About to be taken to theatre in Hammersmith. See you ladies on the other side and thank you for all your messages and kind words xxx
Going in...: About to be taken to theatre in... - My Ovacome
Going in...

Best wishes from ALL HERE. ( by proxy! ) x x x see you later.x
Seconded!!! Xxxx
Thinking of you Nicky xxx
Thinking of you Nicky. See you when it's all over. Lots of love Ali xx
Thinking of you Nicky, lots of love and very gentle hugs ❤️Xx Jane
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
All my best wishes Nicky we will all be here waiting for you to send a a post ......just relax and get your strength back...Lorraine xx
Hopefully you will be out of surgery by now. Hope all went well 😘😘🌻
Am sure the surgery will be behind you now. Here's hoping it was a tremendous success and now you can begin to heal speedily. Hope you are comfortable. xx
Hope all went well. Best wishes x
Hi Nicky, good luck keep us up dated. I will add you to my preys tonight. One thing I can say we are all wishing you a quick recovery. Please take care love Cindyxx
Wishing you a speedy recovery, do hope the surgery went well xx
Hope all went well and you are comfortable. Wishing you a speedy recovery - sending hugs and love x
Hi Nicky
I really hope you are ok and that all went well with your surgery. Was thinking about you yesterday. Let us know how you are doing only when you feel up to it😊🌺 love Sophia xx
How you feeling today nicky? Xx
Thank you all. Even though I have not met you ladies,I feel like I am among friends. I felt different going to this operation and I felt I have connected with amazing women through this forum. And I was thinking of you all as I had my anaesthetic, thinking that if you can do it I can do it again. I felt so much stronger with you all around me. Thank you all so much. I'm feeling very sore today, but they have said this is normal as they had to take out quite a bit.thank you all for your lovely messages and I do hope you are all well? X
Hi Nicky, I was wondering how you were doing & was checking post to see if you had put anything new on. I am so pleased it went well now you can heal & recover.
It's like watching race horses jumping massive hedges you just think the are going to fall flat on their faces but they don't they jump them all & finish on the line.
We might not be horses but we can be winners!!!! It's all to do with that fight for life. I have read lots of your blogs & you are doing everything you possibly can to kick this oc in its pants. Good luck take care Cindyxx
Hi Nicky great to hear you're out the other side! I know you'll be hurting and woozie so thanks for letting us know. Onwards and upwards xxx
Thank you so much for your lovely email. Are you doing OK? xx
Hi Nicky, please let's us know when you home safely.
I am not too sure if you are asking me how I am or someone else. But if is me then my news is not good it's come back & this will be my third line of chemo which starts on the 26th of April.
I know you have said in the pass you are not a positive person but your post always has a flavour of determination & fight in it. When I start my chemo I will think of you & all the others on here fighting their own battles.
At the moment I can't stop crying my daughter in law keeps calling me I know she is worried but she has enough of her own problems. Any way make sure you rast plenty & recovery well. Take care Cindyxx
Hi Cindy oh I am so sorry to read your news. You must feel depleted? Do you have someone there with you?
It is a horrible disease and I do not know why we are going through this. I try to stay positive. It is very important to keep your mind strong but that is not always very realistic when we feel low or vulnerable. Have you tried counselling at all? It might help. I am thinking of you and am here for you xx
HI Nicky, thank you, yes I am having a kind of counselling but she seems more interested in my past & not my here & now. So I don't talk about the oc much which seems a bit pointless.
I am just feeling sorry 4 my self to day but with some luck this lot of chemo will zap it & give me some more time.
When you have recovered will you be going back on chemo? Or now you have had this surgery does it mean you are back in remission? Take care Cindyxx
Great to hear you are now on the healing track, Nicky. Well done you and well done, yet again, Christina!
All the best for a steady recovery and returning home.
Glad to hear you're through the worse Nicky and you're on the mend! Now you know to just take things slowly, rest, rest, rest and the recovery will come Jemima xx