Chris Wark: Good morning lovely ladies. These... - My Ovacome

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Chris Wark

SCWI profile image
16 Replies

Good morning lovely ladies. These modules by Chris Wark who beat his colon cancer himself are free online till midnight tonight and are truly inspirational. He is the image of health and vitality and he has definitely given me a boost.


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SCWI profile image
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16 Replies
Petrolhead profile image

Disagree totally re Chris Wark. Just a money making exercise. Try researching his stuff and reviews. Also be prepared to be bombarded with emails from everyone after signing up. He does this free stuff fairly often to up his sales and sell your email address on.

Just be prepared if you do.

This free sign up stuff gets posted semi regularly. One of our ladies posted an excellent review last time it was suggested


SCWI profile image
SCWI in reply to Petrolhead

I totally take your point Fay, but although his regime is tough, he is a pretty healthy looking example of how you can beat cancer by alternative methods to chemo etc. If you are determined enough. Definitely not for everyone though, I agree.

Petrolhead profile image
Petrolhead in reply to SCWI

Hi- I have been trying to find a previous reply to a post re CW which was very good and well researched. I will reference it if I can find it. As far as I am aware there is no evidence that his regime helped to beat cancer. I suspect many of us could improve our diet etc. Some people do not recur whatever they do and some recur despite what they do. The thyroid forum also has these free seminar links as I suspect do other cancer forums.

Best wishes Fay

Cropcrop profile image
Cropcrop in reply to Petrolhead

I replied to a post about this man quite some time ago, I spent a lot of time researching him and came to the conclusion he is dangerous in his preachings and is in this for the money. It is true he looks the picture of health and we all could do more to eat healthily but his approach is really misleading especially to people who are desperate and easily led because of their diagnosis and who will look to try anything they believe will help. I’ll see if I can find my previous post and re post it. ❤️Xx Jane

Petrolhead profile image
Petrolhead in reply to Cropcrop

Hi Jane

Even though I am on holiday in France I took nearly 2 hours looking for your post. Eventually found it on page 56 of previous threads. It was such a good post so I copied and pasted it- but did credit you.


Cropcrop profile image
Cropcrop in reply to Petrolhead

I saw it and commented, I have absolutely no issue with you copying my ramblings 😊. Thank you for remembering this rant from 7 months ago. It is good to be able to raise awareness amongst our lovely group. I hope your holiday is restful and enjoyable. Safe journey when you come back, big hugs ❤️Xx Jane

85live4ever profile image
85live4ever in reply to Petrolhead

Hi Fay, you are so right we have to be very careful. Where no one is saying he is a con artist but when you are in a desperate place you might get taken in by him.

I do recall his name coming up before but when I looked him up something didn't sound right. I think some of the things he feels we should do seems dangerous.

We are all fighting oc in one way & another. We do not need extra stress put on to us by people who should know better. He was once a cancer patient so he knows how hard that is without adding extra sh*t like selling our e-mail address off. Or saying we shouldn't have cancer treatment. If it wasn't for chemo I would not be here. I have tried every kind of healthy diet it hasn't kept the cancer a way for me!!!

Thank you for posting this. Take care Cindyxx

Petrolhead profile image

Hi - I have found the thread from 7 months ago started by Grace123 who now does not recommend it. An excellent reply by Croptop which I have copied and pasted.

Hope you do not mind me copying your post Jane

Regards Fay- see what you think

Hi Sundra, yours is obviously a post that has divided opinion and will continue to do so.

I am sorry this is really lengthy but feel the post warrants a full response.

My response has taken a while to put together as I have been looking into the person behind the video you have posted. The video is compelling, Chris Wark is an exceptionally good orator and I don't doubt he believes in what he is saying but primarily he is a good speaker who does it for a living.

I have read quite a bit about Chris Wark from his own blog and his own published Q&A session and research into his claims, having read them I feel he is primarily an entrepreneur who is selling his own version of hope which carries potentially good earnings for him. To quote his own words he is a father, husband, real estate investor, health coach and public speaker. At no point does he say he has any medical knowledge/training at all.

He says he healed himself because he chose not to have chemotherapy! Given that he had the surgery to remove the cancer, he had already taken part of the 'cure' he says is contraindicative. He is still happy to take part in conventional medicine to suit his purpose but then derides it. Yet it was conventional medicine that gave him his life saving diagnosis.

He states that surgery does not cure the cancer and that it will come back as a metastatic cancer. He states that chemotherapy makes the cancer cells stronger and he states that chemotherapy causes cancer because it compromises the immune system but does not quote the source of this information. (I personally think he is a very dangerous individual)

He then goes on to itemise his daily diet including detoxified water and promotes a specific water detoxifier with a link to it, organic juices and promotes a specific juicer, again with a link to it, he promotes supplements with specific brands and and the person who sells them to him. Could he be being sponsored to promote specifics? I think it quite likely.

