Latest scan results today, 3 years 9 months on Olaparib, 4 years NED. They don't know why I am responding so well and I for one am not complaining!. Not sure on CA125 but not expecting it to have moved from the 'below 3'. I'm sharing not to boast or gloat and I hope nobody is upset by my post but there is hope ladies, always hope ..... Big hugs to all. Kathy xx - oh btw looks like I will make my 'ten year anniversary' on 11th October unless of course I get run over by a bus! xx
Olaparib still working: Latest scan results today... - My Ovacome
Olaparib still working

Wonderful! Xx
Very happy for you, this is wonderful news. Hope is definitely welcomed. Thanks for sharing. X
Hi Kathy. You are not boasting. We will all be so pleased for you. It's always good to know that this awful disease can be kept at bay. Brilliant news. 🤗🤗😘😘🌻🌻

It can Chris, just wish everyone was as lucky xx
Hi Kathy,
Brilliant news so pleased for you 😘
Pauline x
That's so encouraging. I'm hoping that PARP inhibitors will be available for everyone soon.
Really pleased for you ten years is amazing. The aliens obviously don't like those capsules
Much love
LA xx
Yaaay! We love this news!!
Gives us newbies something to aim for, I intend too 😀 Xx
U cheer me up no end🌹🌈
Kathy you never gloat or boast, you are such an inspiration. Yours was one of the first profiles that I read when I joined here. I for one am absolutely thrilled for you, long long may it continue
Marian xx

Thank you Marian . Hope you are doing ok x
So happy for you. Hope for us all x
Hope indeed! As I said to Lily-Anne above 'My Dr did say today that because of the promising results from Olaparib and newer Parps that things are encouraging for ladies both with and without BRAC. At least by trialling it it made me feel like I am contributing in someway to ladies now and in the future.' xx
Happy for you Kathy . Thy for been here and giving us hope . I’m going today for the scan and I really hope that will be the same as the last year clean.. hugs
Hi Kathy, that's brilliant & you are not boasting you are given us hope. Hope that we can fight this & like you give it a good kick up the bum!!!!
What are you planning for your 10th year anniversary? I hope its a lovely meal or a party😀
I want to give you a big hug take care love Cindyxx
Your news is fantastic and you are an inspiration to us all. All the best!
Thanks xx Hope you are doing ok x
Scan last week. Find out next Tuesday what next steps are. Hoping it's going to be a trial but didn't have "enough" measurable disease for one that's now closed; didn't have the right receptors for two others; carcinosarcoma rules me out of another and being BRCA negative from another, not to mention platinum resistance. If no suitable trial, it may well be weekly Taxol but fingers crossed something has turned up in the last few weeks....
Hope your excellent news is helping you manage with the very real grief of losing your beloved dog.
Brill 👍
Fantastic news and so inspirational. Thankyou for posting and giving us all hope , definatley not boasting . Was feeling down today (missing my daughter who has gone back to uni ) and you have cheered me up . Enjoy your celebrations. Love and best wishes Kim x
Very well done, fellow olaparib taker!

Thanks. Hope you are finding the going good. How long have you been on it?
I'm three months behind you. I had a scan scare earlier this year which thankfully came to nothing.

You are obv one of the ladies the dr spoke about that like methat have been on it a lot longer than expected and for whom its working well, long may it continue xx
That's brilliant news it's a pity we can't all meet up on the 11/10 to celebrate with you but I hope you will be having some fizz xx

Maybe the odd glass..... lol
Wonderful news, positive and hopeful, keep going girl!!! Hugs and prayers to you xx
That is brilliant news Kathy. Really happy for you. And at least the stress of waiting for results is over with for the time being. Big sigh of relief and on with enjoying life!
Love this Kathy, you are an inspiration and give us all hope. I am due to start it next month and praying I get a great response as you have. Long may it continue - you keep breaking the stats and giving us all hope for the future. Lots of love xo
Yay!! So glad it's working for you are an inspiration xx
Posts like yours give us all hope and inspiration. For me I need to read them.
There seems to so many different treatments and for us all to have all the information on here is brilliant. And to hear there is so much hope for us all.
I'm thrilled for you with your results today. Xx

