Can you ladies who have had a bowel obstruction tell me your symptoms finished chemo 8th feb clear scan feeling really sick couldent go to toilet took laxato Fri went yesterday still going ok but just feel so sick thanks Susan xxx
Bowel : Can you ladies who have had a bowel... - My Ovacome

Morning Susan. When I had obstruction, it initially felt like severe trapped wind in upper abdomen. I was not moving bowels or passing wind (sorry to be graphic). I then started to vomit and could not even keep water down. The pain got worse throughout the day until it got so bad that I had to ring the hospital for advice ( and ultimately got admitted). I do hope that you haven't got an obstruction, but would suggest that if you are worried or unsure, you should ring your hospital advice line for their input - it's what they are there for. Wishing you all the best. Ali xx
Thanks Alik no pain passing wind and bowels moving now just feeling so sick can you still phone the help line if you are finished chemo xx
Yes, there's no reason why you can't phone them for advice. Have you got any anti sickness meds left from chemo? If bowels moving ok, you could try taking one of them. Just a thought, I don't suppose you have eaten anything thats made you feel sick or picked up a virus from anyone? xx
Could be everything I get I think its the oc returned I have anti sick left good idea going to take one xxx
Morning - this sounds horrible. Feeling sick is dreadful. As mentioned above, I'd try the anti-sickness tablets from chemo first, but if you're still feeling bad, call the Cancer Helpline. They will probably err on the side of caution of course, and suggest that you go back to the Western for a medical check tomorrow. If you're able to arrange this for tomorrow morning first thing, it'll allow you to have a night at home and to see how things are when you wake up. At least, that's what I'd do.
Hope it all sorts itself out x
I would Definately get advice,but I can remember being in hospital after de baulking op,being able to go to the loo,but being very sick and not being able to eat.
I was put on Omaprezole and have never looked back.
Obviously speak to your team,but just wanted to share that,
Carole xxx
As an expert on bowel obstructions you may still have some more solid faeces higher up.In the past I assumed that once you started passing faeces the obstruction was gone and I couldn't understand why I still felt bloated but an X-ray showed massive amounts higher up which had hardened so I had to have softeners in one end and enema in the other. Hope you get it sorted soon.Viv xx
That sounds horrible I hope you can get it sorted out. Some good advice above and I would say contact the team as well.