On my first holiday post June surgery, chemo finished Nov 4th 2016.
Maybe a skiing holiday was a bit of an ask but all was going fine the scenery is beautiful and it's great to be doing something 'normal'.
Yesterday lunch time I was hit with awful cramps and vomiting, the local doctor suspected severe onset norovirus. Because my white blood count was low and he couldn't get the pain under control (was a lot of shouty swearing going on) the doc sent me to hospital.
The hospital did an ultra sound which showed a bit of free fluid near my kidneys. He said it indicated a problem (cancer) but said he could not see anything more.
Does this mean I've relapsed already? I'm not seeing my oncologist until the 27th of jan for my 3 month check up. Do I wait to tell him or do something sooner?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Lisa x