Hi Ladies, my port which was inserted over 3 and half years ago is becoming more and more tender with each chemo. My doctor has spoken about removing it after this round and replacing it with another. I can also have some sort of ultra sound? I am in the mind, to remove it and hope I get a long remission. If I remove it for awhile perhaps I can forget about cancer. It is a constant reminder. Any thoughts
My Port is becoming Sore any ideas: Hi Ladies, my... - My Ovacome
My Port is becoming Sore any ideas

I've got a port which is fine at the moment. Sounds like a good plan to have your removed and maybe better for you to have a break from having a port. I guess it depends on how much time your likely to have before more treatment. I know it's a permanent reminder and sound like you really need a break from it all
Good luck with whatever you do
Francesca x
Is it pink/red and painful? Do you have a fever? Is there moveable-fluctuating-fluid underneath the port? This happened to me after less than a year following insertion. I went to the surgeon who inserted it because the oncologist wanted to wait. I'm glad I did. It was a very nasty infection. It had to be packed daily with Dakin's solution (a bleach preparation) and I was on antibiotics and pain pills for 2-3 weeks. So I advise seeing the surgeon who inserted it. That was my experience. I was a nurse for 25 years. I guess I figured the best or fastest way to get things done. Hearing "let's wait" doesn't hold much water with me. I was and am a pill. But we have to stand up for ourselves. Best wishes, Nesie 237
To port or not to port. This is a double edged sword. Great if it works and a disaster if not. My wife had two chemo ports , one for the IV dose and the other for the intra peritoneal. The IV port got infected from chemo #2 and she would get fever every now and then. Realising the cause after various blood samples, had it removed so last three chemo was done through IV cannula. Chemo #5 caused severe pain and soreness in the peritoneal port. So the last chemo #6 the intraperitoneal chemo was delivered by inserting the needle by ultrasound guidance . So the port is as good as the last chemo.
I'm glad your wife got the IV port taken out.,it certainly filled it's purpose. IV cannula administration is uncomfortable but sometimes necessary. Doing the intraperitoneal chemo under ultrasound guidance is a great option that replace that infected port. Best wishes to both of you, Nesie 237
Thanks everyone. I think my decision is made it will be taken out after this round and I will getanother one if needed. Bugger the doctors this is my body. Thanks for your advice
i havent had a port yet but it could be a choice some day. If you are almost finished treatment get it out and maybe get cannula for the last chemo. Certainly get it checked out by the team to make sure you havent infection. best wishes
Safety first, is it function properly, no leaks? Check on the quality and reliability of your brand model then do the test to make sure it is ok.
If you are in remission, removal is quick, just make sure the surgeon is mindful of your scar and doe a good job.
If you are a believer and have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins, ask The Lord for guidance in your decision.
May The Lord bless you.