Hi all
A quick update as I haven't posted for ages: it turns out that I'm not eligible for any trials at the Marsden or UCH for a variety of reasons - Hb too low, ALP too high etc etc - so I'm back with my regular oncologist. The disease has spread to a lung and invaded the bowel, as well as growing rapidly in liver and spleen. UCH suggested Cisplatin and Etoposide as the next step, but my oncologist says I'm not strong enough to take it, and I have to admit I'm relieved, as it did sound daunting. She suggested stopping treatment but after a few tears (mine, not hers) she agreed that I can try three-weekly carboplatin with the Care Oncology Clinic drug regime. I am hoping that the C.O.C. drugs might make the carboplatin effective again. Oncologist thinks there is little chance of it working, but I want to try anyway. Realizing in just how many ways I'm not brave!!
Gina x