My regime for post bowel blockage and beyond. - My Ovacome

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My regime for post bowel blockage and beyond.

Kryssy profile image
46 Replies

Hi girls,

I have finally managed to get your emails off to those that asked. I'm on a satellite signal and the evenings are busy. Nice and calm in the middle of the night. Sorry you had to wait.

I have sent them as a Word doc to those who gave me their email address. Many of you wanted the list but I cannot post it as attachment on the forum and I do not have your email address. Please PM that to me if you still want the list. I'm thinking - Katiebardie, ZenaJ, Busbee3, Suzuki and Kewl1. I would hate you to think that I haven't bothered sending to you. I just don't have the means to at the moment.

The regime is working for me. My bowels are healing - I can actually feel it - and everything is working normally. I don't get up several times in the night anymore with pain in my bladder and very little pee to show for it. The weirdest thing is that I don't get wind anymore. No more trying to find a quiet corner somewhere in a room full of people to have a trump and then walk hastily away hoping no-one notices the pong until I'm gone..... such a joy.

So, if you need the translated regime then I'm going to need your email address.

I hope you are all as well as can be. I'm safely in UK - with a drama at Stansted of course. It can only happen to me.....

Love Kryssy xxxxx

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Kryssy profile image
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46 Replies
Yoshbosh profile image

So glad you can feel the heal, Kryssy! I’m feeling so much better too. Begrudge giving up all my lovely (raw) fruit and veg, but I DO NOT want to go back to that experience again.

Vicki x

January-2016-UK profile image
January-2016-UK in reply to Yoshbosh

It must be so hard Vicki to know you need eat so unhealthily. Does it ever right itself or is it the permanent eating plan going onwards?

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to January-2016-UK

If I respond well to the chemo, it hopefully won’t be permanent, but for now, it is definitely a ‘medium term’ change in diet. It’s really hard because I am so used to eating an abundance and variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, pulses etc, and now it is all to be cooked to within an inch of its life, all refined products etc. etc.

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Yoshbosh

Same Vicki. Broccoli and spinach are my favourite veggies. But, having said that, I did a little shop last night and found some yummy things that I could have - with the help of the odd assistant. It's not so bad. I only think of pain when I see broccoli now. Not too keen on white bread, especially as I'm gluten free as well, but I bought some gluten free crumpets and they went down, stayed in and then came out all lovely and correct so I'll binge on those whilst I'm here. I tend to go down the aisles and rather than say, can't have this, can't have that, I say, that's bad, that's pain, that's disgusting. It does work. It's when we think about denying ourselves certain foods that the naughties creep in. I never think of a diet or regime as denial - and I've had to do the candida diet many times in my life and that ain't easy at all. Still, if my bowel is happy then I'm happy and my bowel is very happy right now. It could do with some food but my best friend, who is staying over for a couple of days, doesn't do mornings. In fact she's still out cold, but the claxton is about to sound so I must away.

Onward and upward ay girls?

Big love xxxxx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Kryssy

I’m gluten free too, Kryssy. M&S do some nice soft white rolls which help to fill the gap - have a look whilst you are over here, also the Warburton sour dough loaf. Vx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Yoshbosh

I'll do that very thing, Vicki, but be warned - soft fresh bread is dangerous, that's why it has to be either a bit stale or toasted. If it is fresh and squishy it forms a ball in the intestine and then it's like the snowball effect where another bit of food attaches and sticks etc etc. Just saying. I'm getting my gluten free crumpets in, down, through and out without a problem but I do toast them well, rather too well for my liking, but needs must as they say. My bowel continues to heal. I get only the odd twinge now and then where poop passes through a raw bit, especially where Rocky left his signature carved on the wall. It is the weirdest feeling but comforting to know that everything is like a slow moving train, chugging along to the open air station. - and then plop. I simply must stop my imagination going rampant........

