Thanks to each and every one of you for your kind thoughts and prayers.Its amazing how good it makes me feel to know that someone is thinking of you.
My Alien was attached to blood vessels and bowel but I didn't need resection and it's gone off for analysis.I was told there was some surgical,pins left in,as I might need radiotherapy and the pins will show exactly where the tumour was.
Reform those ladies that asked.
I'm BRCA 1,I have been on Olaparib 3 years since January.Ive had 2 surgeries since going on it which is bloody marvellous as at diagnosis the cancer was so advanced stage four ,that I was inoperable,yet here I am post surgery.My CA125 is definitely my alarm bell and my team are aware of that,if it only goes up by 4,I'm investigated.
This disease is not a nice disease to get but,we can't put it back in a package and ask for a better sort of cancer,one that is curable of which the treatment is doable.Ladies what we do have is,gumption,strength ,love,support and someone has always got out back.We have been diagnosed in an era ,where new drugs have been discovered,where more money is being spent on research.My Alien has left the building but I know there is a high risk of a squatter setting up home.Time for "Can't pay,lets take it away" !! Thinking of all of you xxx