Bowel : Well ended up in hospital with my first... - My Ovacome

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Friscok12 profile image
11 Replies

Well ended up in hospital with my first bowel obstruction yesterday any advice on how long it could be and how you felt xxx

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Friscok12 profile image
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11 Replies


I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this - I don't have any experience (but it's something I dread happening) so I can't offer any advice, but I just want to send you a hug!


Cropcrop profile image

Big hugs coming to you from me. I don't have this experience but I was bunged for two weeks post op and that really wasn't much fun at all and we were getting close to me being re-hospitalised which was scary, so i know it must be really difficult and scary for you. I can't offer any advice but just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and send lots of love ❤️Xx Jane

Katmal-UK profile image

Cant offer any advice but so want to wish you well, hope your comfortable and the problem get resolved soon. Kathy xx

midcanada profile image

So sorry you must deal with this bowel issue.

I hope for a fast resolution for you.

Hi, Sorry to hear that you are in hospital this is one of the thing I dread after reading post from ladies with this problem, as I get very constipated, so I keep a good watch now and I take Coloxyl softener and laxative combined, 3 every second night plus drink as much water as possible, ( I don't Like water so add a little lemon) I have prunes with my bran in the mornings. I read to try and go first thing in the mornings to get your body in a set time.

I know this is no help now but I'm sure the hospital will get you right and back home Hope it's soon best wishes Lorraine xx💙💙

Sorry to hear this. I think it partly depends on what's causing the obstruction and how it's treated. One woman who was in when I was had been in for at least three weeks on nil by mouth before it cleared, and I gathered not for the first time. I was too but I ended up having surgery. The advice was if it happened again to stop eating and drink small sips....Hoping you get sorted quickly. xx

minard profile image

Hi there - so sorry to read your latest update. I hope that you're feeling more comfortable this morning, and I'd definitely take the advice of the posts above regarding food quantities. I've certainly found that my bowels dislike larger meals intensely, and although I've tried (and now ignored) one consultant's advice to go down the lo-fibre diet, there may be sense in that. Personally I found it virtually impossible to un-learn all the good diet approaches I've made over the years, and indeed I find food one of my biggest joys so cutting out some things was for me too big an ask.

I was also given Laxido with my recent take-home drug sweetie bag, however I've popped it to the back of the kitchen cupboard at the moment and am monitoring my bowels like a hawk.

Hope you are feeling well enough to get home soon.

Caroline x

thesilent1 profile image

Hi, I had a bowel obstruction in 2013, boy was it painful! I was nil by mouth for 4 days and having IV fluids. It started to move on the 4th day and then it was as if I had turned a tap on, had to ask for incontinence pads to wear as I wasn't making it to the bathroom on time! I was in hospital for a week in total. Thankfully I haven't had a Bowel obstruction since, despite going through chemo again in 2016. Hope you feel better soon. Ann xx

Eriksendi profile image

I had problems with my bowels pre diagnosis and post 1st chemo treatment. I was taking laxatives the whole time. It sounds as though you are doing exactly the right things.

tutti profile image

I have a stoma due to OC and have several experiences of bowel obstruction due to narrow areas and adhesions in the colon.I have been hospitalised three times in incredible pain and stayed in for about a week each time,only on fluids.Even then it was about a month before back to normal or what I call normal.In the last couple years I have changed to a low residue diet and take Lactulose once or twice a week to soften the stool and help it on its way.This approach has avoided an admission to hospital but still pretty uncomfortable. I also only eat little and often no big three course meals even when we go out.Always check medication as a lot do give you constipation especially painkillers with codeine.Good luck,hope you are soon sorted out.Viv xx.

CALENA profile image

I'm sorry that you are having this problem. I went through the same thing about 6 weeks after my debulking surgery in November. I took a fall (while holding my 19# dog) and landed on my keister. Nothing broken or hurt seriously. However, I think I probably suffered an adhesion from that and due to depression, started binging on peanut M&Ms. Through all my chemos I never had vomiting but with this I did, My sis knew something was wrong and I was taken to the ER. I had an NG tube to drain my stomach and let my bowels relax. After three days things things started moving again without surgery. Numerous scans I thought I was the poster child for their machine. I was there longer than after my surgery, all the stupid saline made my blood pressure spike to 200/100 plus I had a headache that wouldn't quit. I was put on stool softeners when discharged but learned my lesson about the bad eating I did. They moved me to three different rooms, I walked as much as I could and watched a lot of TV which helped pass the time. I hope you get over this soon. I'll be thinking about you.

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