Well a short time after my diagnosis, I have now had my first chemo treatment of carbo and taxol. The procedure was fine and I was well prepared for the possible side effects from my CNS. Days 4 to 7 have been hell, I have not even managed to get out of bed. Today, exactly a week later, I feel slightly better but so so weak. Not much to look forward to at the moment except that I am still alive. Trying to stay strong for my beautiful son and husband whom I love so much and don't want to leave. There are so many brave people on this site. I am trying to draw strength from you all x x
First treatment: Well a short time after my... - My Ovacome
First treatment

good morning lovely,
That's exactly how I was on cycle 1 and 2. Today I'm going for round three ( a week late due to side effects) and only having carbo. Fingers crossed for no pain or exhaustion next week. We will get there, just remember to tell you oncologist exactly what you experienced.
Take care and chin up chick
Good morning I'm stage 4 ppc and having the same chemo. I've had my 3rd chemo and yes days 4 to 7 are the worst, but then I started to feel better and some what normal (hope you do too) I should have had my debulking op last week went into hospital spent the night got all prepared for theatre and then the couldn't do it because there was no bed in IDU so they decided to do a laparoscopy to see if I needed a debulking. Good news on that I don't need anything doing to my bowel and they said the chemo was doing a fantastic job ( so although it makes you feel crappy it works) anyway got a new date for surgery this Tuesday at st James in Leeds. We will get there love
Get out and do lovely things in between chemo. It will keep you strong in mind and body. Let your onc Know how you are there is lots of thing they can do .i start taking paracetamol on Day 3 and don't stop until day 5, I also take constipation tabs for a few days because the anti sickness tabs bung me up. Take care x
Thank you for your reply and good luck with your surgery. I am in the UK too but in the South East. Today is exactly a week since first treatment and I am up and dressed, a massive improvement from the last 3 days. I took domperidone and cyclizine. The cyclizine made me sleep so that was the best thing for me to try and sleep through. I had to take Imodium as was losing all my fluid in this excessive heat.
Hi not sure if this will help but I was diagnosed in 2013 stage 4 and have just finished my fifth line of chemo. The first week is always the worst so don't beat your self up if your not feelin great so what! In my vast experience you usually start to feel better on week 2 and pretty normal by week 3 (whatever normal is!) . I thought I wouldn't survive but hey four years later I am still here, both sons have had wonderful weddings, big hats etc., three lovely grandchildren have arrived, we've had loads if fantastic holidays and events and I don't intend to stop yet. just think to yourself 1 down now only 5 more etc. Keep smiling.
I agree with the other ladies on here, the first treatment can be like being hit by a truck. However I couldnt stay in bed because I had the most dreadful thoughts in my head. I would get up and get dressed and sit or lie on the sofa with my dogs. Yes you get a dip when the steroids wear off but its only for a few days. You will pick up again and feel reasonably normal by Monday. If your anti sick isnt working out for you your team will have an alternative. Stay hydrated as much as you can in this warm weather and eat small amounts of food rather than attempt your usual size meals. All the best to you, by the way love your photo and your dog and hope you get some nice walks in before next time,

Thanks for the reply. Yes the photo was last October in Dorset - how things change. My dog is almost 14 now and she hasn't left my side - the best nurse ever. It's weird I am sure she knew as before I was diagnosed and feeling poorly she kept sniffing my stomach. You are very brave, please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing x x
You do come out the other side. The treatment is cumulative so the symptoms will get worse each time and they may adjust the dose for this. I've just had carbo only this week for second recurrence but at a reduced dose and slower infusion to make it more tolerable.
