Hello ladies. Hope you are all having a good day. Cold and misty here in Leeds which is not helping my mood. I've had 3 carbo/taxol now, ca125 was 2662 before treatment then to 995 after 1st, 426 after 2nd which I have been told is an excellence response. Had a scan on weds and my team discuss next couse of action next weds. Will it have gone? Will it be debulked enough for them to operate? What if they can't operate? Would I get a 2nd opinion? If they operate will they be able to get it all? Apparently may be difficult due to scarring left from radiotherapy 10 years ago for cervical cancer. So many uncertainties and I feel as if my life is hanging in the balance. The waiting is always the worst part I know, but time seems to be going very slowly even though I am trying to keep myself busy.
The waiting game: Hello ladies. Hope you are all... - My Ovacome
The waiting game
Hello, sorry that you have found yourself in this position. You're right you've had an excellent response so far and again you are right in the fact that the waiting is the worst time, it's all the what ifs etc.
I'm currently second line, after my debulking there were still some spots left that they couldn't get, I had 3 more chemo post surgery to help mop up. I'm second line now after 6 months chemo free. Now I don't say this to scare you but to let you know it's not the end of things if they can't get it all, or the chemo can't kill it off. I'm fit ( ha ha) but most of all well, feel good and apparently look good! It is a pain in the posterior to keep doing chemo but for me it's not that bad compared to the opposite option.
You have responded well, don't think negative thoughts yet as they are a waste if time till you get the facts, which won't be long now and then you CAN deal with it.
Dawn xx
I remember well how you are feeling and it's quite normal so don't be hard on yourself! You've had a good response so looks good for surgery and it's amazing what surgeons can do. I had surgery after 3 cycles. It was such a relief to be offered the operation. I then had 3 more cycles of chemo. Same as Dawn, I finished 2nd line in April and happy to keep having the treatment when needed for as long as they can keep me going!
Good luck with everything
Annette xxx
Hi, great response to the chemo so far. I just want to say don't worry if they can't offer you surgery half way through treatment. I know of ladies who completed all 6 cycles of chemo and had surgery after that.
Good luck.
Ann x