Im glad it gives you hope. There are so many treatments coming along all the time xx
Amazing!!! Soooo pleased xxx
Great news. It's good news to share and encourages us to know that a recurrence does not equal a death sentence. Xx
Absolutely fabulous 😊 That gives everyone hope xxx
I am delighted for you Kathy! This is so encouraging for anyone going on Olaparib - well done and continued NED status! Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement - you are an inspiration!
It's not boasting love it's brilliant news and long may it continue! I am 2 1/2 years and holding my breath each check up,good luck to you 😀👍xx
Oh I am SO pleased! I've been thinking about you all day hoping the Olaparib is still working. Not just for you but selfishly for me too as you are my inspiration to keep positive as there can be options out there that work!
Massive hugs!
No gloating or boastful, Kathy, just wonderful, wonderful news! Long may Olaparib work for you x
PS Don't get run over by a bus, thanks 😘
well done...I wonder if there's as yet unknown genetic link....didn't you say your mum behaved are everybody's shining star! Chris x
Kathy, I could literally cry reading this! With happiness!! Your timing couldn't be better. I've had one of those days where I've just been feeling overwhelmed by everything. I've only been on the Olaparib since Monday, and I still have a certain amount of resistance to them but reading this I see I need to embrace them more! I know the resistance comes from fear, offside effects, & resentment at even having a recurrence, but stories like yours really gives me hope. Thank you! I'm so pleased for you xxx
Hi what are the side effects from the olaparib. My oncologist has not even offered me this or any parp inhibitors. I confess to be in the dark about all of them. I have decided not to do any more chemo, but I would be willing to give this drug a try if it was offered. Any info would be appreciated. Good news for you. I am glad. Sharon
Hi, for me very few side effects. Some 'bowel' issues (if you need more info feel free to message me, not the sort of thing Id make public lol), low blood pressure on standing sometimes which causes dizziness and loss of hearing, but that only lasts a min or so. Thats about it, though apparently my red blood cells are now distorted! xx
That is fabulous news!! Congratulations!! You are not boasting - we need to hear more stories like yours. Thanks for sharing!! Kim xx
That is wonderful news and not boastful at all. It's great to hear that their can be such fantastic results.🍾🎉
Hooray ! Great news
Great news Kathy and you give everyone hope . It gives everyone a lift to know that this monster can be stopped in its tracks. People on trials are the modern day pioneers opening up new frontiers for mankind or in your case womankind . Well done
That is great news. It's important to post positive news, I think. Xxx
Super news!! S 😊 Xx
Excellent news Kathy, you give us all hope. Thank you for posting xx
Brilliant news .... So pleased for you x x
That is amazing and wonderful news, especially coming in a week that has been sad for us all. We all needed your boost! 😊Thank you and have a wonderful 10 years celebration 🍸Xxx
So pleased for you Kathy. Wonderful to have such positive news. Jo 🌺🌼🌸🌹🌺🌻🌼🌸🌹
Absolutely fabulous news.
It CAN be beaten.
Maybe look for some counselling for your bus issues 😅 or just stick your tongue out to next one that comes along.
x Shona
Trust you to worry that a positive update might be construed as "boasting". I think it is one in the big pot of wins for us all. You are usually on hand with support and advice for others, taking time and trouble to make things better for fellow OCers and you are an inspiration. Sounds cheesy but we need to know it can be done, even if it isn't possible for many...
So good for you Kathy! May it long continue.
Xx Netti
So so pleased for you Kathy, fantastic news!!, Coming on this site has given me so much hope as when you are first diagnosed the future seems so uncertain. Learning there are new treatments is so encouraging. Did you go on the trial after a first recurrence?
Have a lovely evening celebrating! Best wishes. xx
Oh what a wonderful, and uplifting post and by no means bragging! You are a living testimony that this beast can be beaten!!! Well done you. Thank you for a lovely post.. Take care always.. Xxxx
Great news, don't apologise for doing well, I'm sure everyone on here wants to hear good news especially on new drugs coming through as it shows there is progress being made. Sx
