In hospital again : Hi lovely ladies Hope... - My Ovacome

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In hospital again

Barmycharm profile image
25 Replies

Hi lovely ladies

Hope everyone is coping as well as possible. I was pleased to finish my 6th chemo on 25/7 despite it nearly being cancelled because all my bloods were very low. They eventually decided to continue and although it ended up a really long day I was glad it was all done and dusted. However the following week I was extremely low in energy to the point I could barely move and my breathing was getting laboured. Spoke to my oncologist and she wanted me to come in straight away so had the lovely experience of hours in A & E again. After blood tests X-rays and scans they told me there were no clots but bloods still so low I needed to be admitted for blood transfusion. This was last Thursday and I’m still here!! I’ve had 2 transfusions 1 unit at a time but after the first one my bloods dropped further so they did another one. Platelets and HB have now gone up but neutrophils are still dropping and yesterday were at 0.1.

I know it’s normal post last chemos to have very low neutrophils but slightly concerned they’re still dropping. My consultant saw me yesterday and said she won’t let me home till they’ve risen to at least 0.5 if not 1 but I’m so fed up now with hospital food I can’t eat and I have definitely picked up after transfusion so I’m thinking surely fresh air and decent food is better for recuperating now?! Not to mention some decent sleep. Is my consultant being over cautious do you think? We all expect neutrophils to be very low at this stage?! Obviously she’s worried about risk of infection and I don’t want to put myself in that danger but I’m just getting so low in spirit, missing my doggy and just want to get home to some sort of normality?!!

I’m very mindful of the fact that they are looking after my best interests and very grateful for that but wondering will my neutrophils even rise while I’m in this situation? Awaiting today’s blood tests to see if there’s any increase with fingers and toes crossed!!

Love and hugs to all lovelies on here with all your struggles

Claire xx

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Barmycharm profile image
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25 Replies
Katmal-UK profile image

Hi Claire. Sorry to hear you are in hospital. There really is nothing like being in your own home with your own things about you and being able to eat what your like! I know everyone says that you are 'in the best place' but I'm not sure I always agree with that lol. I do hope that you have picked up sufficiently after the latest test today that you can go home and recuperate! Do let us know how your test results go!. Sending you a big hug. Kathy xx

Barmycharm profile image
Barmycharm in reply to Katmal-UK

Hi Kathy

I know , the ‘ best place for you’ is quite an ironic expression isn’t it?!

Yes of course for the tests and treatments but not for your mind appetite or sleep?!

No change yesterday, still at 0.1 😬

They’ve just taken blood again this morning and she could barely find a vein that would give any, they’ve all started to shut down and the cannula s keep needing moving around. I’m mindful all the time that there’s other patients worse off than me in here so I will try to be patient and grateful

Love and hugs

Claire xx

Katmal-UK profile image
Katmal-UK in reply to Barmycharm

Awww fingers crossed that you get a rise in levels soon and get to go home xx Do keep us updated. We are all rooting for you xx

Lindaura profile image

Dear Claire,

So sorry to hear how the Chemo has hit you so hard.

But, my feeling is they want to keep a close watch on you, not only because if risk if infections,

But to rule out anything else that might be causing this drop to continue.

Sleep is a problem, I know, but food can be addressing having your loved ones bring you good things to eat.

Sometimes the hospital cafeteria can be quite good compared to the hospital kitchen and they can get food there, or they can bring you what you liMe from home.

I used to keep Halumi sandwiches in my nightstand, get take-away , and have my sister bring me egg sandwiches for breakfast.

Anyway, try to stay put.

Hope you get well from this soon,



Barmycharm profile image
Barmycharm in reply to Lindaura

Thanks Laura. Yes my hubby has brought me in a few nice bits and my sister in law did too. I’ve got very choosy though trying to eat healthily but at lunchtime I did eat some rhubarb and custard and really enjoyed it!! Hadn’t thought of the hospital cafe so that’s a good idea but halumi sandwiches I’m definitely going to request!

Many thanks

Love and hugs xxx

shortfriends profile image

Hi Claire, sorry to hear you are in hospital I am sure we all know how you feel. Most of us like being in our own home and so do the nursing staff so they don't keep us in longer than they have to. lol. You are in the safest place just now so try and be positive (which I know is hard) and focus on resting and relaxing to build your strength up for going home. Get food brought in and send posts to us that we can return to keep your mind occupied!

I hope you will be home to soon and look forward to hearing from you.

Big hugs

Pat xx

Barmycharm profile image
Barmycharm in reply to shortfriends

Hi Pat

That is the most wonderful thing about this site, always getting such wonderful replies and support from lovely ladies who understand perfectly what you are going through. Thank so much

Love and hugs

Claire xx

Flamingobeef18 profile image

I do sympathize being in hospital is pretty s***. But as we all know sometimes it is the best place to be however that doesn’t help when you want to go home.

I know it sounds weird but until I got this I always enjoyed hospitals.I worked in them for 30 years and found them fascinating places. I even loved hospital food. But once I had to stay in for more than a couple of days my love began to wane!

Whilst you are there you need all the comfort you can get so forget about the healthy diet. There is plenty of time to worry about that when you get home. Eat what ever you fancy. My daughter has the Just Eat app on her phone and it is amazing the variety of food you can have delivered. Work your way through the list!

Have you got a mini iPad? This is my best friend in hospital. Download lots of audio books, tv series, watch you tube, follow podcasts and shop and send it all back if you don’t like it! Or plan a holiday for when you get out.

Give yourself a manicure and a pedicure. Have you tried Nails Inc their stuff is brilliant! And ask about getting something to help you sleep.

It won’t be long now and in a few weeks it will all be a blur!