Lots of love K xxxx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Kryssy

Ah yes! I forgot to say that I also always toast GF bread, even the soft white variety...makes it more palatable, I find! Just that these white rolls from M&S are one of the more agreeable alternative breads to ‘real’ bread than some of the potato/cardboard offerings available out there 😁

I do not want a stodgy ball of semi-digested bread causing havoc 😳 The alien exiting last week was an experience not to be repeated!

Love you x

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Yoshbosh

Good girl. I used to try all sorts of recipes for gluten free bread in the machine. Once I made something which cost a flipping fortune as it had so many ingredients in it, but when it was done I could hardly lift the bread pan out of the machine. I plonked it onto the board and asked hubby to come lift it. Bloody hell, he said, I could use that!! (He was making some stone steps at the time). Not even the birds ate it...... :-( xxxxxx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Kryssy

Mother-in-law had a similar experience...made a rock, sorry, loaf of bread, went to chuck it out for the birds and left a crater in the back garden where it hit the grass 😂 Birds wouldn’t touch it...

GF bread mostly sucks! I’d struggle in France with the lovely fresh baguettes. GF “equivalents” are not equal.

BeeWild profile image

Glad you’re healing and got over here despite a Stanstead drama Kryssy! You will need to fill us in with that one once you have time x

I envy you the ability to find a quiet corner to trump Lol I have a colostomy and my stoma farts give no warning they just happen and generally at very inopportune moments but at least no one smells them lol 😂

Glad your wind has subsided with the new regime x

Take care lovely and enjoy your family time and uk break xx

January-2016-UK profile image

Welcome back to the UK Kryssy. Do tell about the drama at Stansted.

Although I have currently no need of it, one never knows what the future might bring and it would be good to have another country’s take on a special diet.

Glad to hear things are improving on the trumpeting front. Be like my little dog, don’t even think of looking embarrassed.

CallmeMum profile image

My sweetie,

I’m so pleased you’re feeling better with a little bit of luck you won’t have that issue again. What was the drama at Stansted? Xxxxxxx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to CallmeMum

If I ever get time I'll do a blog or something. Learned also that there's a massive loophole in their security system. Had two very funny days so far. Chaos is my shadow. Hope today is normal. My bezzie friend slumbers peacefully in the next room. I'm snuggled up with my four legged grandson. He's having a sleepover with nana - who always has more doggy treats than mum and dad. Tummy feels calm and healing. All is right with the world... ecxept hubby has done something to his right hand and can't move his fingers. I suggested A&E. He's suggested wine, wait and see. Men! xxx

CallmeMum profile image
CallmeMum in reply to Kryssy

Oh, that’s typical! My hubby would be exactly the same! You wanna call your blog Kryssy’s adventures, I think it would go viral! Xx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to CallmeMum

I have started a diary online. Dunno if I trust it much but it won't be public. When I get the chance I'll add to it and then, if I think it's worth reading, I'll post you all a link. Stansted has been the funniest so far but I'll not tease you further......

Have a wonderful Sunday. I'm waiting for my bezzie to wake up. She doesn't do mornings and I'm up with the lark. Chilling today and going into Finchingfield to cause mayhem and mischief at the duck pond. xxxxxxxx

CallmeMum profile image
CallmeMum in reply to Kryssy

Best thing to do! But like Harry Potter you have to solemnly swear you’re up to no good! Xxx

Ge0rg1na profile image

If you're happy, your followers are happy too. Hope you have sunshine in your life this morning surrounded by loved ones Gina x

Barbara123 profile image

Hi Kryssy,

I have not been on here for a while now as I have been dealing with multiple blockages, infected stomach decompression peg, a short bowel ileostomy that stopped working and for the last 4 months I haven’t eaten anything only TPN daily! And still I’m sick at least once every day. But I’m still here, I missed your kind offer regarding your regime and wondered if I could include myself on the current list? I feel sure that it will be useful! Love Barbara x

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Barbara123

Absolutely. Just send your email to me by private message and I will send the document soon as possible. XXX

Barbara123 profile image
Barbara123 in reply to Kryssy

Thank you, email as follows,

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Barbara123

Just sent xx

jools53 profile image

Great to hear your feeling better sending Big hugs xx

JayGeeCee profile image

So good to hear that things are on the up (or should I say down 😜) and that you got to go on your me time trip.

