my name is mary i am 78 yrs old, told about ovc 2yrs had atuber 20cm, chemo shrunk it 2cm now on tamoxifen.1yr later lots of pain in abdomon, they decided to op ,hysterectomy bilatral,and debuikin, in hospital 1day and half feeling fine. ct was clear of cancer, but still worried how long till it comes back. i go sequence dancing 4 times a week and dancing holiday,please excuse any spelling very new to computer,thank you all you lovely ladies for encourgement writting.maryx
hi i am new here: my name is mary i am 78 yrs old... - My Ovacome
hi i am new here

Welcome to our forum ... no one wants to join but honestly it's a fantastic place for support positiveness advice love and almost anything else you can think of the ladies on here are fab 🤗😊
Hi Mary
Welcome! We all worry about when it will/ might come back but the good thing about dancing is that it is almost the direct opposite of I would carry on dancing 💃!
Lyndy xx
Hi Mary and welcome to this site, very glad you found us.. I agree with the ladies, this may or may not return, we dont know and the professionals dont know either. If your last ct was clear then that is good and I hope you celebrated the result. In the meantime do enjoy your dancing, it sounds as if you like it so why not, wishing you the best
Hi Mary and welcome.
We're a friendly bunch and there are lots of women going through various stages of this disease.
You keep dancing.
Debs xxx
Welcome Mary,
Please don't worry, keep dancing and keep well, there's nothing to suggest you shouldn't ❤xx Jane
Hi Mary, Weelcome to the forum and well done for tackling the computer. Definately keep dancing!
Definitely keep on dancing.
I am looking into joining a dancing group where I live .
Take care and good on you for tackling the computer xxx
Thank you ladies .mary
Hi Mary
I've just seen your post about dancing and so decided to look at your original post (haven't been on the site for a couple of days). I wouldn't worry about how long until it comes back, who says it will? My mum's OC didn't. Worrying won't change a thing, once you are over your op I'd be dusting off those dancing shoes and getting out there. I'm 58 and wish I had your stamina!. I do hope you are doing ok. Sending you a welcoming hug. Kathy xxx
Hi Mary,
I love dance too and dance Argentina tango. It's has been so healing for me and so life affirming and made me much more in tune with my body. I'll go to any dance nearby and recently found Nia. Never stop dancing!!!
By the way is 38 your resting heartbeat??!!!
Welcome Mary. You will get lots of support here from all these wonderful women. Keep on dancing. It's good for the soul!! Kim xx