Does anyone have any tips or recommendations for over the counter remedies for constipation . I have stopped going to loo without taking bowel stimulant (dulcolax) I take it every three days which works but gives me the need to be near a loo for about 4 hours . Just wondering how other people are coping. Or if they have tried other medications. Look forward to hearing from you.
Trouble going to loo: Does anyone have any tips... - My Ovacome
Trouble going to loo

Oh Maureen, I'm sure many on here can sympathise. I've not had chemo but after both my operations I was completely bunged up from all the morphine and drugs but found a good old daily dose (half a cup I think) of prune juice did the trick after about 3 days. Also nibbling on dried figs/prunes (if you like those...they're like sweets!) I wish you a movement soon Hun ((hugs))
Jemima xx
Thanks jemima have tried all the food types but think I am now needing medication my bowel has lots of little tumours so think that's what is causing it to stop.
So sorry to hear this Maureen...I'm wracking my brain trying to remember what my darling Mum was on - I remember Laxido but think she ended up on something stronger. I'm sure one of the other ladies will have more helpful suggestions which should hopefully help you xx
As an over the counter remedy, I had Sennokot syrup. It certainly helped, but I also ended up with a prescription for lactulose and movicol.
Hi Maureen
I often use daily Lactulose with occasional senna or Movicol to push things may be a case of experimenting to see what works for you. L x
Movicol...that's what my Mum had (having tried laxido and dulcolax!)
Movicol every time, good luck ❤xx Jane
Hi Maureen, I have had the same problem,firstly after the hysterectomy & secondly after chemo. I was getting by with taking one-two laxido which was prescribed by the Oncologist. When I saw her on 16 Dec. she advised taking half the dose of laxido every other day & I have found that seems to be the way forward for me at least. The other over the counter thing you could try is Chia seeds which you can buy in the supermarket, I had them on my cereal each day,but make sure you read the amount on the packet if you try these & the other thing is they must not be eaten dry.
I hope you get something to work as I do how you feel & it is horrible.
Happy New
Ducolax Movicol or prunes in juice not syrup, Kiwis a half an hour before food is also a good idea as is Pear juice which you get in the baby food section. I also agree with the Senokot. Milk of Magnesia is now back on the market so also worth a try, mix with the ducolax or movicol adding hot water
2 apples a day & a red hot Indian twice a week....... meal that is, haha!
Bloody hurts but worked for me
Hi Maureen
I'm on 2nd line chemo and experience no bowel movement for 4/5 days after each chemo ( this happened on 1st line last year also!). I now take Movicol 2 or 3 times a day during this time and find it works. Not pleasant to take, but if you mix if with some orange juice as well as water, it's tolerable!
Good luck!
Was having chemo up until 16 December so was taking dulcolease (up to 6 a day I was told) which seems to work okay, also try and have kiwi fruit, the odd prune or two, lots of water, plus I was prescribed movicol which I got from hospital, and also some suppositories, neither of which I've used yet, but it's good to know that I have them if I need them. Chemo finished for now, just getting ready for surgery. I have read on here that the constipation gets a lot worse after, so am trying to prepare and taking stuff with me, including peppermint tea to help get things moving afterwards... I may also try and alter my diet before surgery so that my bowels don't have to work as hard in the days after (eg lots of veggies, water etc) Hope you get it sorted soon x
Thanks for the tips. Not sure what surgery you are having but I was put on a white diet as I had part of my bowel removed as well as hysterectomy it's opposite to what we believe is good for us. White bread no veg only potatoes and rice apparently it's to rest the bowel. Good luck with operation I I've had two so far and am feeling fine
Maureen-OH I remember how horrible it felt not being able to go. I spent the fifth night after my first chemo on the bathroom floor crying as I was so constipated-had not gone all week. i finally gave myself an enema. i learned after that to drink tons of water. drink drink drink. a good friend of mine got me started on making my own kefir. I started doing that and it has helped tremendously!! i drink every morning a small glass of kefir, a large glass of lemon water and a cup of coffee or two. The hot liquids really helps to get things going. when in the bathroom in really helps to put a stool in front of you with your feet on it. only about 9" or so. It straightens out the colon and gives less resistance to evacuate toe bowel. Try it, it really works well.
also miralax once or twice a day helps. lots of water!!!!
XX Carol
Here in the US it's called Miralax. Same as Movicol. It worked for me every time but took two days to do its magic. The stool softeners like Dulcolax don't work in all cases according to the hospital staff. The oncologist said to take it right after treatment once a day until you have a bowel movement. It's the steroids and pain and antiemetic drugs that cause the problem. I suppose some chemo drugs might constiparé you but that was not the case for me
I used senokot and find it much more gentle I take before bed. And then tends to work next morning. Try not to let things build up too much. I also put flaxseed on my cereal just a teaspoon is enough. Sx