Thank you for sharing your post and giving all us ladies hope.
Very important that we get good news to keep us all going.
Take care and may you continue with many an anniversary celebration.
Stay well.
Your post filled my heart with joy! Have you made any lifestyle changes to go along with your treatment? xx
I will admit to sometimes being afraid to read the posts when I log on in the morning--the challenges and disappointments we all can have and to see this as the first post of the morning was SO NICE. So happy for you Kathy and congrats not only on the PARP and how well you are responding but also on your 10-year anniversary coming up. October is my favorite month and you just gave me another reason to love it! I will be thinking of you today, on the 11th and beyond! oxox
This is great mess Kathy. Really pleased for you. T. X
I am so very happy for you and pray it continues!! I have a few questions for you if you don't mind: When were you diagnosed, was your ovarian cancer epithelial and what was your stage? Also, what is your age? All these factor in as to your chance of survival and how well your body reacts to treatment. Thank you and God bless!!
Fantastic news! I am so pleased for you. You are not boasting at all! This is a postvoacksd full of hope for fine of us, thank you so much for sharing this. It is news like this that gives us something to cling to.
I hope you have a lovely celebration in October.
Nicky xx
This is AWESOME NEWS! Shout it from the rooftops if you want! I'm praying I can make it through my second round of treatment for first recurrence of this crappy disease. If I get to a NED state again, I'll be pushing for maintenance treatment. I've done my research and I'm pulling out all of the stops. May I ask, are you BRCA positive?I am not, but that doesn't mean the PARP Inhibitors won't work for you 😍 Thank you for sharing this great news Kathy and God bless you 🙏 Watch out for those busses 🚌
Love, Helen (Michigan, USA)
Hi Helen. Yes I have the BRAC 2 gene. My Dr said yesterday that the Parps are showing promise for ladies with and without the BRAC gene. Love the USA btw, go every year :). Been back a week or so this time xx
Hi Kathy, I have told my GynOnc Dr. about that but she seems to feel otherwise (about Olaparib). Zejula is available now and I am platinum sensitive. You do not need to be tested positive for any genetic marker to try Zejula from what I have read. I am awaiting results from my Genetics Counselor from tumor analysis matching with other possible genetic markers in my blood to see if it helps determine what treatment might work best for 'Helen's CA'. May prove fruitful but may not.
I'm glad you love the USA 🇺🇸.
I've never been to the U.K. or overseas at all. I hope to be well enough at some point to travel ANYWHERE 😍
Continued good health to you, Kathy 🙏
Am absolutely delighted to hear this - long may it continue!! Sandra. Xx
That’s absolutely amazing Kathy and wonderful to know you are approaching your 10 year anniversary! Long may it continue and enjoy your celebration. I’m Brac negative and platinum resistant now so as far as I understand Parps are not for me but i’m so glad they are working for many women. I am rather in awe of the scientists who discover these drugs, being a bit of a science ignoramus myself!!
All the best
Madeline xx
Thanks Mafeline. The Dr did say that they were seeing results in non BRAC patients so who knows what the future holds? Btw where abouts in Herts are you?. I was born in Hertford lol xx
I’m in St Albans. Yes I’ve read that Parps can work in non BRAC women but that you have to be platinum sesitive. I’m lucky to have had avastin but don’t think it’s working as well now, will find out next week and see what else is in the cupboard ! 🤞 xxx
Oh my husband was born in St Albans. Hopefully it is still working for you, fingers crossed for next week xx
Thank you, I need a bit of luck! I moved here about 25 years ago for work and it’s been a great place to live and bring up a family. Where are you now?
I think it is just fantastic news, thank you for posting, its super helpful. Congrats on the 10 yr anniversary, I still have a year to go for mine - Nicola
That is brilliant news Kathy, thank you for posting, it's exactly the sort of thing I want to hear, it's uplifting for my spirit to know there are people out there nearing the 10 year mark, fantastic! xx
Brilliant news - Olaparib is available here in Australia on the public health system if you are BRACA positive.
Go girl!
Excellent news,giving hope to us all! XXX