Lots of love


Barmycharm profile image
Barmycharm in reply to Flamingobeef18

Wow you sound like you really make the most of hospital time!

Great suggestions thank you. They’ve said no takeaways etc because of risk of infection from it?! Probs because I had stomach infection when we tried to have a few days away before chemo 4 and spent the holiday in Ipswich hospital so maybe I’m prone to it. I’ve been so lethargic I think I need to think of those things I can do whilst confined and make the most of some me time?!! Many thanks

Love and hugs

Claire xx

Flamingobeef18 profile image
Flamingobeef18 in reply to Barmycharm

Hi Claire

That is a shame about the take aways.

I remember at my first chemo I was told that I could have a fish and chip take away but no Indian or Chinese! I always found that a little suspect to say the least.

Anyway would a Marks and Spencer platter of lovely nibbles, dips and picnic food be acceptable? D Most wards seem to have microwaves so what about a good quality chilled ready meal. When I am incapacitated I buy these for my fussy family. They may seem expensive but they are so worth it our favourites are Charlie Brigham and Waitrose.


Solange profile image

So sorry to read your story. Such bad luck when you've actually finished your Chemo. Do hope your neutrophils soon recover so you can get home, back to a bit of normality - and your own bed - and your husband - and your dog. Three in a bed maybe? Lol. Try and keep smiling

Love and a big hug, Solange 😊

Barmycharm profile image
Barmycharm in reply to Solange

Our dog would love 3 in a bed 😂 she gets very jealous when we have a cuddle in front of her!!


Claire xx

TudorPurr68 profile image

Dear Claire. I hate being in hospital, all the noise and lack of sleep etc. I was in hospital for 7 weeks last year due to bloods. You have my sympathy.

However it is the best place when we need treatment. I wore wax earplugs which were a great help. I always have plenty to read and puzzles to do.

I wish you better and hope you get back to your pet dog soon xx

Barmycharm profile image
Barmycharm in reply to TudorPurr68

7 weeks?! Poor you. 7 days and I’m climbing the walls.

Thank you

Claire xx

LittleSan profile image

Hi Claire, could you not get to the car park to have some puppy hugs? So sorry to hear that the neuts are misbehaving, I hope you get a turnaround really soon. Life will be all the more sweet when you return home and get back to feeling well. 💐💐😘😘

Avocapearl profile image

Wishing you all the best . There's no place like home....

Hi Claire

I had similar problem (scary when nurse came in and they moved me, bed and all into isolation ward).

Was there a couple of days then allowed home cos they decided less chance of infection in our own home than hospital.

Hope this is a really short stay for you and things pick up very soon.

Best wishes


dieneke profile image

Hello Claire, actually I had similar situation , ended up in A & E and they kept me for 4 days - I had 4 blood transfusions of which two together at the end. The neutrophils were fine luckily. But yes those chemos can knock you down! I also had a chest infection. Good luck. Best dieneke

juliamillen profile image

I would certainly recommend wax earplugs. The work a treat. I hope you soon pick up. Radio 4 is my main standby. Do you have a hospital radio station. When I was I’m the Marsden I used to ask them

To play requests. Trust you can go home soon.

Love Julia

Maxjor profile image

Hi Claire--never understood how the word "hospital" and "recover" could be used in the same sentence when I never slept and seemed upset so much of the time (the bells, alarms, blood pressure taking, etc etc). I do know they are protecting you from infection if nothing else. But I will also say neutrophils--in my experience--have a mind of their own and they don't go up when you think they should, then they shoot up when nothing should have made them increase, and so it goes. I agree with Laura that perhaps they are making sure there is nothing else causing them to stay low and once they can confirm, that will probably be just about the same time they go back up. I am in the US and they give you neupogen shots to raise WBC counts--not sure that works on neutrophils but if so, perhaps that's in their arsenal? (Very expensive but given in a hospital setting seems to be acceptable to all payers). Wishing you luck and that you get home to your family and dog very soon! oxoxox Judy

delia2 profile image

Hi. I had the same sort of thing, hospitalized with sepsis three weeks after my last chemo. I felt really frustrated but after transfusions etc I felt so much better when I did get out. It boosted my return to normality, such as it is.

FighterCW profile image

Sorry to hear this! I just went through a similar ordeal while on family vacation...I ended up in hospital with neuts of .01, low hemoglobin, and platelets on top of a fever. It was the worst feeling ever. Once I got antibiotics and a couple blood transfusions things started to slowly improve....not as fast as I had hoped. If you're feeling ok, see if they'll let you at least get out for a walk around outside. That lifted my spirits a bit. Once those numbers start to go up, you'll be out of there and moving on. Hope you get good numbers today.

Mptelesca profile image

So sorry you are in the hospital again. However, the fact that you are fed up with the hospital and the food is a sure sign you are getting better. lol. Once you break out of there, you will be able to nurse yourself back to better health. Fresh air, good food and love from your doggy. Neutrophils will come back. I believe you can take some supplements like vitamin C and the rest of them to just aid you in getting stronger,

Wishing you the very best!



Katiebairdie profile image

Hi. I have to agree hospital food leaves a lot to be desired. When I have been in for any length of time friends brought in treats but funnily enough I had completey lost my appetite. I did become very, very fond of cheese and onion sandwiches which completely filled me up.

Doctor told me to eat anything and it didn’t need to healthy.

I’m sure you will be home soon. 🤞🤞🤞

Welshandproud profile image

Hi Claire

I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. Damned neutrophils!! I can only repeat what the others have said on here. Get someone to bring you in some nice things to eat, try to get something to help you sleep and we'll all be keeping our fingers and toes crossed for an early release. Please let us know how you get on xxxxx

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