Hey lovely ladies, some advice please. I have primary peritoneal cancer, on third line weekly taxol. Back in February I started being sick large amounts of green bile, it would build up over 4-6 hours till the pressure got to much and it would come out like something from horror film. Had a build up of acities which was drained and did give me some relief for a week or so but was still being sick. Was rushed into hospital with pneumonia, sepsis and my bowel had shut down. Was in for five weeks with nil by mouth and a tube down into my stomach. Started a monthly chemo and got home and stronger, thought it was just bad luck.
But it has just happened again after another drain at beginning of October, they drained seven litres off, felt iller instantly but did have a couple of good days but then admitted back in being sick about a litre at a time of the dark green bile again and bowl shut down again. They said the pertitoneal had stuck to the bowel where the cancer has thickened it. Was in for three weeks this time with same treatment. Has anyone else had this happen? I am keen to put a plan in place as acitise is building again although I am hoping the chemo will knock it back. My thinking is that I only have some of it drained over a longer period and have antibiotics to stave off the post drain sepsis. Have put this to my oncologists which she agreed with but she didn't come up with any answer herself, which has made me nervous. Apart from that I'm doing good, enjoying the autumn 🍂 can't go out much but much better each day 😁