I have been on (and off) chemo for about three or four years, mostly on. The latest was almost a year and a half of Carbo/Gemzar also with Avastin. Now I am ONLY on Avastin, NED for almost 6 months. I was NED during most of last chemo also. I always take all sorts of supplements and foods, and I am revisiting some I dropped like green tea and reishi mushrooms. I also pay lots of attention to exercise. I seem to be able to handle chemo well as far as side effects. Has anyone had success or not with regimen's like this to prolong remission? My doc labels himself 'integrative' and he even has acupuncture available during chemo. I like that. Thanks if you have any info to share.
Integrative? Success with supplements - food ch... - My Ovacome
Integrative? Success with supplements - food choices prolonging remission?

I just got home from the hospital for reoccurrence, open abdominal pelvic surgery. My port will be out in in a couple of weeks.
My ONC wants me in the same regimen you were on. What were your side effects? Did you handle these drugs well ?
Good luck to you. Stay strong and optimistic.
Xx Carol
Yes, Carbo/Gemzar. I did handle them well, I think. My blood levels- like RBC and all that, were pretty mellow, says my doctor. I became NED just a month or so after I started .
After maybe 6 months or more I noticed some hair loss. The Rogaine didn't help. My doc said I could use it. The hair loss wasn't that bad though. I kept my hair short.
I took those steroids during infusions, but asked my doctor to reduce them, so it seems I had no nausea.
My arthritis in my knees got activated. Once I took Neulasta. I thought my white blood cells were low and I was going on vacation. My doc didn't want to give it to me, but he did. That time I noticed my arthritis kick in...and it stayed for the rest of the year, getting better and worse. I blamed the Neulasta but I think it might have been the chemo. This chemo isn't supposed to be that hard on joints so I am not sure... but a couple of months after chemo my arthritis went away. All this time I take about 8 supplements for arthritis, plus lots of exercise. Various doctors told me arthritis comes and goes on it's own, even without chemo, but I never had much more than a little knee discomfort before.
I didn't get warning about my teeth, but I have bad teeth. I tried to be extra careful, but now I am having some extractions. If I had it to do again I would spend lots of energy keeping my teeth healthy. My doc said chemo can influence that. I don't think it was this particular combination of chemo--more about having that weakness.
I wasn't tired. I felt absolutely fine... the knees were my main problem and that was intermittent.
My doc wanted me on for a whole year... and that was after a five month stint didn’t work. I really felt fine with this stuff, and I would feel fine about going back on if I needed to.
Let me know if I can help in any other ways.
Don’t worry it’s not that bad. Take it easy when you have the Carboplatin and Gemzar infusion. The Gemzar week is much easier. Steroids are a bit harsh. Monitor RBCs and ask for iron supplements. I did not so I had a blood transfusion to raise haemoglobin and RBC levels. Now I’m on a weekly shot till the levels rise and also on a daily dose of iron. Platelets also fall but not for all people. Good luck dear
Hi what supplements are you taking at the moment?x
Are you also doing this? Which ones? I think I stress anti-cancer foods as much as supplements.
Most of my supplements are about arthritis:
General or multi issue
-Vitamin d3 150 mcg a day or 5000 IU Including Citrical (calcium and D3)
Potassium Citrate approx 450 mg
-Alpha Lipoid Acid 1200 mg per day
-Vitamin B complex
-Nutritional Yeast 1.5 tablespoon, lots of vitamin B
-Fish Oil (2000 per day)
-Probiotics (only sometimes)
Thyroid suppléments -b12, iodine, magnesium,,zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum
-Co Q 10 100mg a day
Du Huo ji Sheng 2 grams 3x
Collagen UCII
Glucosamine 1500 & MSM 1000
Citrical (calcium and D3)
Reishi mushrooms, anthony’s Organic, 2/3 teaspoon a day
6 or more cups organic green tea a day
Astragalus 1000 MG (sometimes tea instead)
-Tumeric (curcumin) 1200 (also for arthritis)
-Melatonin 20 mg per day
Phyto-Cyto naturahealthproducts.com/ph...
I had surgery in september and have just finished chemo for recurrence. I took mistletoe tincture during chemo and have just restarted/curcumin/green tea and vit. D. I plan to take mushroom supplements and aspirin x
Mistletoe! I haven't even looked at that! My Phyto Cyto was recommended by my acupuncturist who is a cancer expert, had cancer and even works at the docs office. It's expensive ish- like 25 a month. Doesn't sound harmful. I tell my doc everything I am on. Avastin is probably helpful too that I am on. I think I saw you post about ibuprofren?
Oh yes, aspirin I saw you post about... I just asked my doc if I have the mutation so waiting for the response. Thanks so much!!
Have you seen the reports about people taking dog wormer, Panacur when told nothing more cauld be done for them?. I can,t think of the name of the active ingredient in it that affects the cancer it is something beginning with F, it was being trialed on humans years ago for something else and from what i,ve gathered on youtube and online they think it may be working by blocking the bodies glucose channels. I think folk found out about it after a lady wormed her dog and watched as the tumour her pet had promptly bega n to disappear. After she posted her story online people decided to try it on themseves, I,m not suggesting anyone rushes off to pets at home, but i did find it interesting watching various stories on youtube last night. I guess if you have absolutely nothing to lose,, i would try anything. Anyway ladies, i was just wondering if anyone here has heard of this?.
Just checked and the drug is called Fenbendazole, there is an article i found on google, Cancer Treatments From Research To Application, posted on November 19th 2018 by Daniel. The title is " A drug Made for Animals and Taken by Humans to Treat Cancer: Fenbendazole. from anti worms to anti cancer." It is a rather long article but the bottom half is absolutely fascinating. I had thought the Fenbendazole only worked on tumours ie brain etc but that,s not so and Joe Tippens who has a website used it for small cell lung cancer and the article talks of cancers from colon to pancreatic etc being treated with good results. Also, it can be taken with the traditional chemo treatments if that,s what people want. wow, I really hope someone decides to trial this treatment properly, but it seems tobe out of the question because of patent rights!. How disgusting is that? so for the moment it seems people are quietly finding each other online or via youtube, passing on information on doses etc and treating themselves. so far I,ve not seen any reports of side effects ( liver enzymes can go up at first I seem to remember ) Obviously, am not a doctor and am not suggesting anyone does anything without consulting their team. Anyway, sorry for the waffle I just thought someone may be interested. luv, anne.