Well today was the day of latest ca125 test and scan results. I finished my treatment last November for stage 3b PPC. My ca 125 had been between 10 to 12 since finishing treatment but 2 months ago following abdo pain and feeling generally rubbish rose to 29. It was retested a month later and had dropped to 22 and oncologist ordered a ct as well. An X-ray at the time revealed constipation (I have a stoma following a bowel perforation).
Abdo scan was clear today and ca 125 dropped back to 11 which was amazing however I now have a nodule on my lung. They will discuss at MDT this week and decide whether to watch and wait or rescan. They do not think it is another primary due scan results or ovarian spread due to the ca 125 reading. My ca125 was in 1,000's on diagnosis. They think it is possibly a calcification - does anyone have experience of this and what was the cause and outcome please?