Have a lovely time with friends and family.

Will catch up when you’re back.

Sending hugs mon amie

Joy xx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to JayGeeCee

I'm still good for the 14th if you are but hubby will be in UK. But we'll email nearer the time. xx

thomas62 profile image

HI kryssy,

Can't get hand of pm. I would appreciate copy of your document.

Thanks muchly. xxx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to thomas62

Hopefully your copy has arrived x

Indujoshi profile image

Hi kryssy

Its really hilarious to read all your post and really hats off for your sense of humor at such trying times please post me your regimen as it may be helpful to my mom we are actually reaching end of line my email is

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Indujoshi

Have sent x

Maxjor profile image

Kryssy--I have not had a bowel blockage but get this knawing feeling I should be asking for the list. I am SO glad to hear you are feeling better, the blockage left and you are healing. Not having wind--an extra plus! Hoping you still can find sleep with your four-legged one next to you. Sleep keeps you healing! So happy you posted. I want the link to your blog when ready. With love, Judy

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Maxjor

Hi Max,

Happy to send you a copy but pm me with your email. I'll let you know when I've sent so that you can check your spam in case I'm there. Hope you are well. xxxx

Hopefulgal1 profile image

Hi Kryssy would be very interested in your regime! My email - I shall send it privately: thank you!

Iwillbeatit profile image

Dear Krsyssy My cancer was discovered when they found I had a blocked sigmoid colon where an abdominal mass was pressing on it. Told no fruit or fibre or veg or nuts o r seeds or skins. I am interested in what you regime is.Chemo blocks me up. No 4 coming up next week.

Kryssy profile image

Sorry to hear you have this rotten C too but I can't list everything in a post. Just drop me a private message with your email address and I'll send you a copy. Happy to help. xx

Carpag profile image

Hi Kryssy I so enjoy reading your hilarious posts. I would like a copy of your regime too. It would be so good to have a quiet stomach for once ! My email is sandracarpenter63@

Orsolini profile image

K - I found very helpful, it is no different to what I have worked out I can eat to avoid the opposite problem (loose stools), so essentially it is all foods that are easy on the digestive system. Fruit is our enemy :(

Would love to know how you translated 'quatre-quarts' and 'pommes noisettes' har har. Bises, enjoy England - Nicola

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to Orsolini

I’m on tinned fruit, Nicola 😝 Not a patch on having the real thing, but needs must. Vx

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Orsolini

You caught me Nicola. I just ignored quatre quarts but it's just a plain sponge which is common here, recipe here


riverside profile image

Gosh I would like that word doc too if you have time. Many thanks.


Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to riverside

Just sent. Hope it arrives Check your spam if not xxx

Madmarilyn profile image

Loved your posts, Kryssy, and also your more serious one where you posted a link to an Australian medical doc on bowel health after surgery, really useful! I am not getting blockages, but the opposite effect, and some of the advice about not responding to every slight urge I see very helpful! Please keep posing, and definitely go for publication one day, you'd make a fortune!

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Madmarilyn

Just sent it - hope it arrives xxx

Hertsmum profile image

Kryssy please could you email your diet to me too -

Yesterday had some soft white bread in soup and caused havoc - hadn’t thought about it causing the snowball effect!

Thankyou, Hope you’re enjoying your uk trip and being free from hospital!

Madeline. Xxx

Guds profile image

Hi Kryssy, happy to know you r back in U.K. Your post r so fun to read. Word doc would help me too, Could you pls email me :

Luvs & Hugs

Peapod38 profile image

Hi Kryssy, just found your info re diet. Would deeply appreciate you sending me a copy if you wouldn't mind please?

Big hug and thank you x

Kryssy profile image
Kryssy in reply to Peapod38

Just sent it Rita. Enjoy xxx

Peapod38 profile image

Thank you so much! Will have a look ... you are a star! Bless you xx

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