and weird time!
I am writing on behalf of my mum who in feb this year was diagnosed with stage 1C1 cancer. She had a radical hysterectomy and her recovery has been great. She was told chemo would not be offered due to the low grade of the cancer.
For the past 5-6 weeks she has had pressure pain down below, she says its hard to explain but mainly at night and feels like everything (that is left) is falling out. She also feels pain when getting the last bit of urine out. She has been to the GP who diagnosed BV which she has taken the tablets for but is still suffering with this feeling. She says it isn’t painful but annoying! I am just wondering if anyone has suffered from the above, is this part of the recovery or surgery or could this be reoccurrence? She had everything removed apart from her lymph nodes as it hadn’t spread.
Sorry for the long post. She is in contact with her oncology nurse but doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere.
Thanks all 😊