His theory of eating a healthy diet is based on really good basic sound knowledge, we all know we probably don't have the best diet possible and we could all probably do much more to eat healthier but in order to be able to follow his recommended regime we have to factor in the substantial cost implication together with the extensive time needed to devote to his diet suggestions. In our normal day to day routines we all have in our family life, we do not necessarily have the time to do as he says and would we then feel guilty if we were unable to follow his ways to the letter? Would we feel like we are failing ourselves by not following his regime to the extent he states? And, heaven forbid if we became ill would we be able to have traditional medicine help given we had already rejected it once in favour of this regime? And would it be timely? There are so very many factors that have to be reconciled with daily life without it becoming obsessive and thus destructive, this. in itself, can be damaging to our psyche. As a self employed person Mr Wark can work to suit his lifestyle not a luxury we all have.

I believe he is aiming his claims at already vulnerable people who will potentially grab at any possible way to make themselves better, they have been given a damned scary diagnosis so are really easy prey. You only have to look to some of the religious sects that have sought and found vulnerable people and then brainwashed them with spurious promises with sometimes subsequent tragic and fatal outcomes. I'm not saying Chris Wark is a dangerous man perse I do, however, believe he's not the good guy he claims to be either.

His claim that the current ways of treating cancer are wrong is just downright dangerous. There are many people who are alive today thanks to their various treatments beit surgery with subsequent radiotherapy (which he also derides in his blog), surgery followed by chemotherapy, chemotherapy alone, surgery alone or drug therapy and I am happy to include myself amongst them.

This man is an evangelist and he is selling his religion, his methodology and his sponsors. He has been very lucky to have survived his cancer, as all of us who are fortunate enough to be survivors are. Who's to say he wouldn't have survived if he had had chemo? Who's to say he would have survived despite his not having chemo without following his methodology. It's all an unknown and therefore his claim is mute.

He has named his main critic (David Gorski) and called him a charlatan because he is an atheist, does the fact this person is an atheist have any bearing on his opinion of Chris Warks claims? I think not but he has had the audacity to question Mr Warks claims from a scientific point of view. I don't believe Chris Wark was a cancer researcher prior to his diagnosis or has been classed so since diagnosis. respected or otherwise, he does not claim this anywhere in his own profile so how can he be classed as an expert now?, I don't believe he has medical training or else he would have said so to give his claims some credence, his information could potentially be based purely on stats and as we all know, the stats can be made to say what you choose them to say depending on their source and different sources give different stats. I'm sure none of us knew much about ovarian cancer prior to our diagnosis? I'm sure we have all looked up information and found what we believe to be best practice for ourselves in dealing with our disease but I doubt any of us would class ourselves as experts?

I would suggest that anybody who is seriously considering following this person, to do so with a totally open mind and to take a very very long hard look at his claims before embarking on his lifestyle. Especially I would recommend getting a medical opinion before starting any new regime.

If I have caused upset to anybody at all with my post I apologise but I have taken my information from Mr Warks own profile and blog and made an informed opinion.

Wishing you all good health ladies ❤xx Jane

Welshandproud profile image

Thank you Jane for all of your research. Your post is really helpful. There are charlatans out there who are keen to make a quick buck by promising what they cannot back up with scientific evidence. We are all vulnerable and desperate to recover or extend our lives. Anyone who claims that surgery and chemotherapy are wrong, without medical training, is dangerous, I agree. We need to listen to our doctors who really do know what they are talking about.

27-359 profile image

Hi. I did this course some months ago, and going on gut feelings only, I just didn't trust the man! I have since had to withdraw from his emails as he was always trying to sell me stuff. There is a female on line who is doing something similar. All shiny health and starts her forums with "Hiya!" Perhaps it is just my reaction but I am always suspicious.


SCWI profile image

Thanks ladies for all your replies to my post. I completely agree that Chris Wark is trying to make money out of cancer patients. I certainly don't think anyone should obsessively follow his regime unless they really want to. However on reading several of his modules I think he does have some valuable advice on diet and things that might support you alongside conventional treatment and maybe supporting the body in remission. I also think it is worth remembering that people like him aren't the only ones making money out of us. The big drug companies are too. Having this disease is like being in a minefield, and I believe that finding a really good integrated medical professional who looks at all sides both medical and holistic would be the answer to our prayers. Best wishes xx

Yoshbosh profile image
Yoshbosh in reply to SCWI

I think you are right, Sophia. It's about picking and choosing the best bits that feel right for us as individuals.

