Hi ladies, been for appt with oncologist following first chemo 3 weeks ago, I dread seeing them. Anyhow he explained that they wouldn't do debulking as lesions on liver were too near arteries and it would be a big operation so instead they are going to add bevacizumab injection to my treatment when my abdominal would d has healed, which after 10 weeks is still leaking a little, so they will delay this for a while. Anyhow, whilst I did not fancy surgery it has left me feeling very negative about my outcome, PS I am stage 4 but feeling quite well, and I had been positive. Any advice or reassurance would be appreciated. Wishing you all a good weekend.
Feeling deflated!!: Hi ladies, been for appt with... - My Ovacome
Feeling deflated!!

Hi Joanie
I am also stage 4 and it was the chemo which really sorted it for me. However...if you are concerned that your team are being too cautious it might be worth getting a second opinion. I know some surgeons will attempt ops that others have ruled out.
xx L
Hi Joanne well Avastin did work for me and doing well. However if you are unhappy I agree second opinion is an option, all the best

Thanks Suzuki, I'm due for chemo on Tuesday and I think I'll ask to see my CNS nurse for a chat, perhaps she will explain things better. Wishing you good health xx
Joanie, chemo can shrink the liver nodes and probably make surgical removal possible. That happened for me. As ever, get a second opinion. My oncologist surgeon is very, very aggressive and does surgeries other doctors are not willing to do. Tesla in Seattle, US
Thank you Tesla for your encouraging words, today I'm putting my fighting knickers back on and hoping and praying these tumours shrink and I will get 2nd opinion, god bless and prayers to you xx nb hope storm Harvey is no way near you xx