Hi all,
I've been a member for a while but this is my first post. My dear mum has ovarian cancer and has been having treatment on and off for five years.
She had a drain before the initial debulking operation back then due to substantial fluid build up, and recovered well.
She has kept very well throughout treatment, and was on avastin for maintenance but it didn't agree with her. She's now on Caelyx, three sessions in.
She had another large build up of fluid during the past two months, and was drained last weekend, which bought relief, but seems to be struggling to recover from this.
Can anyone share their experiences of this please? Mum has been advised to take paracetamol which helps, and was initially not too bad, but she's now uncomfortable again.
Does it normally take a long time to recover from the drain? Any thoughts most welcome, thank you for listening.