Dear All
We have received the following request from a research company working on behalf of Macmillan. If you are interested in taking part, please contact the researchers:
Revealing Reality research company has been commissioned by Macmillan to explore the experiences and needs of people who have been diagnosed with treatable but not curable cancer. This essentially refers to someone who has been given a long-term cancer prognosis and is likely to live longer than a year and manage their condition with various treatment options.
To see some of our previous work, please follow this link as this piece of work has stemmed from a project we completed for Macmillan last year on planning for end of life:
We’re looking for people with treatable but not curable cancer and who would be interested in sharing their story with us. This research will inevitably support Macmillan to tailor their services to the needs of this specific group going forward.
We’re hoping to try and schedule interviews with people over the next week or so. The research will involve a face-to-face depth interview with an experienced researcher from Revealing Reality. Interviews take place at the person’s home, so participants wouldn’t have to travel anywhere. We’re also paying people £85 pounds for the interview.
Anyone who is interested please give us a call on: 0207 735 8040 or email:
If anyone would like to learn a bit more about us, please direct them to our website ( Essentially, we are a social research agency who carry out projects on people’s needs and experiences for clients such as Macmillan, Department of Health, Cancer Research UK and Arthritis UK.
Best wishes
Ovacome Support Service Manager