Hello ladies
I am almost to the end of first line treatment for stage 4 clear cell. I had 3 chemos, then successful surgery, then 2 more chemos. My final one was meant to be today but my bloods were low so its put back a week which has left me feeling deflated as everything so far has gone to plan & I just want to get it done, but ofcourse I have to be safe.
Also my oncologist advised me my CA level is 145 & although she said it may still reduce to 0 after final chemo, I'm so worried it might not, and I may need more chemo, which she advised could be only 2 more (8 total).
Seeking reassurance and continued hope for the next chemo & beyond 🙏 ❤️
Ps I read every single reply to my messages & take it all in but sometimes too tired to reply to them all, so TIA xx