Cropcrop profile image
Cropcrop in reply to SCWI

I agree that we can use the bits that suit us to help us and you all know my views on good food as our fuel and the importance of a really healthy diet. The thing that really worried me with this individual was the decried efficacy of traditional medicine and the hard sell to already vulnerable people. As in all things it’s an informed balance. ❤️Xx Jane

Sunfleury-UK profile image

for all interested in integrating a more holistic approach with conventional treatments, do consider going to Penny Brohn in Bristol... their 'Living Well' course is an introduction and many find it hugely beneficial whilst returning to do the second course is the opportunity to look at a more individual plan... their nutritional /cooking classes and approach are really interesting and doable! Sx

SCWI profile image

Many thanks for your reply Sunfleury. I would really love to do a course at Penny Brohn and shall look into it. Sx

Truthseaker profile image


This is my first time here. I'm an ex nurse and cancer patient, I have no idea if the cancer is still there because in the UK following surgery for ovarian cancer I was given a leaflet saying I had agreed to not have any follow up care, which of course was untrue. I have not seen a dr for my cancer since the 12 of May 2018!

What I can tell you about Chris is that he is a good man with good intentions, although he has turned his experience of cancer into a money making business. Sadly he is correct about chemo and radiation not working, but he fails to explain why, let me correct that for you.

What your doctor won't tell you is that chemo and radiation don't kill cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells were discovered in the 1990s. They are the only cells that cause cancer to spread and grew new tumors in the body. Chemo and radiation can kill normal cancer cells, but not cancer stem cells and you doctor will never tell you this. I found out by reading research on pubmed. I printed off a whole load of research papers and took them to my husbands doctor in 2016, I said my husband had surgery without informed consent. I told the dr that having a primary tumor removed does 3 things:

1 - Primary tumors give off a chemical to stop other free floating cancer cells from forming tumors, when you remove a primary tumor, you loose that protection resulting in massive spread of cancer in 40% of patients who have their primary tumors removed surgically.

Guess what the doctor said yes thats correct, you should have seen the nurses face, she was shocked.

2 - Following surgery the patient produces growth factor hormones to aid in the repair of damaged tissue from the surgery. Unfortunately this growth hormone also stimulates cancer stem cells to grow and form secondary tumors through out the patients body.

And you guess it the dr said I was again correct, but it wasn't me that was correct it was the research I had read on pubmed.

3 - When a primary tumor is removed cancer stem cells can escape into the blood stream and because the primary tumor has been removed and the fact that growth hormone is produced to help repair the damage tissue following surgery. These two things give the cancer stem cells that have escaped into the blood the idea conditions to encourage them to grow and create secondary tumors.

By this time the nursing sister almost fell of her seat, when again the dr said yes I was correct.

And finally research tells us that radiation and chemo can't kill cancer stem cells, so radiation and chemo can't stop your cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.

My husband had surgery for a cancer he didn't have, the dr thought he had lung cancer and remover 2/3 thirds of his right lung, but he didn't have cancer, it was an infection that could have been treated with antibidotics!

I on the other had have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and I did have surgery, but will not be having either chemo or radiation becasue I know they don't work. I didn't have the surgery for cancer, I had surgery becasue I had a servere prolapse uterus.

Chris Wark is correct conventional treatments don't work, drs talk of 5 and 10 year survival rates, they are talking about failure rates, not cure rates. To cure a patient should be living till normal life expectancy, not just 5 or 10 years, they hide behind missinformation. Cancer is a money making business, imagine what would happen if they found a cure, there are hundreds of cures, but your dr will go to prison if he tells you about them, most drs simply don't know.

What I discovered is that medical doctors are very poorly educated, your rely on someone who has been trained with lies. A medical degree is a worthless piece of paper. One friend of mine in medical school said some of the things he was taught were not correct. He got a file of research together and presented it to his professor who told him to stop asking quesions, if you want to pass you exams and qualify as a dr you need to study the information we provide you with and not look else where. My friend was very upset that he was been taught provable lies and that his professor was so dismissive. He spent the rest of his training in medical school researching everything he was taught. He passed his exams with all the lies he was taught, but told me that 80% off what he was taught in medical school was a lie and that the 20% that was research based was mostly surgical procedures. He also told me that most of the treatments are the exact opposit to what research has found and are contraindicated to the patients condition, which means the treatments will make patients sicker.

I wish with all my heart that I could say something different. I can't tell you how many tears I shed finding out the truth about medicine. There are hundreds of drs and others who are exposing this, just read 'deadly medicine organised crime', 'confessions of an RX drug pusher', 'alive and well'. They all tell the same story, but 'alive and well' is about a supressed cancer cure and one drs 30 court battle with his local state medical board.

