On Friday I had my last session of chemotherapy. Yaaa!!! My CA125 was going up probably from an infection in my incision they think, but finally came down to 17 after changing my chemo. So I wasn't platinum resistant like they were thinking and looks like I am in remission. I go for a CT Scan and blood work in a month and if everything is ok I go every 3 months to be checked. I have two ports and I'm wondering how long to keep them just in case I need more treatments.
Finally a bit of good news: On Friday I had my... - My Ovacome
Finally a bit of good news

Hi, fantastic news, I bet that is the best pre Christmas present you could have😀 Good luck with he scan and bloods in the next month.
great news, so pleased for you
Amazing news! Best of luck with next month's tests - will be hoping you get even more good news! All the best, Kerry x
I had my sergury last October and then chemo every week for 6 mos. tax/carb. Had a port put in after surgery and loved it as I didn't need to worry about being stuck with needles every week. My oc recommended keeping the port in as long as there no infection, as I will have blood work every 3 months for 2 yrs.
Thanks for the info. I think they are going to take the one out of my abdomen and leave the one in my chest for awhile as I also have to go every 3 months for blood work. The one in my chest drives me crazy though it's right where my bra strap and seat belt sit so it gets a little uncomfortable, but still better than being poked all the time.
Hi yes it is a bit uncomfortable but better than getting stuck with needles in my arm. Went to my oc dr on thursday for my 3 month checkup, and got a call the next day that my C125 is down to 11. Great news. Before my surgery it was 99.
As far as the port and seat belt go, a friend made me a small 4" x 6" or so pillow out of cotton filled with cotton or fiberfill to place under the seatbelt at the port and it really helps so it wont press on the port.
Have a blessed holiday.
Fantastic news hope it continues and you have a lovely Christmas
LA xx
Ah that's fab news :). X x
Fab news xx
Brilliant news on all counts. Good luck with the CT scan and review. I love to hear a bit nof good news. Thank you. Ann xo