Hi all, first time posting here.... Hope its OK. Haven't actually been diagnosed but had 2 raised ca125s, first one back in Feb and was sent for Ultrasound which appeared ok. Already had a referral to gynae for a different thing, and at my appointment in July they redid my ca125s, it had increased by 2. Had to go for a biochemical blood test a week or so ago and have my Ct tomorrow. Feeling pretty anxious. Have been reading other posts and have to say you all seem so lovely and supportive
Ct scan tomorrow: Hi all, first time posting here... - My Ovacome
Ct scan tomorrow

Hi and welcome to this great forum none of us really wanted to have need of but it is so supportive and the ladies on here are so knowledgable and give great advice as they’ve been there, seen it and worn the t shirt!
Waiting for results is always an anxious time and scans are the worse, it’s been labelled scanxiety and that’s so true!
What was your Ca125? Fingers crossed for you it’s raised due to something else but keep us posted x
When will you get your scan results?
Bev x
Hi, thank you so much for your reply. Wow yes, great name for a awaiting results..... So true! My first test was 45 and second 47. I'm not sure when I'll get the scan results, head is a bit of a mess at the min as I know you'll all have experienced too. Haven't really spoken to anyone about any of this so really felt the need to get it off my chest tonight xx
That’s what this group is great for and it does you good to get things off your chest!
Hopefully they should have you back for your results pretty quickly and it’s always a good idea to take someone with you x
I always jot down any questions I have in a notebook so I don’t forget to ask things as sometimes doctors go off at tangents and it’s easy to forget as your stressed too and I also get whoever comes with me to write down the doctors responses so you can refer back to them later xx
Good luck with your scan and let us know how you’re getting on xx
I know it’s a scary time right now but don’t get ahead of yourself. Elevated ca125 can be from other things too. Endometriosis, inflammation, uti..
whatever the results, just know you are never alone. This group has a ton of lovely ladies supporting each other.
I know, and thank you so much for your reply. I think I'm so scared as I'm on my own with a little one (older mum..... 3 oldies all with their own lives, 2 worth health probs themselves) I worry about all the what ifs...... Know I shouldn't but can't help it xx
Don't panic yet. That's easy to say isn't it? It's the most worrying time we'll ever have. But, you could be worrying over nothing and let's hope so. Even if not, we're all here for you and many of us have been around for ages so there's always hope. We never give up.
I do hope it all goes well for you. Let us know what happens.
Best wishes, Zena xx
Thank you all for your lovely comments, it's so nice to know there are people to talk to. My appointment is 4pm......how long does it normally take before you get the results? Xxx
Hi - I’m sure you’ve researched and have read that an elevated CA125 is not a true way to diagnose. Although your number is slightly elevated, it only went up 2 in 6 months. My doctor is concerned when it doubles in a few weeks. Good luck with your scan. Sending prayers all will be okay.
Wishing you a clear scan!
Good luck with your scan. Mine take from one to two weeks to get results but I presume it depends on the hospital . Let us know how you get on.
Welcome to this forum! This is where you can pour out all your fears, doubts and questions and be reassured of upbeat, but honest replies. Don't go into panic mode as you will be overwhelmed. The scan will zoom in on whatever the trouble is, hence aiding doctors to start dealing with the problem immediately....so that's a very positive move. Wish you best of luck for tomorrow...keep calmand remember we're all here for you.
M' Anne
Thank you all, have just got out..... Was pretty quick to be fair. They said about 2 weeks for results so fingers crossed. It's really calming to know that if it's not as I'm hoping for there are so many supportive people in here...... Just being able to chat to you all has helped me so much already xxx