Went for my scan results today and it wasn't the news I wanted to hear. But my oncologist sent me for a blood test today and he is going to ring me Monday to let me know if I have to carry on with my present treatment ( caelyex) or go back to the treatment i was on last year which was paclitaxel( taxol) . Xx
Scan results : Went for my scan results today and... - My Ovacome
Scan results

Oh juliette sorry to hear that. Good news that they are looking into the best treatment for you.
Stay strong and positive, you can kick this bu....er.
Sending hugs your way.
Mandy, xx
So sorry - but your oncologist is being proactive and reviewing the treatment. Fingers crossed for you, Juliette. x
Sorry to hear it wasn't the news you were hoping for but pleased your oncologist is being proactive 👍🏻 thinking of you xx
Thankyou, everyone for all your comments. I am hoping I will be kept on this type of chemo, caelyex, as my hair as just started to grow back but if not I will put up with being bold again and get myself a nice wig.😜xx
So sorry to hear your news, I hope you're oncololigist rings you with a positive treatment plan.
Ellsey xx
Thanks ellsey. He is ringing Me tomorrow to tell me what type of chemo I will be having. I go for my treatment on Tuesday. If he keeps me on caelyex it will be my fourth treatment this Tuesday, so fingers crossed, as I will only have two more to go. But if I go on the carboplatin /taxol (not sure if I've spelt it right) I will be having it once a week for eighteen weeks. 😞xx
So sorry, it is gut-wrenching to hear you have to continue with more chemo - same happened to me I had to switch to weekly taxol again after 5 carbo/Caelyx. Going every week is tough but you know they are keeping a close eye on things. Stay strong and take it one week at a time, lovely photo. Good luck. Xx
Thank-you, my oncologist rang me this morning to say the caelyex isn't working so going back on carboplatin /taxol, starting tomorrow. I will be having it weekly for eighteen weeks. Ate you still on the weekly chemo, xx
so sorry this has happened but at least you have a plan of action and no time to think about it much, do look into the support as in support group or Macmillan Nurse if you have one in your area. At times it is good to have outside support other than family just a suggestion, hope treatment well well today

Thank-you suzuki, yes it was OK, but a very long day. My appointment was for one fifteen but was late getting started, hodu department is not very big and the staff are brilliant, my treatment takes only sixty minutes, but we didn't get home till 7pm.and it's only 25min away by car. But so far I am feeling OK, was told I might feel a bit tired for one day in the week
Sorry meant to say are ☺
I had 15th week of taxol last week and am now having a break from that, I am also having 3 weekly Avastin which carries on for now. Then in September I'm meant to be starting cyclophosphamide chemo which is in tablet form, to replace the taxol. I have to say the 15 weeks have gone reasonably quickly and I have managed to be active most of the time. I have used the cold cap both times I've had weekly taxol and it has worked for me, but it does take more time and isn't for everyone. Wishing you all the best, it's not easy I know, I hope you tolerate the new regime as well as possible. Madeline x
Thanks madeline, glad you coped OK with your Treatment. My daughter in law tried the cold cap, I think she used it four times but she still lost her hair. I don't really want to loose the bit iv got, I don't know what to do. I am starting chemo today. Xx