If you open your eyes and research, it is impossible to deny the truth, we have all been conned, not least the drs in medical school. If you read 'confessions of an RX drug pusher' make sure you have a box of tissues with you, the first page tells of the dealth of a young girl, the direct result of medical negligence and drugs that are inherrintly unsafe for human consumption. It broke my heart reading that book, its a powerful read.

So although I don't approve of what Chris Wark has done by making money out of patients suffering, he is doing exactly the same thing as the durg companies are doing, making money out of other peoples suffering.

I live in the UK and called a government agency a couple of weeks ago, they are called 'Public Health England.' Public Health England look at prevention of illness and disease, they told me that 4 out of 5 cancers in the UK were preventable with diet and lifestyle changes. When I asked my doctor about what caused my cancer I was told bad luck. But that clearly is not true if 4 out of 5 cancers are preventable in the first place. Why does my doctor not know what Public Health England knows? Why don't doctors run weekly classes to teach patients what diet and lifestyle changes they need to make to prevent illness and disease from occurring in the first place? I can answer that question, one word, money and poor training. There is no money to be made out of well and health people.

If I have affended you I am not sorry. I have shared today the truth as found in scientific research, my daughter is one of those scientist who knows the truth, she is an international research scientist in chemistry and micro biology. My daughter knows more about caner than my doctor does and he looked foolish with his lack of knowledge when my daughter shared what she knew about my cancer that he clearly did not.

If you value your health research for yourself, and share what you have learnt with your family and friends. The world is changing and the truth is spreading fast. I spoke to a 20 year old the other day and he told me that chemo and radiation don't work. I asked him how do you know all this, he said my Grandmother died and I researched cancer. I said well done, I'm proud of you, share this will everyone you know. So the truth is getting out there, everyone I have told I have cancer told me not to have chemo and radiation and I so surprised that so many people are aware of the lies been told.

Please don't blame your doctor, they are taught lies, they have no way of knowing that they were taught lies. I'm an ex nurse and can tell you no one goes into either nursing or medicine to cause harm to patients, they all want to help. If you want to blame anyone it's the drug companies that create a barrier between science and medicine so the doctors never find out the truth. In the UK doctors have the highest rates of depression and mental health problems, higher than the general poplulation, the same goes for perscription drug, street drug and alcohol abuse. Drs are suffering, they see everyday that the treatments don't work and don't have any other way to help patients. Doctors and nurses end up being whats called burnt out, mentall exhaused, they simply can't cope with what they see on a day to day basis.

Chris Wark is right when he says don't bother telling your doctor what alternative treatments you are using for your cancer. Doctors are told that diet and lifestyle changes have nothing to do with health, but we all know that is not true.

My advice would be to go vegan. Vegans live longer with cancer than non vegans, read 'the china study' and 'stop feeding your cancer' by dr John Kelly. Pet scans work because cancer cells have more insulin receptors that non cancer cells. Cancer cells use sugar as a fuel, so stop feeding them, cut out all surgar. Natural sugars in berries and friutes are ok. Eat lots of wallnuts, pecans and unroasted peanuts, they are anticancer. Have carciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, bitter apricot pits, boose your immune system with spices. Take curcumin from tumeric, ginger, garlic, black peper and a fat such as coconut oil to aid absorbtion. Look up beta glucan, and its amazing immune boosting properties. Do yoga and meditation, reduce stress, spend time in the sun, get enough vitamin d. Look at herbs for cancer, soursop leaf tea, pow pow leaves and green tea. But above everything do your own research. I bourght over 1000 books on cancer and health. Read all you can, never accept anything anyone else tells you including me and your dr. Always research for yourself. Empower yourself with knowledge, if your too poorly ask a friend or family member to research for you.

In one book I read the dr who wrote it said all disease has one cause malfunctioning cells, he's a microbiologist like my daughter. He said there are just too casues of disease deficiency and toxicity. Chris Wark is correct when he says that cancer is a normal process and its nothing to be afraid of. Research tells us that we all have at least 3 major cancers in our life time. Most resolve themselves without any outside intervention, our bodies are amazing, they can heal themselves given the right conditions. Think of cancer being a seed in a desert, the seeds in the desert remain dormant, but then conditions in the desert change when the rains come and the seeds begin to grow and flurish. Cancer is like that seed in the desert, most people don't have cancer becasue the conditions in our bodies do not support its growth, but when conditions change the cancer can flurish like the seeds in the desert when it rains. We need to stop the rains coming to control the growth of cancer. We need to control the internal conditions of our bodies to keep cancer in check.


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