Be kind to yourself during treatment and listen to your body
LA xx
I agree with Lily-Anne, the after effects do get a little harsher each time. I had eight cycles of taxol, the first three with carbo then cisplatin when my body reacted to carboplatin. I needed potassium and magnesium boosts each time about ten days after chemo. This was mostly through prescribed tablets but on a couple of occasions via infusions in hospital. I felt so much better when the levels improved. So if you don't start feeling stronger after the s****y days 3-7, it may be worth asking for a blood test to check your levels. Enjoy the good days! Jo 🌻🌺🌼
If you can, jot down how you are feeling each day, as you'll probably find that each cycle follows the same pattern, i.e. diarrhoea days 2-3, leg pains days 3-5 are likely to repeat on the same days of the following cycles. I remember the pains in my legs and feet with the first cycle, it was so frightening and the extraordinary diarrhoea. Whether the pains and other effects did get worse with subsequent cycles, I'm not so sure they did. Perhaps they did but by then I knew what to expect. All I remember so vividly was the shock of the first one and the fears, did they measure me properly; did they weigh me properly, surely they've made a mistake and given me too much to make me feel like this. However, I was very lucky in that I never felt sick and I never had problems with blood levels.
Try and walk a little outside, even only slowly to the bottom of the garden. It is amazing how being outside lifts the spirits.
All the best!
So sorry to read how you feel. I can so sympathise with you. I was in the same situation ten and a half years ago, having just had my first Chemo on the 22nd December. We all knew it would be my last Christmas!! I doubted I'd see my seventh grandchild born - we are now so lucky to have eleven and two greatgrandsons. The thought of leaving my darling husband and family seemed unbearable. I think it was only that that gave me the strength to carry on. I couldn't bear seeing the worry and sadness on their faces so I determined to be as positive as possible and try to keep cheerful.
I did have despairing days but when I had days with a bit of energy, I sorted cupboards out, things to charity, things to the bin. Even marked up plastic containers lids and bottoms so my husband could find the right ones. When I 'd recovered a bit more I started back on the garden. A lovely sunny day made me happy. I sat down on a low stall and started weeding. Within about a quarter of an hour I was in despair. Just too tired to continue. Came in for a for a rest and coffee and within half an hour, wanted to be out there again. Lasted a bit longer that time. I think the key is to pace yourself. My husband still nags me because I'm very bad at doing it, but he's right. Another thing I thought very important was to train up my husband with housework etc, ready for when I was gone, and he'd be more able to cope. I'm still doing it ten years later!! What a great way to get the housework done, lol 🤗.
Gosh,I have gone on. Sorry. I'm just trying to say - try not to despair, you WILL get through this and you'll have up days as well as down days. Gradually more up than down. I think we're in shock when we get our diagnosis and are so frightened before the first chemo, not helped by being told of all the awful things that can happen. Hopefully, after the next chemo you won't feel quite so bad and you'll be more able to adapt to your bad days and not have to stay in bed all day. Not necessarily get dressed but get up in your dressing gown and have a little potter, then flop back. I played happy music quietly in the background, watched TV, though couldn't really concentrate, couldn't read a book, or sew. Did try to watch funny programmes and friends sent me jokes on the tablet. I didn't join HU for three or four years because I was afraid of what I'd read!! Had to tell myself any statistics are just what they are, statistics. If they say something has a seventy percent of something bad, that means twenty percent is good, and that is probably for you.
Best wishes for a happy recovery soon and good luck with the chemo,
With love and a big hug, Solange 😊 Xx
Hi, mention to your oncologist how bad you have. Been on it and they might be able to help by reducing the dose. Ann xx
Hi Hun,
Everyone of these lovely ladies have said more than I ever could.
I had carbo/taxol starting Oct 2014 finishing March 2015 and I am still here NED,stilling having checks and living life.
There are good days and bad and you just have to go with the flow and not feel guilty.I still have mostly emotional days,songs,tv programmes set me off and I make a point of not apologising for the tears,but, I don't dwell on it or my familly would send me to a psychologist! Lol😳
You will be fine, I have a beautiful son,daughter and 2 grandsons aged 3 and 2 months,your family will keep you going,you are needed.
Went to see Robbie Williams last night,sung and danced with the best of them aged 61,it's just a number and an illness you will get over👍
Love Cxx