My amazing husband has taken me away in our caravan for the weekend to try and forget my news x x
Trying to forget .....: My amazing husband has... - My Ovacome
Trying to forget .....

Have a great weekend away! And who is that with the little black face and eyes peeping out from behind the cushion? I've spotted the glass of vino too!
That sounds like a good plan. I hope the change will be helpful. Seems that caravans are popular in the UK. They seem to lovely to be able to up and go with while maintaining a degree of comfort. Enjoy.
Have a lovely time! Your puppy looks gorgeous! What breed is she? What happened to Barnie, did he have to go back? You look good Eriksendi!!
Getting away is magical. Linda xoxo 🔆🥂🔆
Lottie is a cockapoo, 18 weeks old. Barnie had to sadly go back. He had bitten before he came to us. He had done a couple of snaps but then did 2 attack type bites, once to my husband and once to my brother in law . He was too unpredictable. We later learnt about his breeding and there had been a repeated history of aggression down the male side of his breeding. It was such a shame he was so beautiful but it was a genetic problem. The kennel club have now banned breeding from his sire due to this. The sure was a crufts champion but there is avoronkem down the male line x x
Stunning photo 😊. There’s no place quite like a caravan for chilling out, I spent so much time at ours during diagnosis, when post op and during treatment. It was a lifeline for both me and my hubby. We walked through the door and just relaxed. I hope you have a lovely weekend with your lovely hubby and gorgeous cutie puppy. Enjoy the wine, you’re allowed any treat you fancy in my book, we all are, especially at weekends. Hope the weather is kind too for some nice walkies ❤️Xx Jane
What a lovely pic and just love the doggie. Have a good weekend.
Have a wonderful weekend away with your hubby and puppy. You deserve it (and that glass of vino!). Vicki xxx
Beautiful photo , love your little friend , have an amazing weekend xxJulia
So sorry, am rather behind with reading Posts. Have just read your previous message and feel for you, now having to worry about your lung. I hope being away in your Caravan will do you the world of good. My husband and I have 'run away' in our caravan several times over the years when we've received bad news. It somehow helps. Haven't managed it this year, though, since coming back in April from Caravanning in Portugal. Have a happy break with your Hubby. Lovely photo, cute pup to cuddle and a glass of wine. Bliss!!
Love, Solange 😊
Enjoy, you deserve it xxx
Have a lovely weekend and come back ready for your treatment ..take care Lorraine xx
How lovely. Puppy is great. I really would love another dog but my husband won’t hear of it. I’ve been through the list by the time I got to hamster I think he’d nodded off
Fingers crossed for good weather
LA xx
How fabulous you look , cosy and in control , just what you need , and a glass of vino too . Enjoy , build up , focus , move forward , only way !
Enjoy - there's not like a caravan to sooth the soul! X
Glad to hear you are getting some good rest and relaxation.
Puppies are the best medicine in the world and particularly in my opinion cockapoos. My ginger -poo is the best thing that ever happened to me but don’t tell my husband and daughters!
Best wishes
That looks downright hygge, especially with addition of the wine and puppy. Really wish you a pleasant few days, not worrying too much about the medical news. Who knows, maybe it can be treated just like another round of OC and beaten back, so you can enjoy lots of future caravan hols. Xx. Maus
Hope you had a lovely relaxing weekend with your amazing hubby, gorgeous puppy and plenty of 🥂. All the best Jo 🌺🌼🌸🌻🌹