Hope everyone is doing well, my mom went in for her third session of chemo today. With that came her ct scan results. The pa said everything was positive but she has two remaining nodules on her liver which they are working on shrinking with taxol/carbon. The doctor told us at the conclusion of surgery that all evidence of disease was removed and she had a better then opitmal surgery. We are confused as to why they said that, anyone else have similar circumstances and can shed some light? Looking back on the pathology reports it does mention these two modules. We plan on phoning the surgical oncologist tomorrow.
Third chemo, ct scan results: Hope everyone is... - My Ovacome
Third chemo, ct scan results
Hi Lind58
I was NED at the end of first line apart from two nodules in my lung ( which had never been mentioned previously). One Oncologist explained that I might have had these for ages and they may never trouble me but the radiographers can’t say this- they have to report everything they see. I’ve also learned that different radiographers report differently on the same scan! Try not to worry-sounds like your Mom has done really well xx
Hi Lind58. Sometimes they can't remove all the cancerous growths due to their being difficult to access without risking damage to major (or minor) organs. They rely on the chemo to shrink the remaining growths. It sounds quite normal. Sounds as if the surgeon is happy that it went well. Best wishes. Pauline.