Hi all,
I'm brand new here, so a warm "hello". Just looking for some thoughts and experiences really - there is so much conflicting information online!
My mum was treated for endometrial carcinosarcoma 4 years ago (chemo and brachytherapy). She was discharged earlier this year and given the "all clear". Over the last few months, she's just appeared exhausted all of the time, the colour has literally drained from her eyes. Long story short, after an accident and suspected broken bone, they have discovered numerous mets (carcinosarcoma) in both lungs, shoulder, rib and spine, with lymph node involvement.
We're all just a bit stunned. My sister and I are health professionals and went to the appointment with mum to see her consultant - we felt confident that we would leave with answers, but that's not been the case.
My mum isn't being offered any treatment, other than one targeted radiotherapy for a specific area of pain in her arm. I keep reading forum posts and journal articles about successful responses to chemotherapy in Stage IV uterine cancers, and i'm starting to wonder if we should be pushing for this? The consultant explained that she felt the side effects would outweigh any potential benefit, and maybe this is the case. I just don't feel OK about simply accepting that. She's only 65.
We haven't been given any information about the histology report, about any genetic factors - we should have asked but just didn't think in the moment.
Mum also isn't being seen back at clinic until after Christmas. The consultant was vague about prognosis - "typically less than a year". It all just feels a bit... lacking. My mum is disabled already, she has diabetes and limited mobility (currently WHO performance status 3), but a few weeks ago she was getting out and about. I just feel they've made a judgement about how they THINK she would respond, without really exploring the potential. She coped really well with her previous chemo.
Am I just being naive? I feel they're either giving up too early, or not explaining the extent of it fully.
Any thoughts would be appreciated - even if it's to say I need to accept what we've been told.